查看完整版本: Long Valley Autumn 2009

kmike 7/09/2009 20:21

Long Valley Autumn 2009

Another good evening in Long Valley, especially now that a cool, dry easterly breeze has knocked the humidity down into the 70s.

As before, my main target was the waders, which were as enjoyable as ever. Who would complain about 18 [b]Black-winged Stilt[/b], 30+ [b]Wood Sandpipers[/b], 6 [b]Green Sand[/b], 5 [b]Swintail Snipe[/b], 3 [b]LRPs[/b], a [b]Common Sandpiper[/b], 2 [b]Greater Painted-snipe[/b], and 2 [b]Long-toed Stints[/b], all moving between four or five small grass-fringed shallow ponds?

However, since this was about the same as last time, without anysubstantial change in numbers or composition, it was good to enjoy afew other migrants as well.

Honours for best bird were shared between the [b]Hobby[/b] that zipped through very low, but did not linger and a very stripey juvenile [b]Yellow Bittern[/b] which I came across perched on top of some water hyacinth in the the gathering gloom. Other new arrivals included about 10 [b]Yellow Wagtails[/b] and an [b]Oriental Reed Warbler[/b].

Mike K

kmike 8/09/2009 09:21

One other thing worth mentioing from my visit - I got bitten by Red Fire Ants along the bund to the north of the managed ponds at the eastern end of Long Valley - so watch where you step. I also kicked off the top of another nest by mistake, but none of them got onto me.

The bites are itching nicely.


HKBWS Vicky 8/09/2009 16:32

Thank you so much for your report, Mike!
The Red Fire Ant problem is getting serious in Long Valley. We have got some insecticidal baits from AFCD and will start the Red Fire Ant control very soon.
The itchy feeling will last for quite a long time (my experience is 1 month).

pchunchiu 24/09/2009 15:57

24/09/2009 Morning
A good collection of waders in Ho Sheung Heung agricultural lands seen today:
Long-toed Stint x 2
Common Snipe x 1
Swintail Snipe x 1
Black-winged Stilt x 1
Little Ring Plover x 26

Allen 24/09/2009 21:21

24.9.2009 Afternoon
Some old friends have come back Long Valley...3551873d93aa445
Siberian Stonechat x 1
Richard's Pipit x 1
Yellow Wagtail x 6

shey 28/09/2009 10:56

28-Sep-09 morning

Buttonquail sp. 1
Oriental Reed Warbler 1

shey 2/10/2009 20:55

2-Oct-09 Morning

Pallas's Grasshopper Warbler x2
Oriental Reed Warbler x1

And it was really nice to see a ringed Wood Sandpiper.

[[i] Last edited by shey at 2/10/2009 20:58 [/i]]

ajohn 3/10/2009 16:52

Interesting. We have not flagged any Wood sandpiper at Long VAlley, so this must be a bird which has moved from Mai Po or Kam Tin.

Tony 6/10/2009 12:59

Red-collared Dove x 1
Common Teal x 2
Oriental Reed Warbler x 2
Greater-painted Snipe x 4
Little-ringed Plover x 55

HKBWS Vicky 7/10/2009 15:51

A good day for LV bird survey this morning:

Yellow-breasted Bunting x10 (most of them were found feeding on rice that we've planted)
Japanese Quail x2
Common Teal x7
Spot-billed Duck x1
Several Red-throated Pipits as well~

pchunchiu 7/10/2009 19:23

Some additions to Ho Sheung Heung Agricultural Lands today (7th Oct 2009):
Yellow-billed Grosbeak x 27
Brown Shrike x 1

shey 9/10/2009 12:01

9-Oct-09 morning
Yellow-breasted Bunting x 1
Citrine Wagtail x 2
Black-browed Reed Warbler x 1
Red Turtle Dove x 1

kmike 10/10/2009 22:27

Today at Long Valley was a good mix of migrants

2 [b]Japanese Quail[/b]
4 [b]Yellow-breasted Buntings [/b]were popular with the photographers - another success of the ricge now being grown under the management agreement!
1 [b]Buff-bellied Pipit[/b] in with the Red-throated's and Yellow Wagtails
a female [b]Citrine Wagtail[/b] at Ho Sheung Heung was phtographed by Koel Ko.


Mike K

thinfor 11/10/2009 13:44

Birding time 觀鳥時間: 1600-1800, 10Oct09

Sunny, 25-30C, occasional breeze

018 Little Egret 小白鷺
022 Chinese Pond Heron 池鷺
067 Black Kite 黑鳶 (麻鷹)
[b]089 Japanese Quail 鵪鶉  x2[/b]
101 White-breasted Waterhen 白胸苦惡鳥
107 Black-winged Stilt 黑翅長腳鷸
116 Little Ringed Plover 金眶鴴
134 Wood Sandpiper 林鷸
144 Common Snipe 扇尾沙錐
194 Spotted Dove 珠頸斑鳩
226 Little Swift 小白腰雨燕
230 White-throated Kingfisher 白胸翡翠
251 Barn Swallow 家燕
255 Yellow Wagtail 黃鶺鴒
258 White Wagtail 白鶺鴒
[b]259 Citrine Wagtail 黃頭鶺鴒  x1F[/b]
261 Red-throated Pipit 紅喉鷚
270 Red-whiskered Bulbul 紅耳鵯
272 Sooty-headed Bulbul 白喉紅臀鵯  x2
279 Long-tailed Shrike 棕背伯勞
287 Oriental Magpie Robin 鵲鴝
292 Common Stonechat 黑喉石(即鳥)
349 Dusky Warbler 褐柳鶯
397 Japanese White-eye 暗綠繡眼鳥
[b]406 Yellow-breasted Bunting 黃胸鵐  x2[/b]
420 White-rumped Munia 白腰文鳥
421 Scaly-breasted Munia 斑文鳥
424 Eurasian Tree Sparrow 樹麻雀
433 Black-collared Starling 黑領椋鳥
436 Crested Myna 八哥
438 Black Drongo 黑卷尾
444 Common Magpie 喜鵲
448 Collared Crow 白頸鴉  x2

[[i] Last edited by thinfor at 11/10/2009 23:08 [/i]]

kkoel 15/10/2009 11:58

14/10 Wed afternoon 1500 - 1800

Red Turtle Dove x4
Pheasant-tailed Jacana x1
Japanese Quail x1
Painted Snipe x1

kmike 18/10/2009 06:20

Yesterday at LV

Marsh Sandpiper x 2
Yellow-breasted Bunting

Mike K

HKBWS Vicky 19/10/2009 11:17

16 Oct Afternoon
Citrine Wagtail x1
Grey-headed Lapwing x1
Japanese Quail x1
Marsh Sandpiper x2

shey 23/10/2009 12:01

There were several nice birds this morning.
Citrine Wagtail x 1
Dunlin x 1
Yellow breasted Bunting x 3
Chestnut-eared Bunting x 1
Japanese Quail x 2
Pheasant-tailed Jacana x 1
Oriental Reed Warbler x 2

pchunchiu 23/10/2009 13:01

23-Oct-09 Morning
Some other notable sightings in Ho Sheung Heung:
Common Buzzard x 1
Black-browed Reed Warbler x 3
Greater Painted Snipe x 1
Red-throated Flycatcher x 3

thinfor 26/10/2009 17:48

24Oct09 1230-1400
Yellow breasted Bunting x 2+
Japanese Quail x 2
Dusky Warbler

bkenneth 26/10/2009 20:54

26 Oct 1600-1800 hours

Yellow-breasted Bunting x 3
Black-headed Bunting x 1
Japanese Quail x 1
Watercock x 1 (female)
Chestnut Bunting x 2
Japanese Bush Warbler x 1 (reeds near marshy area)
Yellow Bittern x 1 (marsh)


nlinyau 27/10/2009 02:55

26 Oct
Woodcock x 1  ,seen after sunset

shey 27/10/2009 11:47

27 Oct 09 Morning.

Chestnut-eared Bunting x 1
Yellow breasted Bunting > 4
Slaty-breasted Rail x 1
Black-browed Reed Warbler x 1
Black-faced Bunting x 1
Japanese Quail x 1
Pheasant-tailed Jacana x 1
Temmick's Stint x 4


pchunchiu 29/10/2009 17:35

29/10/2009 Morning at Ho Sheung Heung agricultural farmlands:
Pheasant-tailed Jacana x 1
Black-browed Reed Warbler x 1
Common Buzzard x 1

shey 29/10/2009 23:26

29Oct09 morning at Long Valley
Chestnut-eared Bunting x1
Black-headed Bunting x1
Pheasant-tailed Jacana x2
Black-browed Reed Warbler x1
Japanese Quail x1


thinfor 30/10/2009 00:20

Birding time 觀鳥時間: 1400-1730, 29Oct09

Sunny, 25-30C

014 Grey Heron 蒼鷺
016 Great Egret 大白鷺
018 Little Egret 小白鷺
022 Chinese Pond Heron 池鷺
067 Black Kite 黑鳶 (麻鷹)
101 White-breasted Waterhen 白胸苦惡鳥  x1
103 Common Moorhen 黑水雞  x3
106 Greater Painted-snipe 彩鷸  x1F
107 Black-winged Stilt 黑翅長腳鷸
134 Wood Sandpiper 林鷸
136 Common Sandpiper 磯鷸
144 Common Snipe 扇尾沙錐
194 Spotted Dove 珠頸斑鳩
209 Greater Coucal 褐翅鴉鵑  (heard)
226 Little Swift 小白腰雨燕
251 Barn Swallow 家燕
252 Red-rumped Swallow 金腰燕  x2
255 Yellow Wagtail 黃鶺鴒
258 White Wagtail 白鶺鴒
259 Richard's Pipit 田鷚
261 Red-throated Pipit 紅喉鷚
270 Red-whiskered Bulbul 紅耳鵯
271 Chinese Bulbul 白頭鵯
272 Sooty-headed Bulbul 白喉紅臀鵯  x1
279 Long-tailed Shrike 棕背伯勞
287 Oriental Magpie Robin 鵲鴝
292 Common Stonechat 黑喉石(即鳥)
346 Plain Prinia 純色山鷦鶯(褐頭鷦鶯)
349 Dusky Warbler 褐柳鶯
358 Zitting Cisticola 棕扇尾鶯  x1
[b]401 Chestnut-eared Bunting 栗耳鵐(赤胸鵐)  x1[/b]
[b]406 Yellow-breasted Bunting 黃胸鵐  3+[/b]
[b]408 Black-headed Bunting 黑頭鵐  x3[/b]
[b]410 Black-faced Bunting 灰頭鵐  x1[/b]
421 Scaly-breasted Munia 斑文鳥
424 Eurasian Tree Sparrow 樹麻雀
433 Black-collared Starling 黑領椋鳥
436 Crested Myna 八哥
438 Black Drongo 黑卷尾
444 Common Magpie 喜鵲
448 Collared Crow 白頸鴉  x2

Some of the photos:
Black-faced Bunting

Black-headed Bunting


Chestnut-eared Bunting (poor quality)

Common Snipe and Greater Painted Snipe

Sooty-headed Bulbul

Yellow-breasted Bunting

Yellow Wagtail and Red-throated Pipit

[[i] Last edited by thinfor at 30/10/2009 00:26 [/i]]

ckuifai 30/10/2009 23:03

Japanese Sparrowhawk 日本 松雀鷹




pchunchiu 10/11/2009 13:10

10/11/2009 Morning in Ho Sheung Heung
Black-browed Reed Warbler x 1
Common Buzzard x 1
Red-throated Flycatcher x 1
[b]Buff-bellied Pipit x 1[/b]

shey 10/11/2009 17:47

10/11/2009 Morning in Long Valley
Black-headed Bunting x1
Yellow-breasted Bunting x3
Black-browed Reed Warbler x1
Lanceolated Warbler x1
Japanese Quail x1

Tony 16/11/2009 01:39

14/11/2009 morning

Black-faced Spoonbill Imm x 1 stay feeding for at least one hour.
Yellow-breasted Bunting x 3
Common Teal x 3
Spotted Redshank x 1

[[i] Last edited by Tony at 16/11/2009 01:40 [/i]]

HKBWS Vicky 16/11/2009 10:29

wow~ hope the Spoonbills will come back to LV every year!!3551873d93aa445

Tony 19/11/2009 10:56

LV 18/11/2009 morning

Chestnut-eared Bunting x 1
Common Teal x 14
Common Greenshank x 3
Greater Painted-snipe x 2

kmike 21/11/2009 22:30

Some interesting birds at LV today:

Shoveler - 1
Garganey - 1
Greater Painted-snipe - 1
Pacific Golden Plover - 1
Red-rumped Swallow - 1
Red-throated Flycatcher - 3
Black-headed Bunting - 1

Mike K

HKBWS Vicky 23/11/2009 11:51

20 Nov morning
Red-rumped Swallow x 2 (at least)
Common Teal x 14

Still couldn't find the Black-headed Bunting.

shey 24/11/2009 12:44

24Nov09 morning.

Black-headed Bunting x 1
Little Bunting x 3
Black-faced Bunting x 2
Avocet x 3
Black-browed Reed Warbler x 1

And a Paddyfield Warbler was seen. Chiu took some photos and he will post it soon. Any comment on its identification is welcomed. Thanks very much!


pchunchiu 24/11/2009 12:47

24/11/09 morning in Ho Sheung Heung:
Radde's Warbler x 1
Wryneck x 1
Scarlet Minivet x 1

shey 24/11/2009 13:08

The location of the (possible) Paddyfield Warbler:

There are a field with tall grass (some are over >2m) growing on the west of the two Lily ponds closest to Yin King, and the bird was seen on the south (Yin Kong) side of the tall grass field where there are some water spinach adjecent to those tall grass.

Hope I made it clear! Thanks!


Beetle 24/11/2009 13:55

Can't find the Paddyfield warbler in late morning (9:30-12:30)3551cry445

-Ruddy-breasted Crake
-Bluethroat x2
-Yellow-breasted Bunting
-Red-rumped Swallow

shey 27/11/2009 10:30

LongValley 27Nov09 morning
Little Bunting x 3
Black-faced Bunting x 4
Bluethroat x 2
Citrine Wagtail x 1
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