
Conservation News 保育資訊

    Subject Author Replies/Views Last Post
  [Hong Kong] WWF Hong Kong Press Release : A New Bird Species for HK 米埔發現本港新鳥種:斑 WWF Mai Po 7/12/2007 0 / 7248 7/12/2007 20:48 by WWF Mai Po
  [Oversea] AEWA (African-Eurasian Waterbird Agreement) E-Newsletter: Issue #15 HKBWS Surveyor 4/12/2007 0 / 6002 4/12/2007 10:04 by HKBWS Surveyor
  [Oversea] Bali Climate Change Conference revives hope for tropical forests HKBWS Surveyor 4/12/2007 0 / 5829 4/12/2007 09:48 by HKBWS Surveyor
  [Hong Kong] 新界東北新發展區工程項目簡介 North East New Territories New Development Areas 深藍-Owen 3/12/2007 0 / 9739 3/12/2007 16:02 by 深藍-Owen
  [Oversea] American WatchList revealed HKBWS Surveyor 29/11/2007 0 / 5753 29/11/2007 15:03 by HKBWS Surveyor
  [Hong Kong] 銅鑼灣東廊維園出口有一群白鷺聚居 lchunfai 28/11/2007 0 / 6697 28/11/2007 22:15 by lchunfai
  [Oversea] Clean-up continues after California oil spill HKBWS Surveyor 23/11/2007 0 / 6022 23/11/2007 17:11 by HKBWS Surveyor
  [Hong Kong] Large number of illegal nets in the FCA 邊境禁區有大量非法捕鳥網 ajohn 22/11/2007 0 / 7196 22/11/2007 15:32 by ajohn
  [China] 中國觀鳥網絡論壇 Chinabirdnet forum HKBWS Vivian 22/11/2007 1 / 7614 22/11/2007 12:10 by HKBWS Vivian
  [China] Attachment HKBWS Vivian 22/11/2007 1 / 6665 22/11/2007 12:00 by HKBWS Vivian
  [Oversea] Red-footed Boobies at Xisha Islands, South China Sea 在西沙群島的紅腳鰹鳥 wcaptain 22/11/2007 0 / 6012 22/11/2007 11:55 by wcaptain
  [Oversea] Baltic Sea Action Plan overlooks oil pollution HKBWS Surveyor 16/11/2007 0 / 5774 16/11/2007 10:57 by HKBWS Surveyor
  [Oversea] Thousands of birds die in Black Sea Oil spill HKBWS Surveyor 14/11/2007 0 / 5767 14/11/2007 15:35 by HKBWS Surveyor
  [Oversea] World Cup airport will look out for Swallows HKBWS WY 10/11/2007 0 / 6447 10/11/2007 10:02 by HKBWS WY
  [Oversea] Vulture-killing drug licensed in Tanzania HKBWS WY 8/11/2007 0 / 6094 8/11/2007 16:22 by HKBWS WY
  [Oversea] Government of Cambodia declares Sarus Crane Reserve HKBWS WY 7/11/2007 0 / 6223 7/11/2007 14:07 by HKBWS WY
  [Oversea] Flamingo threat put on temporary hold HKBWS WY 7/11/2007 0 / 5942 7/11/2007 14:05 by HKBWS WY
  [Oversea] Judgement day for Africa flamingos HKBWS WY 7/11/2007 0 / 5698 7/11/2007 14:03 by HKBWS WY
  [Oversea] Vulture-killing drug now on sale in Africa HKBWS WY 1/11/2007 0 / 5774 1/11/2007 11:37 by HKBWS WY
  [China] Graduate opportunity in Shanghai 有人想來上海讀鳥類學的碩士嗎? cjimmy 25/10/2007 0 / 6247 25/10/2007 21:13 by cjimmy
  [Oversea] Africa's leading conservationists meet as chemical plant threatens three-quar HKBWS WY 17/10/2007 0 / 6094 17/10/2007 09:35 by HKBWS WY
  [Oversea] Schwarzenegger gets the lead out - protect the California Condor HKBWS WY 17/10/2007 0 / 6211 17/10/2007 09:30 by HKBWS WY
  [Oversea] Wetlands International - Global Newsletter - 15 October 2007 HKBWS WY 15/10/2007 0 / 6606 15/10/2007 19:35 by HKBWS WY
  [Oversea] Unique spoon-billed bird facing extinction HKBWS WY 11/10/2007 1 / 6852 11/10/2007 14:17 by HKBWS WY
  [Oversea] New agreement will lay "crucial foundations" for migratory b HKBWS WY 11/10/2007 0 / 6311 11/10/2007 09:41 by HKBWS WY
  [Oversea] Birds and people consulting the Partnership HKBWS WY 5/10/2007 0 / 5995 5/10/2007 19:48 by HKBWS WY
  [Oversea] 斑尾塍鷸創雀鳥連續飛行最遠紀錄 mbill 5/10/2007 0 / 7208 5/10/2007 00:37 by mbill
  [Oversea] E-Newsletter: African-Eurasian Waterbird Agreement HKBWS WY 3/10/2007 0 / 6389 3/10/2007 10:06 by HKBWS WY
  [Oversea] Migratory Bird & Wetland NewsLink Oct 2007 HKBWS WY 2/10/2007 0 / 6069 2/10/2007 15:15 by HKBWS WY
  [Hong Kong] 簷篷現雀屍 出動消防 Dead Bird Picked up by Firemen BWA 22/09/2007 1 / 7739 22/09/2007 06:21 by BWA
  [Oversea] Alarm-call for China's rarest bird 黑嘴端鳳頭燕鷗告急 HKBWS WY 21/09/2007 1 / 7303 21/09/2007 12:01 by HKBWS WY
  [Oversea] More birds than ever face extinction, but success stories highlight way forwar HKBWS WY 13/09/2007 0 / 5946 13/09/2007 09:29 by HKBWS WY
  [Oversea] Bar-tailed Godwit flies 11,500km non-stop wgeoff 12/09/2007 0 / 6492 12/09/2007 08:47 by wgeoff
  [Hong Kong] More dumping in the Buffalo Fields 錦田水牛田有更多非法棄置廢料 ajohn 7/09/2007 0 / 7133 7/09/2007 14:34 by ajohn
  [Oversea] Audubon New York: Mission - Migration Game 鳥類遷徙歷險遊戲 HKBWS WY 1/09/2007 0 / 5913 1/09/2007 10:33 by HKBWS WY
  [Oversea] Globally threatened birds pay for their sex HKBWS WY 30/08/2007 0 / 6158 30/08/2007 09:30 by HKBWS WY
  [China] Sad news - illegal hunting in Shanghai 上海有人非法捕鳥 cjimmy 23/08/2007 3 / 9671 23/08/2007 00:32 by cjimmy
  [Oversea] Contributing factors sought as Red Knot population plummets HKBWS WY 15/08/2007 0 / 6486 15/08/2007 09:47 by HKBWS WY
  [Hong Kong] 旅發局生態旅遊 下半年吸長途旅客 Green Tourism by HKTB BWA 11/08/2007 1 / 9490 11/08/2007 10:19 by BWA
  [Oversea] European conservation works: Research reveals successes of EU Birds Directive HKBWS WY 10/08/2007 0 / 6094 10/08/2007 10:18 by HKBWS WY
  [China] 中國特有鳥種海報 Poster of Chinese endemic bird species HKBWS Vivian 7/08/2007 0 / 6955 7/08/2007 17:43 by HKBWS Vivian
  [Oversea] Migratory Bird & Wetland NewsLink August 2007 Issue HKBWS WY 1/08/2007 0 / 6419 1/08/2007 10:37 by HKBWS WY
  [Hong Kong] Hit on Window ?  撞窗? BWA 26/07/2007 2 / 10847 26/07/2007 22:24 by BWA
  [Oversea] Roseate Terns, waterbirds and seabirds - Meeting on waterbirds wcaptain 24/07/2007 0 / 6327 24/07/2007 09:32 by wcaptain
  [China] BONELLI'S EAGLE in CHINA 收集中國白腹山雕的資料 cmichaell 21/07/2007 0 / 8865 21/07/2007 16:24 by cmichaell
  [Oversea] Show your Support to Restore Saemangeum 一人一電郵拯救韓國新萬錦濕地 BWA 21/07/2007 9 / 16109 21/07/2007 06:31 by BWA
  [Oversea] Dam raises global concerns over future of Fairy Pitta HKBWS WY 3/07/2007 0 / 6501 3/07/2007 10:10 by HKBWS WY
  [Hong Kong] LCQ12: Poaching activities carried out by illegal entrants 立法會十二題:非法入 Attachment wcaptain 28/06/2007 2 / 10375 28/06/2007 10:14 by wcaptain
  [Oversea] The Asia Waterbird Census newsletter No.13 HKBWS WY 27/06/2007 0 / 11177 27/06/2007 11:06 by HKBWS WY
  [Oversea] US common birds in shocking decline HKBWS WY 15/06/2007 0 / 11245 15/06/2007 11:31 by HKBWS WY
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