查看完整版本: 星公鳥 Singapore Garden Birds

hpippen 2/12/2009 22:12

星公鳥 Singapore Garden Birds

3551875328cc445  超級感謝Jz領隊,車仔聯絡,大老板照著...
3551sweat445  只係短遊幾天,全部都係果便公園普通野...

Brown-throated Sunbird 棕喉太陽鳥



Crimson Sunbird 黃腰太陽鳥







Olive-Backed Sunbird 黄腹花蜜鳥






Little Spiderhunter 長嘴捕蛛鳥



Coppersmith Barbet 赤胸擬啄木


Large-tailed Nightjar 長尾夜鷹



3551em011445  見到自己..


Laced Woodpecker 花腹綠啄木鳥


Greater Racket-tailed Drongo 大盤尾


Hodgson's Hawk Cuckoo 棕腹杜鵑


Scarlet-Backed Flowerpecker 朱背啄花鳥


White-Collared Kingfisher 白領翡翠


Black-naped Oriole 黑枕黃鸝


gary 2/12/2009 23:59


Andiona 3/12/2009 00:59

3551004445 靚得好利害 3551004445

ypakwai 3/12/2009 07:38


Happy Birthday 生日快樂3551f6eb47d3445

John Holmes 3/12/2009 09:42

Singapore Birds


Great photos...

I want "Singapore birds" in MY garden !


butter 3/12/2009 13:22

what? they're not in the zoos but the city parks, wow! Superb!
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查看完整版本: 星公鳥 Singapore Garden Birds