
Shorebirds 涉禽

    Subject Author Replies/Views Last Post
  [Snipe] A satiated snipe Attachment kscheng 2/04/2014 0 / 5241 2/04/2014 16:35 by kscheng
  [Sandpipers] 翻石鷸與磯鷸...... inca 29/03/2014 3 / 6463 1/04/2014 19:11 by inca
  [Lapwings] Grey-Headed Lapwing Attachment wilsondring 30/03/2014 2 / 5973 1/04/2014 11:44 by wilsondring
  [Avocets] An avocet with kung fu Attachment kscheng 27/03/2014 0 / 5225 27/03/2014 16:03 by kscheng
  [Stilts] Black Winged Stilt Attachment chinfai 24/03/2014 0 / 4858 24/03/2014 21:44 by chinfai
  [Lapwings] Grey-headed Lapwing 灰頭麥雞 pitarhk 23/03/2014 0 / 4684 23/03/2014 23:26 by pitarhk
  [Others 其他] White-breasted Waterhen. 白胸苦惡鳥. Attachment DCW 19/03/2014 1 / 5584 20/03/2014 08:17 by irsychan
  [Plovers] Oriental Plover Attachment lexusjohn 15/03/2014 3 / 6008 17/03/2014 08:42 by lexusjohn
  [Plovers] Long Billed Plover Attachment wingwing 9/03/2014 0 / 4906 9/03/2014 18:03 by wingwing
  [Avocets] A5 腳環反嘴鷸 (Pied Avocet) Attachment kc3018 2/03/2014 0 / 5078 2/03/2014 19:08 by kc3018
  [Lapwings] 鳳頭麥雞 Northern Lapwing Chimpanzee 8/02/2014 1 / 6261 13/02/2014 00:51 by iherman
  [Stilts] 青腳濱鷸 Temminck’s Stint (Video) Late 5/02/2014 1 / 6176 5/02/2014 23:09 by irsychan
  [Lapwings] Northern Lapwing [ 鳳頭麥雞 ] hkinni 30/01/2014 1 / 6090 30/01/2014 14:51 by lexusjohn
  [Lapwings] Grey-Headed Lapwing 灰頭麥鷄 cthomas 28/01/2014 0 / 5271 28/01/2014 00:50 by cthomas
  [Plovers] 長嘴劍行 Long-billed Plover Attachment CWSO 20/01/2014 4 / 7686 23/01/2014 07:19 by CWSO
  [Curlews] Little Curlew 小杓鷸 cthomas 22/01/2014 0 / 5900 22/01/2014 00:16 by cthomas
  [Snipe] Greater Painted Snipes 彩鷸 tomatofamily 16/01/2014 1 / 5753 17/01/2014 06:28 by wilsondring
  [Lapwings] Grey-headed Lapwing Attachment lexusjohn 13/01/2014 0 / 5153 13/01/2014 20:01 by lexusjohn
  [Curlews] Eurasian Curlew Attachment lexusjohn 12/01/2014 0 / 5262 12/01/2014 21:20 by lexusjohn
  [Plovers] Long-Billed Plover Attachment wilsondring 11/01/2014 0 / 5120 11/01/2014 22:16 by wilsondring
  [Lapwings] 鳳頭麥雞 ( Northern Lapwing ) tampccw 9/01/2014 4 / 7417 11/01/2014 19:22 by wilsondring
  [Lapwings] Northern Lapwing [ 鳳頭麥雞 ] hkinni 9/01/2014 5 / 7587 10/01/2014 20:19 by hkinni
  [Plovers] Long-billed Plover Attachment John Holmes 9/01/2014 3 / 7162 10/01/2014 17:01 by kmike
  [Lapwings] Northern Lapwing Attachment lexusjohn 7/01/2014 4 / 7297 9/01/2014 17:46 by tampccw
  [Plovers] Little Ringed Plover Attachment John Holmes 9/01/2014 0 / 4754 9/01/2014 09:38 by John Holmes
  [Lapwings] Northern Lapwing 鳳頭麥雞 cwchan 7/01/2014 0 / 4765 7/01/2014 20:47 by cwchan
  [Sandpipers] A scouting spotted redshank Attachment kscheng 3/01/2014 0 / 4570 3/01/2014 10:47 by kscheng
  [Avocets] Pied Avocet at Long Valley Attachment John Holmes 29/12/2013 0 / 5095 29/12/2013 13:03 by John Holmes
  [Curlews] Little Curlew [小杓鷸 ] hkinni 25/12/2013 2 / 6746 27/12/2013 10:17 by lexusjohn
  [Plovers] Little Ringed Plover 金眶鴴 Attachment irsychan 15/12/2013 1 / 5460 26/12/2013 23:24 by irsychan
  [Others 其他] ID pls Attachment mikecylam 26/12/2013 2 / 5161 26/12/2013 21:55 by mikecylam
  [Lapwings] 鳳頭麥雞 與 灰頭麥雞 Northern Lapwing + Grey-headed Lapwing (Video) Late 26/12/2013 1 / 6010 26/12/2013 21:47 by irsychan
  [Sandpipers] Spotted Redshank 鶴鷸 ckuifai 23/12/2013 0 / 5050 23/12/2013 22:14 by ckuifai
  [Snipe] 彩鷸爸爸與三個小B (Greater Painted Snipe and Three Little Babies) 9Wi 30/05/2013 9 / 12622 22/12/2013 19:43 by Lionel_Wong
  [Plovers] Grey Plover 灰鴴 Attachment talkgirlelena 11/12/2013 0 / 4843 11/12/2013 10:00 by talkgirlelena
  [Sandpipers] Wood Sandpiper 林鷸 Attachment talkgirlelena 6/12/2013 0 / 4785 6/12/2013 11:14 by talkgirlelena
  [Sandpipers] Where should I go? feuerl 3/12/2013 4 / 6614 5/12/2013 13:07 by feuerl
  [Snipe] Greater Painted Snipe 彩鷸 ywaihung 24/11/2013 0 / 4945 24/11/2013 23:49 by ywaihung
  [Curlews] A gifted curlew Attachment kscheng 22/11/2013 2 / 5910 23/11/2013 11:42 by kscheng
  [Sandpipers] Green Sandpiper - Tringa ochropus Attachment John Holmes 30/10/2013 4 / 7982 20/11/2013 16:17 by John Holmes
  [Snipe] 彩鷸 Greater Painted Snipe Attachment kfmak 19/11/2013 0 / 5067 19/11/2013 08:25 by kfmak
  [Snipe] Greater Painted-Snipe cyjoe 11/11/2013 3 / 7232 12/11/2013 16:49 by John Holmes
  [Snipe] Eurasian Woodcock passerby-b 11/11/2013 0 / 5118 11/11/2013 13:54 by passerby-b
  [Snipe] 扇尾沙錐 Common Snipe Attachment 梁厚鍵 9/11/2013 0 / 5064 9/11/2013 18:28 by 梁厚鍵
  [Snipe] Eurasian Woodcock 丘鷸 iherman 7/11/2013 0 / 6060 7/11/2013 18:54 by iherman
  [Avocets] Who is your ATC Attachment irsychan 4/11/2013 0 / 5690 4/11/2013 21:58 by irsychan
  [Snipe] 丘鷸 Eurasian Woodcock (Video) Late 4/11/2013 2 / 7245 4/11/2013 21:46 by irsychan
  [Snipe] 丘鷸~~Eurasian Woodcock kw223 3/11/2013 0 / 4807 3/11/2013 21:03 by kw223
  [Plovers] Kentish Plover Ken 3/11/2013 0 / 4646 3/11/2013 19:38 by Ken
  [Stilts] Black-winged Stilt 黑翅長腳鷸 Attachment irsychan 3/11/2013 0 / 5739 3/11/2013 09:23 by irsychan
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