
Activities 活動

    Subject Author Replies/Views Last Post
  [Outing] Tai Po Kau Outing 大埔滘觀鳥活動 HKBWS WY 25/10/2007 4 / 9250 25/10/2007 17:42 by HKBWS WY
  [Others 其他] Conservation of Black-faced Spoonbill in Asia 亞洲的黑臉琵鷺保育工作 mcarrie 23/10/2007 0 / 7848 23/10/2007 23:44 by mcarrie
  [Outing] Mai Po Nature Reserve Outing 米埔自然保護區觀鳥活動 HKBWS WY 18/10/2007 4 / 9682 18/10/2007 10:49 by HKBWS WY
  [Indoor] Project Management 項目管理 HKBWS WY 17/10/2007 0 / 7785 17/10/2007 16:34 by HKBWS WY
  [Indoor] The biggest birdwatching society in the World-RSPB 舉世最大的觀鳥會 – 英國皇 HKBWS WY 5/10/2007 0 / 7583 5/10/2007 17:32 by HKBWS WY
  [Outing] Long Valley Outing  塱原觀鳥活動 HKBWS WY 3/10/2007 4 / 9519 3/10/2007 18:16 by HKBWS WY
  [Outing] Mai Po Nature Reserve Outing 米埔自然保護區觀鳥活動 HKBWS WY 3/10/2007 1 / 7070 3/10/2007 17:56 by HKBWS WY
  [Outing] Kadoorie Farm & Botanic Garden 嘉道理農場暨植物園觀鳥活動 HKBWS WY 24/09/2007 3 / 9211 24/09/2007 18:57 by HKBWS WY
  [Outing] Mai Po Nature Reserve Outing 米埔自然保護區觀鳥活動 HKBWS WY 24/09/2007 1 / 7629 24/09/2007 18:28 by HKBWS WY
  [Outing] Tsim Bei Tsui Outing 尖鼻咀觀鳥活動 Attachment HKBWS WY 24/09/2007 2 / 10877 24/09/2007 17:58 by HKBWS WY
  [Others 其他] Wetland Exploration Series: Owls and Nightbirds 濕地探索系列: 貓頭鷹與晚間 HKBWS WY 24/09/2007 0 / 8600 24/09/2007 12:47 by HKBWS WY
  [Outing] Tai Po Kau Outing 大埔滘觀鳥活動 HKBWS WY 20/09/2007 2 / 8369 20/09/2007 15:30 by HKBWS WY
  [Others 其他] 觀鳥訓練證書課程初班 Elementary Bird Watching Course for Beginners (in Canto HKBWS WY 18/09/2007 17 / 17977 18/09/2007 17:52 by HKBWS WY
  [Others 其他] Field Trip to Long Valley & Mai Po Nature Reserve ceva 6/09/2007 0 / 7734 6/09/2007 16:50 by ceva
  [Indoor] August Monthly Gathering 八月份毎月聚會 - Cancelled 取消 fforrest 21/08/2007 0 / 7197 21/08/2007 15:44 by fforrest
  [Others 其他] 2007 Seosan International Birdwatching Festival HKBWS WY 16/08/2007 0 / 6790 16/08/2007 15:17 by HKBWS WY
  [Outing] Tai Mo Shan Outing 大帽山觀鳥活動 fforrest 4/08/2007 0 / 7532 4/08/2007 02:16 by fforrest
  [Others 其他] Genies from the Sea – Learning about the Terns of Hong Kong 海上的精靈 – 香 mcarrie 25/06/2007 0 / 7446 25/06/2007 22:52 by mcarrie
  [Others 其他] Workshop on "Restoration, creation and enhancement of wetlands in HK& ceva 20/06/2007 0 / 7050 20/06/2007 10:40 by ceva
  [Outing] Mirs Bay/Tap Mun Boat Trip 大鵬灣及西貢東部水域海上觀鳥活動 fforrest 19/06/2007 2 / 9458 19/06/2007 19:55 by fforrest
  [Indoor] China/Overseas Trip Reports 中國內地/海外觀鳥報告 - South India & Saba fforrest 18/06/2007 0 / 7953 18/06/2007 00:44 by fforrest
  [Indoor] June Monthly Gathering 六月份毎月聚會 - Cancelled 取消 fforrest 18/06/2007 0 / 7312 18/06/2007 00:06 by fforrest
  [Others 其他] Seabird and fisheries - HKU seminar wcaptain 11/06/2007 3 / 10444 11/06/2007 11:21 by wcaptain
  [Others 其他] CHRISTMAS ISLAND BIRD WEEK cmichaell 7/06/2007 0 / 6844 7/06/2007 20:52 by cmichaell
  [Outing] Tai Mo Shan Outing 大帽山觀鳥活動 fforrest 13/05/2007 4 / 9747 13/05/2007 16:41 by fforrest
  [Indoor] China/Overseas Trip Reports 中國內地/海外觀鳥報告 - Uganda 烏干達 & Fr fforrest 13/05/2007 0 / 7633 13/05/2007 16:31 by fforrest
  [Others 其他] [Talk] Seabird Conservation in relations to fisheries and aquaculture 公開講座 chonki 5/05/2007 0 / 7200 5/05/2007 13:48 by chonki
  [Others 其他] A Private Organized Boat trip to HK Southern Waters on Saturday, May 5, 2007. jemi 4/05/2007 1 / 6965 4/05/2007 01:13 by jemi
  [Others 其他] Colours on Wings - Hong Kong Wild Birds Photo Contest 2006 hkwongkit 28/04/2007 0 / 8351 28/04/2007 19:43 by hkwongkit
  [Others 其他] A Special Public Lecture "Seabird conservation in relation to fisheri wgilman 28/04/2007 0 / 6759 28/04/2007 13:55 by wgilman
  [Others 其他] Tung Ping Chau Birding HKBWS WY 17/04/2007 0 / 7291 17/04/2007 17:11 by HKBWS WY
  [Indoor] Brief update on recent development of bird watching activities in China 中國內 fforrest 16/04/2007 0 / 7372 16/04/2007 23:28 by fforrest
  [Others 其他] 生態調查與錄像記錄 mcarrie 18/03/2007 0 / 7606 18/03/2007 22:20 by mcarrie
  [Indoor] ID of Birds (5): Seabird 鳥類辨識(5):海鳥 fforrest 10/03/2007 0 / 7658 10/03/2007 18:36 by fforrest
  [Indoor] Trip report to Singapore and India 海外觀鳥報告 ─ 新加坡 及 印度 fforrest 18/02/2007 0 / 8057 18/02/2007 09:24 by fforrest
  [Others 其他] 《觀鳥訓練證書課程中班》- 11/2/2007米埔戶外實習 hooooon 11/02/2007 1 / 9352 11/02/2007 23:17 by hooooon
  [Others 其他] Records 215 - Hong Kong Bird Watching Competition 2007「猜尋呈215」第五屆香港 Attachment HKBWS WY 10/02/2007 16 / 22310 10/02/2007 17:20 by HKBWS WY
  [Others 其他] 想請問今年既「猜尋呈 215 - 觀鳥記錄比賽 2007」幾時接受報名呀? Thanks! (nt) Sze 8/02/2007 0 / 7412 8/02/2007 00:11 by Sze
  2007年2月4日觀看麻鷹活動 Attachment ckacheung 5/02/2007 8 / 10341 5/02/2007 06:07 by ckacheung
  [Outing] 06/5/2007 Mai Po Nature Reserve Outing 米埔自然保護區觀鳥活動 fforrest 27/01/2007 2 / 10492 27/01/2007 18:51 by fforrest
  [Outing] 22/4/2007 Mai Po Nature Reserve Outing 米埔自然保護區觀鳥活動 fforrest 27/01/2007 1 / 8817 27/01/2007 18:47 by fforrest
  [Outing] 08/4/2007 Mai Po Nature Reserve Outing 米埔自然保護區觀鳥活動 fforrest 27/01/2007 0 / 7675 27/01/2007 18:39 by fforrest
  [Outing] 01/4/2007 Po Toi & Lamma Channel Outing 蒲台及南丫峽觀鳥活動 fforrest 27/01/2007 0 / 7639 27/01/2007 18:06 by fforrest
  [Outing] 25/3/2007 Tai Sang Wai to Mai Po Outing 大生圍至米埔觀鳥活動 fforrest 27/01/2007 5 / 13484 27/01/2007 12:34 by fforrest
  [Outing] 18/3/2007 Po Toi & Lamma Channel Outing 蒲台及南丫峽觀鳥活動 fforrest 27/01/2007 0 / 7982 27/01/2007 11:36 by fforrest
  [Outing] 10/3/2007 Long Valley Outing 燕崗(塱原)觀鳥活動 fforrest 27/01/2007 0 / 8299 27/01/2007 10:37 by fforrest
  [Outing] 25/2/2007 Kadoorie Farm & Botanic Garden 嘉道理農場暨植物園觀鳥活動 fforrest 27/01/2007 7 / 13937 27/01/2007 09:39 by fforrest
  [Outing] 04/2/2007 KiteWatching 觀看麻鷹 fforrest 27/01/2007 0 / 8895 27/01/2007 09:11 by fforrest
  [Indoor] Trip report 海外觀鳥報告 Hokaido, Los Angeles & New York 北海道,洛杉磯 fforrest 15/01/2007 0 / 8879 15/01/2007 18:04 by fforrest
  [Others 其他] World Wetlands Day 2007 世界濕地日 2007 (27 Jan 2007) mcarrie 11/01/2007 2 / 10108 11/01/2007 11:05 by mcarrie
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