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Library 圖書館

15 19 日語雀鳥書籍捐贈Japanese Bird Books Donation by HKBWS Bonnie - 5/03/2015 11:44

Membership Affairs 會員事務

    Subject Author Replies/Views Last Post
  再來新鳥書 New books again Attachment HKBWS Vicky 15/04/2009 5 / 9479 18/04/2009 23:29 by ming2217
  辦公室新貨品New products: 日本鳥書 Bird books Attachment HKBWS Vicky 14/04/2009 2 / 8588 15/04/2009 11:42 by HKBWS Vicky
  BBS Members --> HKBWS Members? nlinyau 17/09/2008 20 / 25392 1/04/2009 11:30 by HKBWS Vicky
  Extra Special Offer of Minox Binoculars 美樂時特選貨品再優惠 Attachment HKBWS WY 24/11/2008 9 / 14504 30/03/2009 12:15 by HKBWS WY
  會員尊享【中國國家地理】訂閱特別優惠 Attachment HKBWS WY 19/01/2009 4 / 10577 9/03/2009 13:56 by tonytony74
  贈閱「香港鳥類名錄」Free "Avifauna of Hong Kong" HKBWS Vicky 5/03/2009 0 / 15767 5/03/2009 10:51 by HKBWS Vicky
  香港觀鳥會春節團拜 Spring Gathering of HKBWS Attachment HKBWS WY 3/02/2009 4 / 12646 3/03/2009 17:51 by HKBWS WY
  Past Hong Kong Bird Reports sdavid 13/01/2009 6 / 10884 4/02/2009 10:37 by HFCheung
  Membership matter HKBWS WY 23/01/2009 0 / 6572 23/01/2009 18:30 by HKBWS WY
  徵求二手物品 Recruitment of secondhand material HKBWS WY 18/09/2008 3 / 9208 23/01/2009 10:10 by HKBWS Bonnie
  米埔証申請信箋 kevinhlm 4/01/2009 4 / 11435 15/01/2009 14:45 by HKBWS WY
  2009年續會及入會申請表 2009 Membership Subscription Form Attachment HKBWS WY 5/11/2008 2 / 12827 13/01/2009 21:47 by HFCheung
  希望拜访香港观鸟会(上海phd007) phd007 10/12/2008 3 / 7803 11/12/2008 22:31 by phd007
  辦公室新貨品 New products in Office HKBWS Vicky 1/12/2008 2 / 7963 2/12/2008 17:15 by HKBWS Vicky
  辦公室鳥類精品 HKBWS Vicky 1/12/2008 0 / 7038 1/12/2008 17:06 by HKBWS Vicky
  2009續會與入會申請 Renewal & new subscription for 2009 membership HKBWS WY 29/10/2008 3 / 9974 29/11/2008 08:23 by dick
  Revision of “A Photographic Guide to the Birds of Hong Kong” (Final Call) Starshing 26/11/2008 1 / 10483 26/11/2008 21:53 by HFCheung
  Articles for the HKBWS bulletin HFCheung 6/11/2008 11 / 17399 19/11/2008 13:33 by cgeoff
  Special Offer of Minox Binoculars 美樂時望遠鏡會員購買優惠計劃 Attachment HKBWS WY 21/07/2008 1 / 8786 5/11/2008 12:54 by HKBWS WY
  AGM this year 今年會員大會將於十月廿一日舉行 Attachment HFCheung 9/09/2008 6 / 11283 28/10/2008 19:27 by HFCheung
  會員事宜數問 cmkpl 7/10/2008 10 / 11481 10/10/2008 19:16 by cmkpl
  想搵米埔証申請表 lalan 6/10/2008 1 / 8981 7/10/2008 18:43 by lchunfai
  Tsinghua University student volunteer workshop HFCheung 26/09/2008 2 / 8326 26/09/2008 22:52 by HFCheung
  HKBWS become Birdlife International partner? Attachment HFCheung 16/09/2008 1 / 7686 16/09/2008 18:39 by HKBWS WY
  一個非正式訪問 lchunfai 8/09/2008 0 / 7031 8/09/2008 16:27 by lchunfai
  香港觀鳥會辦公室繼續開放! HKBWS office Open Day continues! HKBWS Bonnie 22/07/2008 3 / 10898 30/07/2008 16:35 by HKBWS WY
  好奇一問~ lchunfai 28/07/2008 11 / 11165 30/07/2008 10:45 by lchunfai
  香港觀鳥會新會址開放日 Open Day of HKBWS New Office Attachment HKBWS WY 14/07/2008 23 / 21163 27/07/2008 21:03 by puppymic
  Special Offer for 4 Minox Binoculars Attachment HKBWS WY 17/07/2008 0 / 7888 17/07/2008 16:22 by HKBWS WY
  1000th HKBWS member 香港觀鳥會第一千名會員 HFCheung 15/07/2008 0 / 7431 15/07/2008 19:05 by HFCheung
  Submission of bird photos for HKBWS Bulletin 208 HKBWS WY 14/07/2008 0 / 7246 14/07/2008 10:19 by HKBWS WY
  香港鳥類誌贈送會員 “Avifauna of HK” - a Free Gift to Members HKBWS WY 12/06/2008 6 / 13729 3/07/2008 10:31 by HKBWS Bonnie
  遷往新辦公室 Moving to new permises HKBWS Vivian 27/06/2008 1 / 8978 30/06/2008 14:44 by HFCheung
  Call for Donation 本會募捐 Web Osprey 11/06/2008 1 / 8910 23/06/2008 12:04 by HKBWS WY
  辦公室設備募集 Office Equipment Request Attachment HKBWS Vicky 11/06/2008 0 / 8705 11/06/2008 15:48 by HKBWS Vicky
  HKBWS Shirt for volunteers 香港觀鳥會義工恤衫 HKBWS WY 3/03/2008 0 / 8674 3/03/2008 12:45 by HKBWS WY
  Happy Chinese New Year 新年快樂 Attachment HKBWS Surveyor 5/02/2008 0 / 7783 5/02/2008 23:02 by HKBWS Surveyor
  香港觀鳥會出售書籍等產品 Books & Others for Sale at HKBWS Attachment Webcreeper 28/06/2007 3 / 13710 4/12/2007 15:48 by HKBWS Surveyor
  Chairman's report: the 5th AGM 第五屆週年會員大會主席致辭 HKBWS WY 21/09/2007 0 / 8729 21/09/2007 17:49 by HKBWS WY
  HKBWS FIFTH ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING 香港觀鳥會第五屆週年會員大會 HKBWS WY 7/09/2007 3 / 10402 7/09/2007 11:42 by HKBWS WY
  免費索取<中國鳥類觀察>雙月刊 Attachment HKBWS Vivian 11/07/2007 1 / 9143 11/07/2007 15:01 by HKBWS Vivian
  Strategic Development Workshop for HKBWS 香港觀鳥會未來發展集思會 HKBWS WY 12/06/2007 10 / 15207 12/06/2007 18:16 by HKBWS WY
  豬年事事如意 A properous Year of the Pig fforrest 18/02/2007 1 / 10696 18/02/2007 11:11 by fforrest
  Application for Membership 加入香港觀鳥會 puppymic 12/11/2006 2 / 11960 12/11/2006 15:38 by puppymic
  2007年會籍幾時可以續會呀??? 2007 Subscription Renewal Attachment ckacheung 27/10/2006 17 / 26843 27/10/2006 19:02 by ckacheung
  HKBWS AGM 香港觀鳥會 週年會議 2006 fforrest 11/08/2006 0 / 8364 11/08/2006 17:41 by fforrest
  新貨品 : 台灣鳥書, 背帶及精品發售 Anonymous 1/01/1970 0 / 2875 1/01/1970 08:00 by Anonymous
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