
Bird Identification 雀鳥辨識

    Subject Author Replies/Views Last Post
  Saker Falcon or??? Attachment HKBWS Vicky 15/08/2008 3 / 6737 15/08/2008 10:47 by nlinyau
  Northern Pintail ??? Attachment peregrine 12/08/2008 0 / 4908 12/08/2008 20:42 by peregrine
  Sexing Roseate Tern? 如何分辨粉紅燕鷗的性別? Attachment HFCheung 8/08/2008 3 / 6799 9/08/2008 09:11 by gary
  Id please . Redshank, Purple sandpiper or Lesser yellowleg?? lyatming 7/08/2008 2 / 7570 7/08/2008 23:25 by HFCheung
  白翅浮鷗OR鬚浮鷗 Attachment lkwokming 6/08/2008 2 / 9148 6/08/2008 10:56 by cchristina
  ID, please mike_leung 4/08/2008 2 / 5347 5/08/2008 08:06 by jemi
  Really a Roseate Tern? isaac_chan 28/07/2008 8 / 10886 3/08/2008 00:45 by Sze
  紅色嘴,紅色腳,尾巴很特別..是什麼鳥? Attachment waii888 24/07/2008 13 / 9745 25/07/2008 14:47 by HKBWS Vicky
  Baby Black-tailed Hawfinch or other bird? ctakming 19/07/2008 4 / 6705 21/07/2008 17:40 by ctakming
  What is this? msamuel 15/07/2008 1 / 5714 16/07/2008 09:45 by wcaptain
  Thrush Id msamuel 13/07/2008 1 / 5883 13/07/2008 18:04 by puppymic
  Dusky Warbler? isaac_chan 10/07/2008 2 / 7027 11/07/2008 23:08 by isaac_chan
  八聲杜鵑? lchunfai 7/07/2008 4 / 5943 10/07/2008 17:25 by lchunfai
  Please help id this msamuel 8/07/2008 3 / 6596 8/07/2008 23:15 by puppymic
  Warbler I.D. please? ypakwai 4/07/2008 2 / 5945 5/07/2008 16:00 by ypakwai
  Wader ID pls! (seen at Fuzhou, Fujian Province, China) jemi 3/07/2008 2 / 6374 4/07/2008 22:24 by jemi
  Warbler ID,pls Attachment cjacky 30/06/2008 3 / 6448 30/06/2008 15:12 by HFCheung
  Please help for ID Attachment cjacky 28/06/2008 6 / 6762 30/06/2008 12:23 by wgeoff
  Are they Yellow-legged Gulls or Heuglin's Gulls cywong 24/06/2008 2 / 6003 28/06/2008 23:36 by cywong
  Need help with question kmatthew 23/06/2008 3 / 6490 24/06/2008 00:08 by kmatthew
  Sooty Tern? wgeoff 19/06/2008 2 / 6155 19/06/2008 21:41 by wgeoff
  Warbler ID,pls twaiyi 18/06/2008 3 / 6520 19/06/2008 06:18 by wgeoff
  ID Please puppymic 17/06/2008 1 / 5708 17/06/2008 04:05 by wgeoff
  ID confirmation PLS hkinni 11/06/2008 2 / 5979 16/06/2008 22:44 by hkinni
  Pls help I.D twallace 18/05/2008 0 / 5150 18/05/2008 21:19 by twallace
  Please help for ID ctakming 17/05/2008 2 / 6169 17/05/2008 23:39 by ctakming
  flycatcher ID cyuyuen 17/05/2008 2 / 6380 17/05/2008 23:34 by cyuyuen
  Possible Far-Eastern Curlews fneil 14/05/2008 2 / 6623 14/05/2008 22:38 by fneil
  Warbler ID, please. james4j 11/05/2008 1 / 5662 11/05/2008 22:44 by james4j
  ID help hooooon 11/05/2008 1 / 6405 11/05/2008 22:34 by hooooon
  Raptor sp Attachment wgeoff 10/05/2008 6 / 8373 10/05/2008 23:11 by wgeoff
  brown shrike ID cyuyuen 3/05/2008 2 / 5859 3/05/2008 00:08 by cyuyuen
  Dark Morph Egret @ Macau lkatherine 2/05/2008 1 / 6745 2/05/2008 14:53 by lkatherine
  Bunting ID, please ! lharry 2/05/2008 1 / 6112 2/05/2008 14:34 by lharry
  Shearwater sp@01/05/2008 Attachment hpippen 2/05/2008 3 / 6555 2/05/2008 10:33 by hpippen
  Shearwater sp wgeoff 2/05/2008 1 / 6074 2/05/2008 05:43 by wgeoff
  Is this a Pomarine Skua? cywong 1/05/2008 2 / 6468 1/05/2008 23:07 by cywong
  Raptor ID? fsp 29/04/2008 2 / 6159 29/04/2008 01:06 by fsp
  Narcissus Flycatcher female? wleepoin 28/04/2008 2 / 7135 28/04/2008 22:26 by wleepoin
  Little Stint? ckn 27/04/2008 6 / 9643 27/04/2008 23:38 by ckn
  Help for ID, please. Golden Plover? ckn 27/04/2008 2 / 6449 27/04/2008 22:52 by ckn
  Please help ID? ypakwai 27/04/2008 3 / 6883 27/04/2008 18:59 by ypakwai
  Help, ID Please. ckn 27/04/2008 2 / 6173 27/04/2008 16:23 by ckn
  Martins at Mai Po today Beetle 26/04/2008 0 / 5111 26/04/2008 21:30 by Beetle
  is it possible to be the Pechora Pipit Beetle 26/04/2008 3 / 7264 26/04/2008 20:29 by Beetle
  Flycatcher id needed Beetle 24/04/2008 1 / 6137 24/04/2008 20:18 by Beetle
  Flycather ID Please! Attachment Sze 23/04/2008 2 / 6133 23/04/2008 21:41 by Sze
  Help for ID, please. hooooon 15/04/2008 2 / 7109 15/04/2008 19:11 by hooooon
  Common Buzzard ? hooooon 15/04/2008 3 / 8049 15/04/2008 07:03 by hooooon
  Red-necked / Grey Phalarope ??? wsimon 13/04/2008 1 / 6094 13/04/2008 23:42 by wsimon
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