
Shorebirds 涉禽

    Subject Author Replies/Views Last Post
  [Sandpipers] Common Greenshank E7 cwchan 2/11/2013 0 / 4678 2/11/2013 21:39 by cwchan
  [Sandpipers] Black-tailed Godwit 黑尾塍鷸 (T5) cwchan 2/11/2013 0 / 4524 2/11/2013 21:34 by cwchan
  [Snipe] Greater Painted-snipe - adult male with food item Attachment John Holmes 2/11/2013 0 / 4753 2/11/2013 17:00 by John Holmes
  [Lapwings] Northern Lapwing 鳳頭麥雞 Attachment kfmak 28/10/2013 0 / 4643 28/10/2013 11:41 by kfmak
  [Plovers] little ringed plover Attachment wingwing 23/10/2013 0 / 4564 23/10/2013 23:01 by wingwing
  [Jacanas] 水雉 Pheasant-tailed Jacana vivian 20/10/2013 0 / 5586 20/10/2013 21:46 by vivian
  [Sandpipers] Black-tailed Godwit 黑尾塍鷸 (with white head) Attachment cntlaw 19/10/2013 1 / 5515 20/10/2013 15:04 by ajohn
  [Jacanas] 水雉 Pheasant-tailed Jacana puppymic 20/10/2013 0 / 5093 20/10/2013 10:13 by puppymic
  [Snipe] Greater Painted Snipe - two couples? Attachment irsychan 12/10/2013 1 / 5815 18/10/2013 13:53 by irsychan
  [Lapwings] Grey-headed Lapwing 灰頭麥雞 Attachment 梁厚鍵 15/10/2013 0 / 4782 15/10/2013 18:58 by 梁厚鍵
  [Snipe] Snipe at LV Attachment handrew 11/10/2013 1 / 6181 12/10/2013 09:00 by John Holmes
  [Snipe] 彩鷸 Greater Painted-snipe (Video) Attachment Late 6/10/2013 1 / 6358 6/10/2013 22:37 by irsychan
  [Snipe] 彩鷸 Greater Painted Snipe puppymic 5/10/2013 0 / 5104 5/10/2013 22:04 by puppymic
  [Sandpipers] Ruff 流蘇鷸 Attachment cntlaw 5/10/2013 0 / 5109 5/10/2013 14:05 by cntlaw
  [Snipe] 扇尾沙錐 COMMON SNIPE cwho 3/10/2013 0 / 4578 3/10/2013 23:32 by cwho
  [Plovers] 金鴴 Pacific Golden Plover puppymic 1/10/2013 0 / 4991 1/10/2013 23:38 by puppymic
  [Phalarope] 紅頸瓣蹼鷸 Red-necked Phalarope (Video) Attachment Late 1/10/2013 0 / 5774 1/10/2013 20:28 by Late
  [Jacanas] Pheasant-tailed Jacana 水雉 Attachment kkchang168 1/10/2013 0 / 5235 1/10/2013 04:37 by kkchang168
  [Plovers] 金鴴 Pacific Golden Plover and Grey Plover Attachment LIJO 25/09/2013 3 / 5915 26/09/2013 08:07 by kkchang168
  [Plovers] Little Ringed Plover Attachment wilsondring 22/09/2013 0 / 4787 22/09/2013 15:49 by wilsondring
  [Plovers] 金鴴 Pacific Golden Plover puppymic 21/09/2013 0 / 5159 21/09/2013 10:50 by puppymic
  [Others 其他] Grey-tailed Tattler Ken 14/09/2013 1 / 5594 15/09/2013 16:11 by handrew
  [Sandpipers] 紅腳鷸 Common Redshank (Video) Late 1/09/2013 0 / 5317 1/09/2013 19:43 by Late
  [Sandpipers] Ruff 流蘇鷸 mbill 27/08/2013 0 / 5058 27/08/2013 18:17 by mbill
  [Curlews] Eastern Curlew Attachment John Holmes 23/08/2013 1 / 5787 24/08/2013 12:37 by smilerunner
  [Plovers] Lesser Sand Plover 蒙古沙鴴 cthomas 14/08/2013 0 / 5562 14/08/2013 10:14 by cthomas
  [Sandpipers] Nordmann's Greenshank 小青腳鷸 cthomas 12/08/2013 2 / 6756 14/08/2013 00:16 by cthomas
  [Others 其他] 海外足旗涉禽目擊紀錄 Overseas leg-flagged Shorebird Sightings Attachment yyattung 5/04/2012 40 / 30115 13/08/2013 19:05 by ddavid
  [Sandpipers] Asian Dowitcher 半蹼鷸 cthomas 12/08/2013 0 / 5866 12/08/2013 23:57 by cthomas
  [Others 其他] Flagged Shorebird Attachment Mr_Kam 7/07/2013 1 / 5622 7/07/2013 23:54 by ajohn
  [Others 其他] 白胸苦惡鳥與BB inca 10/06/2013 6 / 10997 5/07/2013 13:09 by irsychan
  [Sandpipers] Fighting Spotted Redshanks Attachment fkm 3/06/2013 2 / 6714 5/06/2013 12:33 by kc3018
  [Jacanas] 白胸苦惡鳥 White Breasted Waterhen 9Wi 2/06/2013 0 / 5241 2/06/2013 18:07 by 9Wi
  [Snipe] 彩鷸爸爸與大B (Greater Painted Snipe : Father and Big Baby) 9Wi 30/05/2013 0 / 4844 30/05/2013 00:37 by 9Wi
  [Snipe] greater painted snipe彩鷸 Attachment wingwing 27/05/2013 0 / 4825 27/05/2013 10:35 by wingwing
  [Phalarope] 紅頸瓣蹼鷸 Red-Necked Phalarope 9Wi 27/05/2013 0 / 5205 27/05/2013 10:05 by 9Wi
  [Sandpipers] Asian Dowitchers (breed) fneil 15/05/2013 1 / 7308 19/05/2013 09:45 by John Holmes
  [Jacanas] Pheasant-tailed Jacana 水雉 inca 18/05/2013 0 / 5745 18/05/2013 23:27 by inca
  [Curlews] Far eastern curlew紅腰杓鷸 Attachment wingwing 18/05/2013 0 / 5137 18/05/2013 22:38 by wingwing
  [Plovers] Rudy Turnstone [ 翻石鷸 ] hkinni 17/05/2013 2 / 6054 18/05/2013 21:13 by hkinni
  [Sandpipers] Red Knot [ 紅腹濱鷸 ] hkinni 17/05/2013 0 / 4799 17/05/2013 22:52 by hkinni
  [Plovers] whimbrel / plovers and ID Attachment wingwing 16/05/2013 2 / 5894 17/05/2013 08:48 by ajohn
  [Sandpipers] Black-tailed Godwits (breed) fneil 16/05/2013 0 / 5064 16/05/2013 07:44 by fneil
  [Sandpipers] Shorebirds/Waders in Breeding color fneil 15/05/2013 0 / 5133 15/05/2013 10:24 by fneil
  [Sandpipers] 勺嘴鷸 Spoon-billed Sandpiper 2013 record Attachment HKBWS Tung 31/03/2013 15 / 14678 10/05/2013 16:33 by HKBWS Ivan
  [Plovers] Kentish Plover Attachment fai584 7/05/2013 0 / 4884 7/05/2013 23:23 by fai584
  [Stint] Little Stint小濱鷸 Attachment fai584 7/05/2013 0 / 5410 7/05/2013 23:17 by fai584
  [Stint] Long-toed Stint 長趾濱鷸 fkkc 28/04/2013 0 / 5239 28/04/2013 16:27 by fkkc
  [Sandpipers] Board-Billed Sandpiper 闊咀鷸 ypakwai 27/04/2013 0 / 5002 27/04/2013 23:34 by ypakwai
  [Plovers] Grey pover Attachment wingwing 26/04/2013 0 / 4636 26/04/2013 22:47 by wingwing
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