
Black-eared Kite 鳶(麻鷹)

    Subject Author Replies/Views Last Post
  Black-eared Kite 黑鳶 cthomas 4/10/2017 0 / 6132 4/10/2017 23:48 by cthomas
  Black Kite records lexusjohn 10/04/2017 2 / 7535 18/09/2017 08:58 by krisfish8989
  Black Kite 黑鳶 Attachment earnest 4/04/2017 0 / 6052 4/04/2017 09:54 by earnest
  13-02-2017 SAI KUNG Attachment ((華仔)) 13/03/2017 1 / 6779 15/03/2017 23:43 by jsk_ppp
  Black Kite records lexusjohn 17/01/2017 0 / 6384 17/01/2017 08:41 by lexusjohn
  Black Kite 黑鳶 Attachment earnest 12/12/2016 0 / 5939 12/12/2016 22:44 by earnest
  Black Kite 4th Sep 2016 records lexusjohn 5/09/2016 0 / 6617 5/09/2016 08:51 by lexusjohn
  Black Kite 黑鳶 cthomas 12/07/2016 0 / 7362 12/07/2016 23:54 by cthomas
  15-05-2016 SAI KUNG Attachment ((華仔)) 17/05/2016 3 / 8969 19/05/2016 08:14 by lexusjohn
  Black Kite - MP lexusjohn 5/04/2016 0 / 6831 5/04/2016 09:38 by lexusjohn
  Black Kite tried to pick up a dead bird but failed Attachment earnest 4/01/2016 0 / 6794 4/01/2016 17:39 by earnest
  Black Kite Chesey 5/12/2015 0 / 6085 5/12/2015 17:10 by Chesey
  Black-eared Kite - Lamma mguy 26/11/2015 1 / 6432 28/11/2015 19:16 by mguy
  Black Kite records lexusjohn 19/11/2015 0 / 6663 19/11/2015 09:04 by lexusjohn
  Black Kite Godwin-C 7/11/2015 2 / 7073 9/11/2015 11:29 by Godwin-C
  Black Kite records lexusjohn 2/11/2015 0 / 6390 2/11/2015 13:53 by lexusjohn
  Sai Kung Pier - 24 Oct 2015 Attachment earnest 29/10/2015 0 / 6283 29/10/2015 16:30 by earnest
  Black Kite with the Airplane Attachment ((華仔)) 14/09/2015 5 / 9570 15/09/2015 23:45 by ((華仔))
  Black Kite breakfast lexusjohn 4/09/2015 1 / 7880 5/09/2015 11:01 by happyman
  19-06-2016 Sai Kung Attachment ((華仔)) 25/06/2015 0 / 6883 25/06/2015 22:55 by ((華仔))
  Interesting Attachment ((華仔)) 8/05/2015 7 / 11078 11/05/2015 08:52 by lexusjohn
  02-05-2015 ((華仔)) 5/05/2015 3 / 8817 7/05/2015 11:05 by lexusjohn
  Black-eared Kite 黑耳鳶 Attachment kfmak 7/09/2014 0 / 8060 7/09/2014 13:43 by kfmak
  Ageing Black Kites in HK HFCheung 23/07/2014 3 / 10099 6/08/2014 00:19 by AjaA
  A dribbling kite 老鷹流口水 Attachment irsychan 2/07/2014 1 / 7608 6/07/2014 19:01 by irsychan
  Black Kite.黑鳶 捉魚. Attachment DCW 26/06/2014 0 / 6696 26/06/2014 20:21 by DCW
  Black kite & its prey, a tern ... Attachment madcat 21/04/2014 7 / 12466 1/05/2014 18:03 by John Holmes
  Migrating? handrew 11/11/2013 6 / 9050 12/11/2013 19:59 by lpaul
  Black-eared Kite 黑耳鳶 pitarhk 13/10/2013 0 / 8330 13/10/2013 00:37 by pitarhk
  Black-eared Kite 鳶 cthomas 8/07/2013 4 / 9188 11/07/2013 00:03 by cthomas
  Black Kite 黑鳶 lhw 19/06/2013 1 / 7896 19/06/2013 21:13 by Webcreeper
  Black Kite - 黑鳶 龜痴 17/04/2013 0 / 10479 17/04/2013 09:18 by 龜痴
  麻鷹口中叼著甚麼? 龜痴 9/04/2013 4 / 9982 10/04/2013 09:46 by wcaptain
  Black Kite - 黑鳶 killer 16/03/2013 2 / 14750 19/03/2013 20:20 by gary
  Black-eared Kite Mating Spring_BB 17/03/2013 0 / 6397 17/03/2013 20:40 by Spring_BB
  125+ photos of lineatus and govinda Gyrfalcon1 15/02/2013 2 / 8006 17/02/2013 05:24 by Gyrfalcon1
  Black-eared Kite 黑耳鳶 Attachment kfmak 29/01/2013 2 / 7953 30/01/2013 10:54 by kfmak
  Black Kite Bearbear_is_me 3/01/2013 0 / 6453 3/01/2013 18:54 by Bearbear_is_me
  Black Kite akhan 30/09/2012 0 / 6190 30/09/2012 21:20 by akhan
  Ngau Tau Kok - Copulation louislee 7/04/2012 0 / 7865 7/04/2012 21:22 by louislee
  Black-eared Kite 黑耳鳶 pitarhk 19/03/2012 4 / 8811 19/03/2012 22:58 by pitarhk
  Black-eared Kite 黑耳鳶 pitarhk 10/01/2012 1 / 10499 11/01/2012 17:55 by 裝塵
  Black Kite. 黑鳶 Attachment DCW 10/01/2012 0 / 7616 10/01/2012 21:16 by DCW
  西貢碼頭麻鷹 Attachment Jennyho 9/01/2012 0 / 9671 9/01/2012 21:25 by Jennyho
  Back-Eared Kite 黑耳鳶 cthomas 16/12/2011 0 / 6788 16/12/2011 22:26 by cthomas
  大麻鷹 Attachment jkan 22/11/2011 0 / 7570 22/11/2011 23:16 by jkan
  Black-eared Kite 黑耳鳶 --Digiscoping on Panasonic G3 pitarhk 28/10/2011 2 / 8930 28/10/2011 22:44 by iherman
  麻鷹 Attachment Davefung 25/10/2011 0 / 6658 25/10/2011 23:03 by Davefung
  Digiscoping with sw HD80 25-50x Ricoh 24-72mm Davefung 24/10/2011 1 / 6358 25/10/2011 09:59 by lwingkay
  單筒獵鷹 Digiscoping with SWHD80 30x Attachment Davefung 25/10/2011 0 / 5658 25/10/2011 08:10 by Davefung
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