
Trip Reports 觀鳥報告

    Subject Author Replies/Views Last Post
  [Oversea] Traveling to Seoul early October sken 1/09/2008 0 / 5894 1/09/2008 21:32 by sken
  [Oversea] Questions about birding in Palawan 問巴拉望觀鳥資料 ajosh 16/08/2008 0 / 6058 16/08/2008 12:32 by ajosh
  [Oversea] Australia,Sydney fneil 15/08/2008 3 / 9076 15/08/2008 22:27 by kmatthew
  [Oversea] Kingfishers Attachment peregrine 7/08/2008 5 / 16948 8/08/2008 10:17 by peregrine
  [Oversea] Thailand 2008 泰國 2008 twallace 7/07/2008 9 / 15798 7/08/2008 19:32 by twallace
Icon22 [Oversea] Bird Report in Kenya 2008 (72 birds included) completed 2:45 7/8/2008 ckacheung 6/08/2008 4 / 8404 7/08/2008 02:43 by ckacheung
  [China] An owl video clip 一段貓頭鷹錄影片 jemi 30/07/2008 16 / 14359 2/08/2008 22:39 by jemi
  [China] Fuzhou Minjiang estuary gary 6/07/2008 11 / 17104 23/07/2008 11:16 by cgeoff
  [China] Fujian, Fuzhou. wleepoin 19/06/2008 11 / 11376 6/07/2008 18:53 by wleepoin
  [Oversea] Common Pheasant 雉雞 DanielCKChan 4/07/2008 0 / 10826 4/07/2008 14:07 by DanielCKChan
  [Oversea] Dartmoor National Park, UK kmatthew 3/07/2008 2 / 7655 4/07/2008 00:36 by kmatthew
  [Oversea] Singapore Jun2008 cywong 22/06/2008 4 / 8863 27/06/2008 21:41 by cywong
  [China] Taiwan Sep07 cywong 26/06/2008 0 / 6314 26/06/2008 23:59 by cywong
  [Oversea] Singapore Avifauna Jan - Mar 2008 Attachment Web Osprey 24/06/2008 0 / 7107 24/06/2008 23:32 by Web Osprey
  [China] Baikal Teals, Hangzhou (Eastern China) cywong 24/06/2008 0 / 6986 24/06/2008 22:42 by cywong
  [China] South West Yunnan Province March 2008 雲南西南 Attachment John Holmes 4/03/2008 18 / 27423 22/06/2008 21:46 by jemi
  [Oversea] Hobbies 燕隼 Shapwick Heath kmatthew 16/06/2008 0 / 7248 16/06/2008 00:57 by kmatthew
  [Oversea] Tasmania, Australia 澳洲塔斯曼尼亞 nfelix 14/06/2008 0 / 20369 14/06/2008 23:45 by nfelix
  [Oversea] Waterbirds of Peru 秘魯 水鳥 eling 12/06/2008 2 / 9912 13/06/2008 22:19 by eling
  [Oversea] Forest birds of Peru (2) 秘魯 林鳥 (2) eling 12/06/2008 5 / 16307 13/06/2008 21:59 by eling
  [Oversea] Forest birds of Peru (1) 秘魯 林鳥 (1) eling 12/06/2008 2 / 14152 12/06/2008 23:01 by cywong
  [Oversea] Cheddar Reservior, Somerset UK. kmatthew 25/02/2008 14 / 11769 11/06/2008 22:54 by kmatthew
  [Oversea] Linnet, UK kmatthew 6/05/2008 0 / 7025 6/05/2008 00:13 by kmatthew
  [China] Sichuan May 2008 Attachment John Holmes 4/05/2008 0 / 6531 4/05/2008 11:38 by John Holmes
  [Oversea] Florida April 2008 fneil 2/05/2008 0 / 6554 2/05/2008 17:19 by fneil
  [Oversea] Swinhoe's Pheasant hdanny 29/04/2008 1 / 9454 29/04/2008 14:25 by hdanny
  [Oversea] Thicket Flycatcher黃胸青鶲 hdanny 29/04/2008 1 / 7705 29/04/2008 14:20 by hdanny
  [Oversea] Brean Down, Somerset kmatthew 27/04/2008 1 / 7305 27/04/2008 01:50 by kmatthew
  [China] 三月雲南行 Attachment hwunfung 16/04/2008 2 / 6581 16/04/2008 15:23 by hwunfung
  [Oversea] Chaffinch, UK kmatthew 10/03/2008 0 / 6616 10/03/2008 04:50 by kmatthew
  [Oversea] Northern Lapwings, UK kmatthew 10/03/2008 0 / 6631 10/03/2008 04:44 by kmatthew
  [Oversea] Reed Bunting, UK kmatthew 7/03/2008 0 / 6669 7/03/2008 20:34 by kmatthew
  [Oversea] Great-Northern Diver, UK kmatthew 3/03/2008 4 / 8705 3/03/2008 00:17 by kmatthew
  [Oversea] Goldeneye, UK kmatthew 3/03/2008 0 / 6621 3/03/2008 00:15 by kmatthew
  [Oversea] Coot, UK kmatthew 3/03/2008 0 / 6718 3/03/2008 00:13 by kmatthew
  [Oversea] Black-Headed Gull,UK kmatthew 3/03/2008 0 / 6444 3/03/2008 00:10 by kmatthew
  [Oversea] Scaups, Common Pochards and Tufted Ducks, UK kmatthew 3/03/2008 0 / 6614 3/03/2008 00:07 by kmatthew
  [Oversea] Great-Crested Grebe, UK kmatthew 3/03/2008 9 / 10349 3/03/2008 00:04 by kmatthew
  [Oversea] Seabirds of Peru 秘魯 海鳥篇 eling 2/03/2008 4 / 13972 2/03/2008 22:04 by eling
  [Oversea] San Francisco Bay ARea, Feb 2008 (III) ywaihung 2/03/2008 1 / 7459 2/03/2008 01:13 by ywaihung
  [Oversea] San Francisco Bay Area, Feb 2008 (II) ywaihung 1/03/2008 2 / 8458 1/03/2008 16:18 by ywaihung
  [Oversea] San Francisco Bay Area Feb 2008 (I) ywaihung 1/03/2008 1 / 7127 1/03/2008 13:22 by ywaihung
  [China] Shandong, Feb2008 cywong 23/02/2008 4 / 8864 23/02/2008 22:59 by cywong
  [China] Whooper Swans, Shandong cywong 20/02/2008 0 / 6577 20/02/2008 21:48 by cywong
  [Oversea] 在天願比翼,在水鴛鴦歡 ﹣﹣ 祝情人節快樂 Hendrix 14/02/2008 0 / 7189 14/02/2008 14:23 by Hendrix
  [China] Trip Report Qinghai Province, China 2007 中國青海省觀鳥報告 Attachment jemi 28/01/2008 0 / 7412 28/01/2008 12:30 by jemi
  [Oversea] Nepal Chitwan National Park twing 19/01/2008 6 / 8854 19/01/2008 00:26 by twing
  [China] Trip report of West China April & May 中國西部之旅 2005 jemi 18/01/2008 0 / 6498 18/01/2008 20:51 by jemi
  [Oversea] India (NW) sammysam 15/01/2008 5 / 9732 15/01/2008 22:39 by sammysam
  [Oversea] South India, India 南印度 January 2007 jemi 15/01/2008 0 / 6506 15/01/2008 16:30 by jemi
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