查看完整版本: 樹鷚 -在污染的溪澗 Olive-backed Pipit at polluted stream

hetta 10/03/2008 18:32

樹鷚 -在污染的溪澗 Olive-backed Pipit at polluted stream

02, 04 Mar 2008 - 沙田-花心坑村 Shatin- Fa Sam Hang

在一條被垃圾污染及發出臭味的溪澗 A stream polluted by rubbish, it also smell.

樹鷚在垃圾旁邊 Olive-backed Pipit by the rubbish

垃圾尋罅 Between the rubbish

垃圾:膠瓶 Rubbish: Plastic bottle

垃圾:發泡膠 Rubbish: Foam


垃圾:膠袋 Rubbish: Plastic bag

hetta 10/03/2008 18:34

Olive-backed Pipit foraging between the rubbish







hetta 10/03/2008 18:35

長尾縫葉鶯 - 在垃圾污染的環境活動
Common Tailorbirds were seen active by the rubbish and polluted stream.




咬著植物 Carrying plant.

hetta 10/03/2008 18:36

污染的溪澗 The polluted stream

02 Mar 2008

04 Mar 2008

hetta 10/03/2008 18:39

在污染溪澗出現的鳥類 Birds seen by the polluted stream:

02 Mar 2008
樹鷚 Olive-backed Pipit x 3
長尾縫葉鶯 Common Tailorbird x 2
白鶺鴒 White Wagtail x 2

04 Mar 2008
樹鷚 Olive-backed Pipit x 1
長尾縫葉鶯 Common Tailorbird x 3
白鶺鴒 White Wagtail x 1
鵲鴝 Oriental Magpie Robin x 1

Ken 10/03/2008 19:14

same polluted stream

A lame White-breasted Waterhen



hetta 10/03/2008 22:55

Thanks for posting the photos.

On my 25 Dec 2007 visit, I saw the White-breasted Waterhen and Oriental Magpie Robin as well.

I'd reported this environment pollution to the government hotline (1823) and the case would be transferred to relevant department.
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查看完整版本: 樹鷚 -在污染的溪澗 Olive-backed Pipit at polluted stream