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15 19 日語雀鳥書籍捐贈Japanese Bird Books Donation by HKBWS Bonnie - 5/03/2015 11:44

Membership Affairs 會員事務

    Subject Author Replies/Views Last Post
  HKBWS Cross Binocular Straps X型望遠鏡背帶 Attachment HKBWS Vicky 29/03/2011 3 / 9268 23/04/2012 14:44 by HKBWS Bonnie
  4月2日下午辦事處暫停開放 Office Closed on April 2 afternoon HKBWS Bonnie 30/03/2012 0 / 5624 30/03/2012 13:06 by HKBWS Bonnie
  美樂時望遠鏡優惠 Special Offer of Minox Binoculars 2012/01~2012/03 Attachment HKBWS Bonnie 1/02/2012 0 / 5934 1/02/2012 11:12 by HKBWS Bonnie
  Steiner望遠鏡優惠計劃Special Offer to buy Steiner binoculars Attachment HKBWS WY 13/07/2010 2 / 18824 1/02/2012 10:58 by HKBWS Bonnie
  美樂時望遠鏡優惠 Special Offer of Minox Binoculars 2011/10~2011/12 Attachment HKBWS Bonnie 19/10/2011 1 / 7219 26/01/2012 16:42 by HKBWS Bonnie
  恭賀新禧 !!! Happy Chinese New Year !!! Attachment HKBWS Bonnie 22/01/2012 3 / 7371 25/01/2012 10:44 by HKBWS Bonnie
  Swarovski 續會回贈獎賞 - Reward scheme for Membership Renewal Attachment HKBWS Bonnie 31/12/2011 1 / 7596 31/12/2011 13:16 by HKBWS Bonnie
  花鳥蟲魚展覽 mbill 23/12/2011 0 / 6140 23/12/2011 11:26 by mbill
  冬至 辦事處提早關閉 Office closed at 4 PM HKBWS Bonnie 22/12/2011 0 / 5387 22/12/2011 15:14 by HKBWS Bonnie
  香港觀鳥會更改名稱通知 Notice of Change of Name of HKBWS HKBWS Bonnie 14/11/2011 8 / 10236 2/12/2011 13:02 by cgeoff
  全新東南亞雀鳥精品 New Souvenirs from SE Asia Attachment HKBWS Bonnie 28/11/2011 0 / 6051 28/11/2011 15:47 by HKBWS Bonnie
  遞交2012年的入會申請後的會員福利 Enjoy member benefits after... HKBWS Bonnie 18/11/2011 0 / 6214 18/11/2011 19:03 by HKBWS Bonnie
  Membership for children wallacel 15/11/2011 1 / 6213 16/11/2011 11:51 by HKBWS Bonnie
  2012 續會及入會申請安排 Membership Renewal & New Application 2012 HKBWS Bonnie 14/10/2011 1 / 7718 14/11/2011 12:14 by HKBWS Bonnie
  2011年的會員入會表格 2011 membership application form Attachment HKBWS WY 8/11/2010 4 / 16892 7/11/2011 09:37 by HKBWS Vicky
  2012 Calendar Card 年曆咭 Attachment HKBWS Vicky 4/11/2011 0 / 6288 4/11/2011 12:32 by HKBWS Vicky
  怎樣才可到米埔拍照 cyunlam 14/10/2011 1 / 7363 15/10/2011 00:14 by HKBWS Bonnie
  香港觀鳥會執行委員會成員 Members of Executive Committee Attachment HKBWS WY 14/10/2011 0 / 5813 14/10/2011 12:13 by HKBWS WY
  香港觀鳥會第九屆會員週年大會 HKBWS 9th AGM Attachment HKBWS WY 22/09/2011 5 / 8378 13/10/2011 17:54 by HKBWS Bonnie
  NEW 中華鳳頭燕鷗 抱枕套 Chinese Creasted Tern Cushion Cover Attachment HKBWS Bonnie 30/09/2011 0 / 6384 30/09/2011 15:09 by HKBWS Bonnie
  中秋辦事處提早關閉 Office closed at 4 PM HKBWS WY 12/09/2011 0 / 5798 12/09/2011 15:31 by HKBWS WY
  美樂時望遠鏡優惠 Special Offer of Minox Binoculars (至Till 30/9/2011) Attachment HKBWS WY 19/07/2011 0 / 6875 19/07/2011 15:17 by HKBWS WY
  中國鳥類觀察記事本 Notepad of China Bird Watch Attachment HKBWS Vicky 13/07/2011 0 / 6683 13/07/2011 16:49 by HKBWS Vicky
  Tenba & Pentax 會員特價優惠 Special Offer to HKBWS Member Attachment HKBWS WY 5/05/2011 0 / 10485 5/05/2011 17:53 by HKBWS WY
Icon22 美樂時望遠鏡優惠 Special Offer of Minox Binoculars (至Till 30/6/2011) Attachment HKBWS WY 27/04/2011 0 / 7495 27/04/2011 16:22 by HKBWS WY
  會訊219期更正 Amendment on Bulletin 219 HKBWS Vicky 21/04/2011 0 / 7399 21/04/2011 17:38 by HKBWS Vicky
  瀕危的中華秋沙鴨 The endangered Scaly-sided Merganser Attachment HKBWS Bonnie 14/08/2008 31 / 30875 18/04/2011 11:05 by HKBWS Bonnie
  辦公室提早關閉 Early closure of HKBWS office on 9/4 HKBWS Bonnie 8/04/2011 0 / 6851 8/04/2011 14:40 by HKBWS Bonnie
  26/3 辦事處暫停開放 Office Closed on 26/3 HKBWS WY 25/03/2011 0 / 5867 25/03/2011 10:59 by HKBWS WY
  鳥類小擺設出售 Bird ornaments for sale Attachment HKBWS Vicky 29/01/2009 4 / 10935 18/03/2011 15:47 by HKBWS Vicky
  香港觀鳥會出售書籍等物品 Books & Others at HKBWS Attachment hgeorge 10/03/2011 0 / 7089 10/03/2011 10:35 by hgeorge
  郵票大特賣 Stamps Big Sale at HKBWS Attachment hgeorge 9/03/2011 1 / 7392 10/03/2011 10:09 by russcath
  鳥類精品及用品 Small gifts and accessories (大特賣Big Sale) Attachment hgeorge 9/03/2011 0 / 6811 9/03/2011 11:19 by hgeorge
  Cross Binocular Straps Sold out X型望遠鏡背帶已售罄 hgeorge 25/01/2011 2 / 7127 10/02/2011 09:33 by hgeorge
  《香港鳥類名錄》已送完 Free “The Avifauna of HK” out of stock hgeorge 8/02/2011 0 / 6759 8/02/2011 15:50 by hgeorge
  About Membership anncheung0831 2/02/2011 1 / 6255 2/02/2011 09:46 by HKBWS Vicky
  鳥運亨通 Happy Lunar New Year Attachment HKBWS WY 1/02/2011 0 / 7549 1/02/2011 11:49 by HKBWS WY
  HKBWS as BirdLife International "Partner Designate" HKBWS WY 24/01/2011 0 / 7050 24/01/2011 15:53 by HKBWS WY
  更正啟事 HKBWS WY 17/01/2011 0 / 6724 17/01/2011 15:03 by HKBWS WY
  美樂時望遠鏡優惠 Special Offer of Minox Binoculars (至Till 31/3/2011) Attachment HKBWS WY 10/01/2011 0 / 11460 10/01/2011 16:22 by HKBWS WY
  2011 Calendar 年曆咭 Attachment HKBWS Vicky 3/01/2011 0 / 7517 3/01/2011 16:06 by HKBWS Vicky
  Happy New Year!! 新年快樂!! Attachment HKBWS Vicky 30/12/2010 2 / 8369 30/12/2010 22:05 by mbill
  11/12 辦事處暫停開放 Office Closed on 11/12 HKBWS Vicky 10/12/2010 0 / 5603 10/12/2010 13:20 by HKBWS Vicky
  4/12 辦事處暫停開放 Office Closed on 4/12 HKBWS Vicky 2/12/2010 1 / 6664 2/12/2010 19:45 by HFCheung
  2011年的會員續會表格 2011 membership renewal form Attachment HKBWS WY 16/11/2010 0 / 9225 16/11/2010 15:39 by HKBWS WY
Icon26 香港觀鳥會2010-11董事會及執委會 HKBWS BOD & EXCO 2010-11 Attachment HKBWS WY 22/10/2010 4 / 10212 11/11/2010 22:43 by mchristine
  辦事處暫停開放 Office Closed HKBWS WY 5/11/2010 0 / 6485 5/11/2010 15:42 by HKBWS WY
  美樂時望遠鏡優惠 Special Offer of Minox Binoculars (至Till 31/12) Attachment HKBWS WY 4/10/2010 0 / 8921 4/10/2010 12:38 by HKBWS WY
  香港觀鳥會會員通訊 HKBWS Bulletin HKBWS WY 2/10/2010 0 / 5973 2/10/2010 09:49 by HKBWS WY
  2009-10年會員週年大會 2009-10 Annual General Meeting Attachment HKBWS WY 24/08/2010 5 / 9071 30/09/2010 00:06 by BWA
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