China Oversea Hong Kong

Trip Reports 觀鳥報告

    Subject Author Replies/Views Last Post
  Appeal for photographs cgeoff 9/08/2021 4 / 12305 27/09/2021 12:14 by cgeoff
  靚相護雀鳥 承諾「不干擾」Respect birds, do not disturb! Attachment HKBWS Chuan 29/04/2020 1 / 13897 1/05/2020 06:03 by wcaptain
  [Hong Kong] 雀鳥有關個案的處理方法Suggested actions for different bird cases Attachment HKBWS Chuan 4/06/2015 6 / 53110 10/06/2015 15:58 by WWF Mai Po
  [Hong Kong] 觀鳥及鳥類攝影守則 Code of Conduct for Birdwatching and Photography BWA 25/06/2007 0 / 92786 25/06/2007 18:09 by BWA
  [Oversea] Eurasian Hobby(燕隼) Wellington 22/09/2024 1 / 341 22/09/2024 00:49 by Wellington
  [China] 中華鳳頭燕鷗 Great Crested Tern Godwin-C 17/09/2024 2 / 290 18/09/2024 18:04 by Godwin-C
  [Oversea] Mountain Hawk-Eagle 日本熊鷹 Godwin-C 23/08/2024 2 / 640 31/08/2024 14:06 by Godwin-C
  [Oversea] Common Chiffchaff(嘰喳柳鶯) Wellington 21/08/2024 0 / 446 21/08/2024 23:03 by Wellington
  [Oversea] Eurasian Blackcap (黑頂林鶯) Wellington 21/08/2024 1 / 499 21/08/2024 23:02 by Wellington
  [Oversea] Golden Eagle 金鵰 Godwin-C 31/07/2024 0 / 516 31/07/2024 11:26 by Godwin-C
  [Oversea] Rose-ringed Parakeet(紅領綠鸚鵡) Wellington 2/07/2023 3 / 2094 27/06/2024 18:24 by Wellington
  [Oversea] Common Woodpigeon (斑尾林鴿) Wellington 14/05/2023 2 / 2504 18/06/2024 21:41 by Wellington
  [Oversea] Peninsular Malaysia 馬來半島 05.2024 Attachment Paux 8/06/2024 2 / 1139 12/06/2024 22:23 by Wellington
  [Oversea] Common Shelduck(翹鼻麻鴨) Wellington 7/06/2024 0 / 869 7/06/2024 23:37 by Wellington
  [Oversea] Penang 檳城 05.2024 Attachment Paux 3/06/2024 1 / 764 3/06/2024 23:59 by Paux
  [Oversea] Barred Eagle-Owl juv. 馬來鵰鴞幼鳥 Attachment Paux 31/05/2024 0 / 654 31/05/2024 17:12 by Paux
  [Oversea] Black-headed Gull(紅嘴鷗) Attachment Wellington 25/03/2024 5 / 1048 19/05/2024 12:27 by M.L.YIP
  [Oversea] European Robin(歐亞鴝) Wellington 26/04/2023 4 / 2599 15/05/2024 19:49 by Wellington
  [Oversea] House Sparrows’ Summer Feasting(家麻雀夏日大餐) Wellington 10/05/2024 0 / 635 10/05/2024 21:22 by Wellington
  [Oversea] Eurasian Blackcap(黑頂林鶯) Wellington 8/05/2024 0 / 686 8/05/2024 01:23 by Wellington
  [Oversea] Tufted Duck(鳳頭潛鴨) Wellington 14/06/2023 2 / 2307 24/04/2024 01:36 by Wellington
  [Oversea] Eurasian Moorhen and Its Chicks(紅冠水雞及其雛鳥) Wellington 24/04/2024 0 / 490 24/04/2024 00:59 by Wellington
  [Oversea] Dunnock(林岩鷚) Wellington 26/04/2023 2 / 2587 24/04/2024 00:41 by Wellington
  [Oversea] Common Kestrel(紅隼) Wellington 22/04/2024 0 / 613 22/04/2024 17:27 by Wellington
  [Oversea] Collared Sand Martin(崖沙燕) Wellington 16/04/2024 0 / 632 16/04/2024 18:33 by Wellington
  [Oversea] Greater Scaups Attachment msamuel 13/04/2024 2 / 769 15/04/2024 14:25 by msamuel
  [Oversea] Gadwall(赤膀鴨) Wellington 12/03/2024 1 / 856 14/04/2024 21:11 by Wellington
  [Oversea] Great Spotted Woodpecker(大斑啄木鳥) Wellington 11/04/2024 1 / 607 11/04/2024 15:06 by Wellington
  [Oversea] European Firecrest(火冠戴菊) Wellington 11/04/2024 0 / 514 11/04/2024 14:46 by Wellington
  [China] White-faced Plover 白臉鴴 Godwin-C 3/04/2024 1 / 891 6/04/2024 18:21 by Godwin-C
  [China] Sanderling 三趾濱鷸 Godwin-C 5/04/2024 0 / 657 5/04/2024 22:50 by Godwin-C
  [Oversea] Mallard and White Mallard(綠頭鴨) Wellington 4/04/2024 1 / 667 4/04/2024 23:26 by Wellington
  [Oversea] European Goldfinch(紅額金翅雀) Wellington 3/04/2024 2 / 745 3/04/2024 14:42 by Wellington
  [China] Greater Sand Plover 鐵嘴沙鴴 Godwin-C 28/03/2024 0 / 656 28/03/2024 20:59 by Godwin-C
  [China] Nanjing 南京 03.2024 Attachment Paux 21/03/2024 1 / 656 21/03/2024 13:05 by Paux
  [Oversea] Buffy Fish-owl Godwin-C 7/10/2019 3 / 6443 21/03/2024 12:43 by Godwin-C
  [Oversea] Eurasian Oystercatcher(蠣鷸) Wellington 21/03/2024 0 / 726 21/03/2024 01:47 by Wellington
  [China] Ancient Murretel 扁嘴海雀 Attachment passerby-b 18/03/2024 0 / 720 18/03/2024 21:20 by passerby-b
  [Oversea] Blakiston's Fish-Owl 毛腿漁鴞 Godwin-C 22/04/2023 10 / 3875 18/03/2024 19:59 by Godwin-C
  [Oversea] Long Tailed Tit 銀喉長尾山雀 Godwin-C 30/04/2023 1 / 2582 18/03/2024 17:10 by Godwin-C
  [Oversea] Carrion Crow’s Lunch(小嘴烏鴉的午餐) Wellington 18/03/2024 0 / 736 18/03/2024 01:18 by Wellington
  [Oversea] Black woodpecker 黑啄木鳥 Godwin-C 23/05/2023 1 / 1907 17/03/2024 23:36 by Godwin-C
  [Oversea] Mandarin Duck (鴛鴦) Wellington 17/03/2024 1 / 749 17/03/2024 01:28 by Wellington
  [Oversea] Dusky Eagle-Owl 烏鵰鴞 Godwin-C 17/09/2023 17 / 2275 16/03/2024 13:57 by Godwin-C
  [Oversea] European Long-tailed Tit(北長尾山雀) Wellington 6/03/2024 3 / 1076 15/03/2024 18:08 by Wellington
  [Oversea] Carrion Crow(小嘴烏鴉) Wellington 12/10/2023 2 / 1622 12/03/2024 03:39 by Wellington
  [Oversea] Eurasian Magpie’s Lunch(喜鵲的午餐) Wellington 10/03/2024 0 / 673 10/03/2024 23:58 by Wellington
  [Oversea] Canada Goose (加拿大黑雁) Wellington 1/03/2024 0 / 765 1/03/2024 19:27 by Wellington
  [Oversea] Northern Wren(鷦鷯) Wellington 29/02/2024 0 / 847 29/02/2024 02:25 by Wellington
  [Oversea] Mallard (綠頭鴨) Wellington 8/02/2024 2 / 1058 21/02/2024 22:24 by Wellington
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