查看完整版本: 為保留黑臉琵鷺棲息地的網上簽名活動 Online petition for BFS

HKBWS Bonnie 7/08/2009 09:55

為保留黑臉琵鷺棲息地的網上簽名活動 Online petition for BFS

[color=Blue]This is a message from a Japanese NGO named Wetland Forum. Please sign to support the protection of an important stopover and wintering site for many migratory water birds in Hakata Bay, Fukuoka. The deadline is [b]31st August[/b].[/color]

Hello from Hakata Bay, Japan.

I hope things are going well with all the Forum members.

I am writing on behalf of a Japanese NGO named Wetland Forum.

The NGO is asking for your help in protecting an important stopover and wintering site for many migratory water birds in Hakata Bay, Fukuoka, which is situated along the East Asia and Australasia Flyway.

It is a call for protecting not a natural wetland, but a temporary wetland that appeared during the process of a reclamation work.

It may sound odd, but as long as the temporary wetlands are supporting larger populations of shorebirds than the contiguous natural tidal flat and one of the largest flocks of the endangered Black-faced spoonbills wintering in Japan, the NGO regards it necessary to secure the habitat for them.

The NGO is submitting a formal petition to the mayor and the city council of Fukuoka through the good offices of one of the city council members, and this may be the last opportunity the NGO can do something about that wetland.

You can get an overview and petition letter, and sign the petition online via the following website.


Thank you very much for your concern.

Hope you have a good summer.

Best regards,

Manami Ikeda


Japan Wetlands Action Network
Ramsar Network Japan

anncheung0831 8/02/2011 10:38

From the online resource:
[quote]籌 120萬留住黑臉琵鷺
【本報訊】米埔自然保護區近年為應付內地急促發展引發的淤泥積聚問題,需不斷進行生境修復工程,負責管理保護區的世界自然基金會( WWF)將於下月 12日舉辦觀鳥大賽,冀籌款 120萬元,作修復四號管理區之用,避免這片濕地環境惡化,令全球瀕危的黑臉琵鷺「買少見少」。基金會促政府每年增撥款至 600萬元,以示對保護本港重要自然景觀的承擔。

鄭定基指保護區每年的管理經費達 600多萬元,基金會每年要補貼約 300萬元,「靠籌款、贊助,成日掹掹緊」,如情況冇改善,部份修復工程需押後,「咁生態環境會惡化,黑臉琵鷺可能唔會再嚟」。
基金會行政總裁龐毅理希望漁護署今明兩年的撥款,由現時每年 140萬元,增至 600萬元,之後下調至每年 350萬元,再按所需工程調整。
基金會舉辦的觀鳥大賽,正是主要收入來源,當中 10隊參賽隊伍需各自籌款,部份已有大企業贊助,如在比賽當日 12小時內觀察到最多品種雀鳥,便成為全場總冠軍,另設籌款個人之冠等大獎。


It is believed that raising fund for BFS is very important for the conservation of this endangered species.
How can we raise more fund for BFS?
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查看完整版本: 為保留黑臉琵鷺棲息地的網上簽名活動 Online petition for BFS