
Shorebirds 涉禽

    Subject Author Replies/Views Last Post
  [Prantincoles] 普通燕鴴 Oriental Pratincole dick 20/03/2011 1 / 5591 24/03/2011 11:28 by dick
  [Sandpipers] Curlew Sandpipers and other migrants fneil 23/03/2011 0 / 5433 23/03/2011 15:27 by fneil
  [Others 其他] Black-tailed Godwit Attachment hkinni 22/03/2011 2 / 8231 23/03/2011 09:46 by lkatherine
  [Plovers] Little Ringed Plover cwchan 22/03/2011 0 / 5194 22/03/2011 20:01 by cwchan
  [Snipe] Common Snipe akhan 20/03/2011 0 / 4903 20/03/2011 22:46 by akhan
  [Sandpipers] Curlew Sandpiper - flagged Attachment John Holmes 19/03/2011 5 / 7083 20/03/2011 18:02 by John Holmes
  [Avocets] 反嘴鷸 Attachment cosmos 17/03/2011 2 / 9191 18/03/2011 22:48 by cosmos
  [Stint] ID Please akhan 13/03/2011 2 / 6617 13/03/2011 18:22 by akhan
  [Others 其他] Common Redshank in flight akhan 13/03/2011 0 / 4799 13/03/2011 14:19 by akhan
  [Prantincoles] Oriental Pratincole in flight (Breeding color) akhan 5/03/2011 1 / 6132 9/03/2011 14:02 by John Holmes
  [Sandpipers] Dunlin 黑腹濱鷸 hkinni 8/03/2011 0 / 5323 8/03/2011 23:05 by hkinni
  [Sandpipers] Nordmann's Greenshank 小青腳鷸 hkinni 7/03/2011 0 / 5412 7/03/2011 00:41 by hkinni
  [Snipe] Common Snipe akhan 6/03/2011 2 / 5524 6/03/2011 23:38 by akhan
  [Snipe] 彩鷸 Greater Painted Snipe kyshum 6/03/2011 0 / 4598 6/03/2011 21:15 by kyshum
  [Others 其他] Greater Painted Snipe 彩鷸 Attachment wwkegg 3/03/2011 4 / 7042 4/03/2011 22:55 by akhan
  [Lapwings] Grey-headed Lapwing Attachment John Holmes 28/02/2011 4 / 7247 1/03/2011 22:17 by brendank
  起飛 cslpaul 24/02/2011 1 / 5051 26/02/2011 00:35 by mbill
  [Others 其他] Common Moorhen黑水雞 Attachment wwkegg 25/02/2011 0 / 5335 25/02/2011 22:53 by wwkegg
  [Plovers] Pacific Golden Plover cwchan 24/02/2011 0 / 4993 24/02/2011 20:42 by cwchan
  [Others 其他] Ruddy Turnstone 翻石鷸 mhs 7/02/2011 2 / 5454 7/02/2011 15:08 by mhs
  [Plovers] Pacific Golden Plover 金斑鴴 mhs 7/02/2011 0 / 5313 7/02/2011 11:42 by mhs
  [Avocets] Avocet in flight at NSW Attachment John Holmes 1/02/2011 0 / 5435 1/02/2011 16:42 by John Holmes
  [Snipe] Common Snipe akhan 24/01/2011 0 / 5184 24/01/2011 21:24 by akhan
  [Avocets] Pied Avocet akhan 22/01/2011 1 / 6621 23/01/2011 07:46 by kmike
  [Stilts] Black Winged Stilt akhan 22/01/2011 0 / 5697 22/01/2011 22:39 by akhan
  [Plovers] Kentish Plover 環頸鴴 iherman 16/01/2011 0 / 6114 16/01/2011 10:37 by iherman
  [Sandpipers] Common Sandpiper - Lamma Island mguy 15/01/2011 0 / 5078 15/01/2011 14:49 by mguy
  [Avocets] Pied Avocets Attachment cywong 13/01/2011 0 / 5658 13/01/2011 22:35 by cywong
  [Sandpipers] Great Knot 大濱鷸 cthomas 10/01/2011 0 / 5764 10/01/2011 21:15 by cthomas
  [Others 其他] Black-winged Stilt attack to Greater Painted-snipe Attachment Late 5/01/2011 6 / 10039 6/01/2011 17:33 by HKBWS Chuan
  [Curlews] 白腰杓鷸 Eurasian Curlew kyshum 2/01/2011 0 / 5418 2/01/2011 00:12 by kyshum
  [Plovers] 環頸鴴 Kentish Plover puppymic 20/12/2010 0 / 5401 20/12/2010 16:46 by puppymic
  [Sandpipers] Ruff 流蘇鷸 cthomas 14/12/2010 1 / 6554 14/12/2010 23:01 by Andiona
  [Stilts] Black-winged Stilt 黑翅長腳鷸 深藍-Owen 8/12/2010 0 / 5533 8/12/2010 21:49 by 深藍-Owen
  [Plovers] Pacific Golden Plover 金鴴 cthomas 4/12/2010 1 / 6279 4/12/2010 21:03 by Andiona
  [Jacanas] 水雉 Pheasant-tailed Jacana nlinyau 25/11/2010 0 / 5852 25/11/2010 23:57 by nlinyau
  [Snipe] Common Snipe Attachment wwkegg 21/11/2010 0 / 5215 21/11/2010 21:59 by wwkegg
  [Plovers] ~~Kentish Plover~~ hkinni 18/11/2010 0 / 5444 18/11/2010 22:04 by hkinni
  [Plovers] Kentish Plover 環頸鴴 Attachment cjacky 18/11/2010 0 / 6695 18/11/2010 20:20 by cjacky
  [Sandpipers] 林鷸 Wood Sandpiper TonyTang 16/11/2010 1 / 6281 16/11/2010 23:16 by Beetle
  [Stilts] 黑翅長腳鷸 Black-winged Stilt TonyTang 16/11/2010 0 / 6275 16/11/2010 21:39 by TonyTang
  [Stilts] Black-winged Stilt lwingkay 7/11/2010 0 / 6109 7/11/2010 21:19 by lwingkay
  [Sandpipers] Wood Sandpiper lwingkay 7/11/2010 0 / 5409 7/11/2010 21:17 by lwingkay
  [Sandpipers] Common Greenshank - ringed Attachment fkkc 6/11/2010 0 / 5283 6/11/2010 21:05 by fkkc
  [Plovers] Pacific Golden Plover Attachment John Holmes 2/11/2010 0 / 5448 2/11/2010 17:37 by John Holmes
  [Plovers] Lesser Sandplover 蒙古沙鴴 vivian 31/10/2010 2 / 6673 1/11/2010 21:41 by vivian
  [Sandpipers] 林鷸 Wood Sandpiper puppymic 30/10/2010 0 / 5464 30/10/2010 23:51 by puppymic
  [Others 其他] Ruff & Great Knot 流蘇鷸及大濱鷸 vivian 26/10/2010 0 / 5576 26/10/2010 23:26 by vivian
  [Lapwings] Grey-headed Lapwings Attachment brendank 17/10/2010 3 / 7247 26/10/2010 14:32 by John Holmes
  [Others 其他] ~~Long-Billed Dowitcher 長嘴半蹼鷸~~ hkinni 24/10/2010 1 / 6688 26/10/2010 14:22 by John Holmes
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