
Conservation News 保育資訊

    Subject Author Replies/Views Last Post
  [Hong Kong] 蒲台 Po Toi - scrub clearance/possible development HKBWS Chuan 21/02/2012 10 / 11737 3/03/2012 07:23 by wgeoff
  [Hong Kong] 可憐的家燕 puppymic 29/02/2012 1 / 6946 1/03/2012 00:46 by Sze
  [Hong Kong] Lego Q&A - HKBWS was mentioned last week wcaptain 20/02/2012 0 / 6207 20/02/2012 18:01 by wcaptain
  [Hong Kong] Call of the wild: managing HK’s newly-discovered bird species HKBWS Chuan 3/02/2012 0 / 6696 3/02/2012 11:33 by HKBWS Chuan
  [Oversea] Standardized North American Marsh Bird Monitoring wcaptain 30/01/2012 0 / 6078 30/01/2012 12:06 by wcaptain
  [Hong Kong] The Future of Habitats in Hong Kong louislee 16/01/2012 5 / 10544 18/01/2012 01:36 by thinfor
  [China] Blackthroat recent news Jonathmartinez 13/01/2012 0 / 6633 13/01/2012 13:24 by Jonathmartinez
  [China] 野味 Attachment wcaptain 29/12/2011 8 / 10440 4/01/2012 20:15 by Jonathmartinez
  [Hong Kong] 反對石鼓洲焚化設施 Objection to IWMF at Shek Kwu Chau Attachment HKBWS Chuan 24/02/2011 8 / 15488 28/12/2011 12:59 by HKBWS Chuan
  [Hong Kong] 南丫島東澳灣大型發展申請 Development Proposal at Tung O, Lamma Attachment HKBWS Chuan 6/05/2011 28 / 20844 18/12/2011 02:51 by Sze
  [Hong Kong] 給下屆特首的生態保育策略 Biodiversity strategy for next CE Attachment HKBWS Chuan 2/12/2011 1 / 7295 9/12/2011 16:37 by HKBWS Chuan
  [Hong Kong] 對《共建優質生活圈專項規劃》的意見 Comments on QLA Plan Attachment HKBWS Chuan 1/12/2011 0 / 5904 1/12/2011 10:34 by HKBWS Chuan
  [Oversea] 送別Mark Barter Sad loss of Mark Barter HKBWS Vivian 25/11/2011 0 / 6360 25/11/2011 12:49 by HKBWS Vivian
  [Oversea] 百萬候鳥過境西班牙 慘遭非法黏捕成為下酒菜 Sze 22/11/2011 1 / 7726 22/11/2011 16:48 by kennethchan
  [Oversea] Standards for Bird Safe Buildings HKBWS WY 18/11/2011 0 / 6241 18/11/2011 11:44 by HKBWS WY
  [Oversea] Spoon-billed Sandpiper's captive breeding programme started in the UK Paux 14/11/2011 3 / 8918 15/11/2011 10:29 by HKBWS Vivian
  [Hong Kong] 元朗大棠申請改劃土地用途 Rezoning Application in Tai Tong Attachment HKBWS Chuan 4/11/2011 0 / 7795 4/11/2011 16:04 by HKBWS Chuan
  [Hong Kong] BF Spoonbill - China Daily news story WWF Mai Po 1/11/2011 0 / 6409 1/11/2011 10:01 by WWF Mai Po
  [Hong Kong] 天水圍115區綜合發展 Comprehensive Development on Tin Shui Wai Area 115 Attachment HKBWS Chuan 13/04/2011 9 / 14950 29/10/2011 11:32 by HKBWS Chuan
  [China] Triple figures of Spoon-billed Sandpiper in China Sze 29/10/2011 0 / 5945 29/10/2011 02:27 by Sze
  [Hong Kong] Fish hooks around ponds Attachment ajohn 19/10/2011 1 / 6322 19/10/2011 23:22 by Sze
  [Oversea] Action needed to prevent environmental disaster in New Zealand Sze 13/10/2011 3 / 5849 14/10/2011 21:47 by Sze
  [Oversea] The seas of plastic 被塑膠充斥的海洋 Sze 13/10/2011 2 / 6420 14/10/2011 21:18 by Sze
  [Oversea] Call for action against illegal bird trapping in Cyprus Eva 22/09/2011 2 / 8540 13/10/2011 21:01 by Sze
  [Oversea] 菱角也可以很保育 水雉不再為食亡 Sze 13/10/2011 1 / 7390 13/10/2011 20:19 by 9Wi
  [Hong Kong] 請齊來救救香港後花園 DPA 西貢土瓜坪及北潭凹 Attachment Sze 7/04/2011 6 / 12257 5/10/2011 21:17 by Sze
  [Oversea] Tracking equipment could be harming wild birds, experts warn Sze 24/09/2011 4 / 7955 25/09/2011 00:50 by Sze
  [Oversea] 放生 生命消失的旅程(詹順貴) Sze 23/09/2011 0 / 5975 23/09/2011 00:29 by Sze
  [Hong Kong] 本會對施政報告的意見 HKBWS's comment on Policy Address HKBWS Chuan 15/09/2011 0 / 11056 15/09/2011 11:57 by HKBWS Chuan
  [Oversea] DTBIRD system: Bird mortality reduction in wind farms Attachment HKBWS WY 10/09/2011 0 / 6458 10/09/2011 10:08 by HKBWS WY
  [Oversea] Spoon-billed Sandpiper Newsletter No. 6 sbena 19/08/2011 0 / 6406 19/08/2011 12:00 by sbena
  [Hong Kong] 反對使用支持登島標誌 Against the use of “Land on Tern Island” Logo BWA 15/09/2007 2 / 13409 13/08/2011 18:44 by ying
  [Oversea] 台北鳥會討論區 - 可憐的鳥兒 (add Eng. translation) Sze 27/03/2011 12 / 16143 12/08/2011 22:09 by Sze
  [Hong Kong] 2011年鷺鳥調查 - 初步結果 wcaptain 10/08/2011 0 / 6033 10/08/2011 12:27 by wcaptain
  [Hong Kong] Egretry count - draft result wcaptain 10/08/2011 0 / 6409 10/08/2011 12:25 by wcaptain
  [Hong Kong] (界刂) 鳶勝地「殘骸」滿山 泥涌斷綫風箏殘殺雀鳥 Attachment Sze 26/06/2011 4 / 7283 10/08/2011 01:22 by Sze
  [Oversea] Spoon-billed chicks hatch sdavid 12/07/2011 2 / 7868 14/07/2011 21:35 by ddavid
  [Oversea] Seabird scientists warn of flaws in New Zealand bycatch framework Sze 24/06/2011 0 / 6180 24/06/2011 23:06 by Sze
  [Oversea] Saving Spoon-billed Sandpiper | BirdLife Community Sze 24/06/2011 0 / 6232 24/06/2011 23:04 by Sze
  [Hong Kong] 請勿放生雀鳥海報 A "Don't Release Birds" Poster Sze 21/06/2011 4 / 10005 22/06/2011 23:34 by Sze
  [Oversea] Baikal Teal: Vulnerable to Least Concern Attachment HKBWS WY 14/06/2011 5 / 10298 16/06/2011 14:49 by lkatherine
  [Hong Kong] Colour-ringed White-shouldered Starlings 灰背椋鳥套上色環 Attachment ajohn 22/01/2007 23 / 24956 15/06/2011 22:52 by Sze
  [Hong Kong] 「共建啟德河」工作坊 "Building our Kai Tak River" Workshop HKBWS Chuan 15/06/2011 0 / 7269 15/06/2011 17:18 by HKBWS Chuan
  [Hong Kong] 新保育政策框架 New Conservation Policy Framework HKBWS Chuan 25/01/2011 5 / 11124 8/06/2011 17:57 by HKBWS Chuan
  [China] 中國自然保育基金2011/12年度撥款項目 HKBWS Bonnie 14/04/2011 2 / 8039 3/06/2011 13:47 by mchristine
  [Oversea] Photos of dead albatross juv 信天翁幼鳥屍體圖片 HKBWS Vicky 31/05/2011 3 / 9183 1/06/2011 05:00 by EricB
  [China] 浙江亂修樹木 致逾千鳥死 Sze 26/05/2011 1 / 6616 26/05/2011 02:30 by Sze
  [Hong Kong] 鳥會會發表它的看法嗎? lyatming 23/05/2011 4 / 10592 25/05/2011 01:51 by fkm
  [Hong Kong] 報告環境破壞 - 「我要報料」網站及iphone app HKBWS Chuan 24/05/2011 0 / 6843 24/05/2011 17:16 by HKBWS Chuan
  [China] 雀鳥被染顏色如同動大刑 Sze 18/05/2011 0 / 6792 18/05/2011 22:30 by Sze
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