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gary 6/07/2008 00:15

Fuzhou Minjiang estuary

Just had a visit to Minjiang estuary at Fuzhou, I were surprised by the present of abundant waterbirds at late June.
After 4 days of birdwatching, I have some counts of waterbirds:

Great Egret
Little Egret
Oriental Pratincole x 4
Black-tailed Gull x 10
Pied Kingfisher x 1
Common Kingfisher x 1
Chinese Crested Tern x 1
Greater Crested Tern x 37
Whiskered Tern
White-winged Black Tern
Little Tern
Gull-billed Tern
Common Sandpiper
Terek Sandpiper
Kentish Plover
Sanderling (as shown on other thread)
Temminck's Stint x 4 (at some ponds behind the shore)
Little Ringed Plover x 6 (at some ponds behind the shore)
Red Shank x 10
Greenshank x 15
Greater Sandplover x 650
Lesser Sandplover x 2
Whimbrel x 15
Eurasian Curlew
Spot-billed Duck ([i]Anas poecilorhyncha[/i])

With more than than 2000 waterbirds at a beach in summer, I really wonder how many it could hold at migratory season. Birdwatching at the area is not as comfortable as we get at Mai Po, but this place definitely worth a visit, especially when you find Spoon-billed Sandpiper and Chinese Crested Tern using this habitat.


[[i] Last edited by cgary at 6/07/2008 00:30 [/i]]

jemi 6/07/2008 11:10

Some Photos

Common Pheasant  雉雞
Fuzhou, Fujian  福建福州
Summer 2008 夏
1dm3 400mm f/5.6, 1.4x
AV 1/800s ISO 400

Greater Sand Plover  Charadrius leschenaultii  鐵嘴沙鴴
Fuzhou, Fujian  福建福州
Summer 2008 夏
1dm3 400mm f/5.6
AV 1/8000s  ISO 400

Greater Sand Plover  Charadrius leschenaultii  鐵嘴沙鴴
Fuzhou, Fujian  福建福州
Summer 2008 夏
1dm3 400mm f/5.6
AV 1/8000s  ISO 400

Greater Sand Plover  Charadrius leschenaultii  鐵嘴沙鴴
Fuzhou, Fujian  福建福州
Summer 2008 夏
1dm3 400mm f/5.6
AV 1/8000s  ISO 400

Greater Sand Plover  Charadrius leschenaultii  鐵嘴沙鴴
Fuzhou, Fujian  福建福州
Summer 2008 夏
1dm3 400mm f/5.6
AV 1/8000s  ISO 400

Black-winged Kite 黑翅鳶
Fuzhou, Fujian  福建福州
Summer 2008 夏
1dm3 400mm f/5.6, 1.4x
AV 1/2000s ISO 400

Black-winged Kite 黑翅鳶
Fuzhou, Fujian  福建福州
Summer 2008 夏
1dm3 400mm f/5.6, 1.4x
AV 1/1600s ISO 400

Black-winged Kite 黑翅鳶
Fuzhou, Fujian  福建福州
Summer 2008 夏
1dm3 400mm f/5.6, 1.4x
AV 1/2000s ISO 400

Long-tailed Shrike 棕背伯勞
Fuzhou, Fujian  福建福州
Summer 2008 夏
1dm3 400mm f/5.6, 1.4x
AV 1/800s ISO 400

Long-tailed Shrike 棕背伯勞
Fuzhou, Fujian  福建福州
Summer 2008 夏
1dm3 400mm f/5.6, 1.4x
AV 1/800s ISO 400

jemi 6/07/2008 11:33

A successful "twitch" of the Critically Endangered Chinese Crested Tern.

OBC Bulletin 32 described the rediscovery of this species in the  summer of 2000, by researchers on the Taiwan-controlled Matsu Islands  off the Chinese coast.  There is also a note in Birding Asia 2 about a Chinese Crested Tern being seen at Chongming Island, near Shanghai in  September 2004. More details about Chinese Crested Terns breeding on the Matsu Islands are in Birding Asia 6.

In recent summers Chinese Crested Terns have been regularly recorded - along with Great Crested Terns and hundreds of waders - on the  sandbars at the mouth of the Min River, near Fuzhou, Fujian Province.

This area is only about 30 kilometres west of the Matsu Islands.
Chinese photographer  CHEN Lin (陳林) won a prize in the "2008 Rare  Birds Yearbook" competition with a shot of mating Chinese Crested Terns taken at the mouth of the Min River.  Some great pictures taken this summer by other Chinese photographers can be seen on the Fujian Bird Watching society website (text in chinese) here :



The tern site is less than 20 km from Fuzhou Airport, but some muddy paddling is necessary and telescope is a must to get a good views.

The Fujian Bird Watching Society would be pleased to guide more visitors (both Chinese and foreign) to the Min River Estuary and other sites in the province. Their intent is to demonstrate the importance of Chinese Crested Tern to local officials and to raise funds for more  more surveys of the Fujian coastline.  Anyone interested in a visit  may contact English-speaking LIN Chen (林晨)  "Forest Morning"  - of the FJBWS at email <[email]buguy@163.com[/email]>  <[email]332622060@qq.com[/email]> or Mobile (86)-13799370893 for more details.

較早前在褔建褔州閩江河口沙洲成功觀賞到「極危」的 黑嘴端鳳頭燕鷗。

東方鳥會通訊第32期,敘述2000年夏季,一群硏究調查員在 台灣馬袓島嶼再發現黑嘴端鳳頭燕鷗踪跡。 亞洲觀鳥雜誌(前東方鳥會通訊)第2期亦刋載了在2004 年9月份在上海崇明島也有黑嘴端鳳頭燕鷗記錄。 在亞洲觀鳥雜誌第6期有較詳細的黑嘴端鳳頭燕鷗在馬袓島嶼繁殖報告。

近年的夏季,在褔建褔州閩江河口沙洲有數以百或千計數量的涉禽,黑嘴端鳳頭燕鷗經常被發現在大鳳頭燕鷗及其他燕鷗群中出沒。 這河口沙洲地帶與東面的馬袓島嶼相距約30公里。  褔建攝影師 ﹣ 陳林先生在閩江河口沙洲成功拍攝一對黑嘴端鳳頭燕鷗交配情景的相片贏得 2008年稀有鳥類年鑑獎項。






褔建觀鳥會十分樂意讓更多國內外賞鳥者到褔建褔州及其他地方觀鳥。 希望可使當地政府關注重視黑嘴端鳳頭燕鷗,籌募經費在褔建沿海作更多更全面的調查。
有興趣到褔建的鳥友可與 褔建觀鳥會外聯部 林晨先生聯絡  電郵:<[email]buguy@163.com[/email]>  <[email]332622060@qq.com[/email]> 手機:(86)-13799370893。

[[i] Last edited by wjemi at 7/07/2008 08:48 [/i]]

yyattung 6/07/2008 13:00

Certainly this site is a good site for Spoon-billed Sandpiper and Chinese Crested Tern. Dalmatian Pelican and Black-faced Spoonbill also regularly turn up in this site!!

cchristina 6/07/2008 19:36

Jun 2008
Fuzhou, China
Greater Crested Tern 大鳳頭燕鷗[/size][/b]




Whiskered Tern (Juv) 鬚浮鷗 (幼鳥)[/size][/b]


Gull-billed Tern (Juv) 鷗咀噪鷗 (幼鳥)[/size][/b]

[b][size=3]Black-winged Kite in Hoving 黑翅鳶 [/size][/b]



[b][size=3]Spot-billed Duck (Juv) 斑咀鴨 (幼鳥)[/size][/b]

Collared Finchbill 領雀咀鵯[/size][/b]

Slaty-backed Forktail 灰背燕尾[/size][/b]

[[i] Last edited by cchristina at 9/07/2008 23:12 [/i]]

cchristina 10/07/2008 13:48

[b][size=3]Probable White-faced Plover (白臉鴴)[/size][/b]



HKBWS Bonnie 21/07/2008 11:57


A sad news about the Chinese Crested-tern from the Fujian Bird Watching Society (in Chinese) 3551em011445

HKBWS Bonnie 22/07/2008 11:41

[quote]Original posted by [i]Membership[/i] at 21/07/2008 11:57 [url=http://www.hkbws.org.hk/BBS/redirect.php?goto=findpost&pid=12396&ptid=5413][img]http://www.hkbws.org.hk/BBS/images/common/back.gif[/img][/url]

A sad news about the Chinese Crested-tern from the Fujian Bird Watch ... [/quote]

[size=4]關於呢個黑嘴端既下喙被塑膠垃圾卡住的情況, 大陸的鳥友想問下大家有無d乜嘢可以幫到隻雀既辦法, 你地有無意見呀?
About the situation where the lower mandible of the Chinese Crested-tern got stuck by a rubbish (a foam?), birders in Fujian wanted to ask how they can help this bird. Do you have any opinions? 3551y31445[/size]

深藍-Owen 22/07/2008 13:08



jemi 22/07/2008 16:19

黑嘴端撐著啊! 希望你能化險為夷。:L
Best wishes to the Chinese Crested Tern!
Hope you can escape danger!  :L

cgeoff 23/07/2008 10:50

You may be interested to learn that on 20th July we saw 20 Chinese Crested Terns at the Taiwanese breeding island, where this unfortunate bird was first noted. This total comprised 17 ads and 3 juvs, and is the highest ever count of the species.

The distance between the breeding island and the area where these birds are seen on the Mainland appears to be about 30-35km. The sighting of this bird with something on its bill confirms what we all assumed, that the same individuals are involved.


[[i] Last edited by cgeoff at 23/07/2008 10:58 [/i]]

cgeoff 23/07/2008 11:16

Anybody considering trapping this bird should be very careful about landing on the island, as this will cause massive disturbance and might lead to colony abandonment (as might have happened recently in HK when fishermen landed on an island). I find it difficult to see how this bird could be trapped at or near the breeding colony.

The best option for catching this bird is likely to be on the Mainland, on the sand flats near Fuzhou. As the bird weakens, assuming it does, over the next few days it will need to find somewhere it can rest permanently, on land. If this is at the beach near Fuzhou, it might be possible to walk up to it and pick it up, take the item off and rehabilitate it with water and food over a couple of days.

However, this would require patience, people out looking for the bird and a lot of luck!


[[i] Last edited by cgeoff at 23/07/2008 11:28 [/i]]
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