
Shorebirds 涉禽

    Subject Author Replies/Views Last Post
  [Curlews] Bar Tailed Godwit Attachment wingwing 16/05/2014 0 / 5250 16/05/2014 15:45 by wingwing
  [Jacanas] Pheasant-Tailed Jacana 水雉 passerby-b 14/05/2014 0 / 5279 14/05/2014 21:24 by passerby-b
  [Phalarope] 紅頸瓣蹼鷸 Red-Necked Phalarope@塱原 Attachment CWSO 13/05/2014 2 / 6895 13/05/2014 19:16 by CWSO
  [Prantincoles] Oriental Pratincole 普通燕鴴 oLDcaR 12/05/2014 2 / 7016 13/05/2014 09:44 by Waterbear526
  [Phalarope] Red-necked Phalarope 紅頸瓣蹼鷸 oLDcaR 12/05/2014 0 / 5644 12/05/2014 18:20 by oLDcaR
  [Others 其他] Asian Dowitcher Attachment John Holmes 11/05/2014 4 / 8535 12/05/2014 14:48 by ((華仔))
  [Jacanas] 水雉 (繁殖羽) Pheasant-tailed Jacana (Video) Late 11/05/2014 2 / 7292 12/05/2014 14:25 by ((華仔))
  [Sandpipers] Terek Sandpiper 翹咀鷸 Attachment irsychan 11/05/2014 2 / 6508 12/05/2014 12:52 by irsychan
  [Sandpipers] Board-Billed Sandpiper 濶咀鷸 cthomas 11/05/2014 0 / 4958 11/05/2014 23:14 by cthomas
  [Phalarope] Red-Necked Phalarope Attachment wilsondring 10/05/2014 0 / 5131 10/05/2014 22:29 by wilsondring
  [Curlews] Curlew ID Attachment wingwing 9/05/2014 0 / 5440 9/05/2014 11:33 by wingwing
  [Others 其他] A gossipy moorhen Attachment kscheng 7/05/2014 0 / 4785 7/05/2014 17:01 by kscheng
  [Sandpipers] Great Knot 大濱鷸 cthomas 7/05/2014 0 / 5130 7/05/2014 00:32 by cthomas
  [Plovers] Grey Plover 灰鴴 cthomas 7/05/2014 0 / 5373 7/05/2014 00:27 by cthomas
  [Sandpipers] 紅頸瓣蹼鷸(繁殖羽) Red necked Phalarope (Video) Late 6/05/2014 0 / 5204 6/05/2014 20:28 by Late
  [Sandpipers] 尖尾濱鷸 Sharp-tailed Sandpiper (Video) Late 6/05/2014 0 / 5131 6/05/2014 19:08 by Late
  [Curlews] Little Curlew 小杓鷸 talkgirlelena 5/05/2014 0 / 5246 5/05/2014 14:43 by talkgirlelena
  [Stint] Long-toed Stint passerby-b 4/05/2014 0 / 4981 4/05/2014 20:22 by passerby-b
  [Sandpipers] Terek Sandpiper 翹咀鷸 cthomas 4/05/2014 0 / 4842 4/05/2014 00:09 by cthomas
  [Plovers] Greater Sand Plover 鐵咀沙鴴 cthomas 4/05/2014 0 / 4779 4/05/2014 00:05 by cthomas
  [Sandpipers] Sharp-tailed Sandpiper 尖尾濱鷸 ckuifai 3/05/2014 0 / 5126 3/05/2014 22:42 by ckuifai
  [Sandpipers] Bar-Tailed Godwit 斑尾塍鷸 cthomas 29/04/2014 1 / 5982 30/04/2014 22:00 by passerby-b
  [Sandpipers] Nordmann's Greenshank 小青腳鷸 cthomas 29/04/2014 1 / 5714 30/04/2014 18:22 by John Holmes
  [Others 其他] Satellite Tracking Little Curlew 衛星追蹤涉禽 Attachment HKBWS Ivan 29/04/2014 1 / 5876 29/04/2014 18:37 by Sze
  [Sandpipers] Dunlin [ 黑腹濱鷸 ] hkinni 28/04/2014 0 / 4985 28/04/2014 22:58 by hkinni
  [Plovers] "atrifrons"-type Lesser Sand Plover Attachment John Holmes 27/04/2014 0 / 5020 27/04/2014 14:26 by John Holmes
  [Sandpipers] Black-tailed Godwits in flight Attachment John Holmes 23/04/2014 1 / 5558 23/04/2014 22:23 by wleepoin
  [Prantincoles] Oriental Pratincole 普通燕鴴 oLDcaR 21/04/2014 0 / 5927 21/04/2014 22:58 by oLDcaR
  [Plovers] Greater Sand Plover Attachment irsychan 21/04/2014 0 / 5616 21/04/2014 22:24 by irsychan
  [Stint] Little Stint Attachment John Holmes 21/04/2014 0 / 5202 21/04/2014 21:11 by John Holmes
  [Others 其他] white breasted waterhen 白胸苦惡鳥 tobybutt 21/04/2014 0 / 4740 21/04/2014 18:40 by tobybutt
  [Prantincoles] Oriental Pratincole Attachment wilsondring 21/04/2014 0 / 5366 21/04/2014 15:39 by wilsondring
  [Others 其他] Grey-tailed Tattler Ken 18/04/2014 2 / 6345 19/04/2014 00:22 by garykctse
  [Snipe] Greater Painted Snipe (Male) Attachment wilsondring 18/04/2014 0 / 5160 18/04/2014 22:19 by wilsondring
  [Sandpipers] Curlew Sandpiper with Flags 彎咀濱鷸 cthomas 18/04/2014 0 / 4869 18/04/2014 22:08 by cthomas
  [Plovers] Lesser Sand Plover Ken 18/04/2014 1 / 5884 18/04/2014 19:56 by wilsondring
  [Sandpipers] Nordmann's Greenshank Attachment wilsondring 16/04/2014 0 / 5164 16/04/2014 04:23 by wilsondring
  [Snipe] 展翅 ^8^ 捍衛 ( To defend ) tampccw 14/04/2014 1 / 6016 15/04/2014 21:15 by ((華仔))
  [Plovers] Greater Sandplover Attachment wilsondring 15/04/2014 1 / 5533 15/04/2014 18:39 by ltsunpun
  [Plovers] Lesser Sandplover wilsondring 15/04/2014 0 / 4801 15/04/2014 17:30 by wilsondring
  [Stint] Great Knot Attachment wilsondring 15/04/2014 0 / 5018 15/04/2014 15:27 by wilsondring
  [Plovers] Ruddy Turnstone Attachment wilsondring 15/04/2014 0 / 4754 15/04/2014 01:25 by wilsondring
  [Prantincoles] Oriental Pratincole 普通燕鴴 oLDcaR 13/04/2014 1 / 5800 15/04/2014 00:02 by oLDcaR
  [Stint] Long-Toed Stints Attachment wilsondring 12/04/2014 0 / 5165 12/04/2014 00:13 by wilsondring
  [Plovers] Long-Billed Plover 長咀劍鴴 cthomas 11/04/2014 0 / 5625 11/04/2014 21:30 by cthomas
  [Sandpipers] Broad-Billed Sandpiper [ 闊咀鷸 ] hkinni 9/04/2014 0 / 4935 9/04/2014 23:59 by hkinni
  [Stint] Little Stint [ 小濱鷸 ] hkinni 9/04/2014 0 / 5606 9/04/2014 23:57 by hkinni
  [Others 其他] A running waterhen Attachment kscheng 9/04/2014 0 / 4738 9/04/2014 11:02 by kscheng
  [Snipe] The legendary snipes Attachment kscheng 7/04/2014 1 / 5621 7/04/2014 19:12 by wksf
  [Stint] Little Stint 小濱鷸 cthomas 7/04/2014 0 / 5502 7/04/2014 08:22 by cthomas
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