查看完整版本: 請問是否小鴉鵑? Lesser Coucal

fkm 23/10/2008 12:14

請問是否小鴉鵑? Lesser Coucal

Saw this bird this morning...about 70m away and behind some thick tree trunks. Not quite like the Greater Coucal but is it the Lesser Coucal or a juvenile Greater? Please help identify.

Pictured 23 October 2008 in Discovery Bay, Lantau.

ajohn 23/10/2008 12:20

It's a juvenile Greater - coincidentally cross-posted as I was commenting on another bird!

fkm 25/10/2008 00:18

Thank you very much Ajohn for your information!

The Lesser Coucal does look markedly different from the Greater on those photos. Problem is they looks much more similar on the book! :(
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查看完整版本: 請問是否小鴉鵑? Lesser Coucal