
Waterbirds 水鳥

    Subject Author Replies/Views Last Post
  [Rails] Watercock 董雞 cthomas 28/07/2015 0 / 6111 28/07/2015 23:37 by cthomas
  [Grebes] Little Grebe 小鸊鷉 feeding with prawn and fish derekhon2 27/07/2015 0 / 5582 27/07/2015 19:03 by derekhon2
  [Rails] Slaty-breasted Rails (family of 8) 灰胸秧雞一家八口 Attachment jsk_ppp 25/07/2015 0 / 5743 25/07/2015 06:55 by jsk_ppp
  [Rails] 灰胸秧雞 (男) ^8^ Slaty-breasted Rail ( M ) tampccw 8/06/2015 5 / 9683 25/07/2015 06:46 by jsk_ppp
  [Storks] Old photo for sharing - Oriental Stork Attachment ((華仔)) 11/07/2015 0 / 5553 11/07/2015 00:24 by ((華仔))
  [Rails] 灰胸秧雞 Slaty breasted Rail (Video) Late 6/07/2015 0 / 5562 6/07/2015 20:35 by Late
  [Egrets] 大白鷺. 繁殖羽 與 非繁殖羽 Attachment DCW 30/06/2015 0 / 5470 30/06/2015 19:54 by DCW
  [Kingfisher] Pied Kingfisher 斑魚狗 derekhon2 27/06/2015 0 / 5655 27/06/2015 10:45 by derekhon2
  [Herons] Purple Heron 草鷺 (record) derekhon2 25/06/2015 1 / 6401 25/06/2015 17:28 by ajohn
  [Bittern] Great Bittern 大麻鳽 cthomas 18/04/2014 2 / 8158 23/06/2015 09:08 by tampccw
  [Egrets] Cattle Egrets going home 牛背鷺還鄉 Attachment BWA 21/06/2015 0 / 5205 21/06/2015 18:11 by BWA
  [Bittern] Yellow Bittern [ 黃斑葦鳽 ] hkinni 16/06/2015 2 / 7361 16/06/2015 11:38 by ((華仔))
  [Ducks] Northern Shoveler 琵咀鴨 cthomas 16/06/2015 0 / 5597 16/06/2015 00:07 by cthomas
  [Rails] 一對灰胸秧雞 Slaty-breasted Rails (pair) Attachment irsychan 7/06/2015 8 / 14132 9/06/2015 22:20 by irsychan
  [Bittern] Yellow Bittern 黃斑葦鳽 oLDcaR 3/06/2015 2 / 9254 9/06/2015 14:56 by lexusjohn
  [Bittern] Yellow Bittern @ Tsing Yi Park kmatthew 7/06/2015 4 / 8981 9/06/2015 14:56 by lexusjohn
  [Herons] Striated Heron 綠鷺 (records) derekhon2 8/06/2015 0 / 6078 8/06/2015 21:58 by derekhon2
  [Egrets] Lɪᴛᴛʟᴇ Eɢʀᴇᴛ mguy 1/06/2015 0 / 5101 1/06/2015 14:45 by mguy
  [Kingfisher] Wʜɪᴛᴇ-ʙʀᴇᴀsᴛᴇᴅ Kɪɴɢғɪsʜᴇʀ mguy 1/06/2015 0 / 5074 1/06/2015 13:50 by mguy
  [Rails] Watercock [ 董雞 ] hkinni 27/05/2015 1 / 6551 28/05/2015 12:37 by lexusjohn
  [Egrets] An elegant egret Attachment kscheng 19/05/2015 0 / 5603 19/05/2015 13:22 by kscheng
  [Egrets] Chinese Egret fneil 7/05/2015 0 / 6095 7/05/2015 11:21 by fneil
  [Egrets] Swinhoe's Egret [ 黃咀白鷺 ] hkinni 4/05/2015 0 / 5851 4/05/2015 23:09 by hkinni
  [Egrets] 黃咀白鷺 Swinhoe's Egret (Record Photo) Sze 27/04/2015 1 / 5838 4/05/2015 21:27 by tomatofamily
  [Egrets] Chinese Pond Heron? wgeoff 1/05/2015 0 / 5622 1/05/2015 06:02 by wgeoff
  [Bittern] Malayan Night Heron 黑冠鳽 leo2012 26/04/2015 0 / 5700 26/04/2015 12:41 by leo2012
  [Egrets] 黃嘴白鷺 Swinhoe’s Egret (Video) Late 25/04/2015 0 / 5645 25/04/2015 20:01 by Late
  [Egrets] 大白鷺 Great Egret 9Wi 17/04/2015 0 / 5757 17/04/2015 20:57 by 9Wi
  [Egrets] Chinese Egret - Mai Po boardwalk Attachment John Holmes 15/04/2015 1 / 6447 15/04/2015 20:43 by irsychan
  [Egrets] Cattle Egret (Breeding) Attachment kc3018 12/04/2015 0 / 5061 12/04/2015 18:14 by kc3018
  [Egrets] Cattle Egrets at Long Valley Attachment irsychan 5/04/2015 2 / 6524 10/04/2015 21:12 by irsychan
  [Ducks] 紅冠水雞Gallinula chloropus/赤頸鴨Eurasian Wigeon Attachment krisfish8989 9/04/2015 1 / 6966 9/04/2015 11:02 by kmatthew
  [Grebes] Great Crested Grebe Attachment Chesey 3/04/2015 0 / 5442 3/04/2015 22:40 by Chesey
  [Egrets] Cattle Egret with breeding plumage passerby-b 31/03/2015 0 / 4961 31/03/2015 12:07 by passerby-b
  [Rails] 雞。全部都係雞~之【普通秧雞 Water Rail】 9Wi 31/03/2015 1 / 6632 31/03/2015 08:59 by lexusjohn
  [Ducks] Garganey at a race Attachment kscheng 26/03/2015 0 / 5027 26/03/2015 13:40 by kscheng
  [Herons] 夜鷺Black-crowned night heron(Foot Ring?) Attachment SamYui 25/03/2015 3 / 7334 26/03/2015 09:54 by wcaptain
  [Rails] Ruddy-Breasted Crack 紅胸田雞 cthomas 23/03/2015 0 / 5765 23/03/2015 22:21 by cthomas
  [Kingfisher] Common Kingfisher Attachment Chesey 23/03/2015 0 / 5124 23/03/2015 13:08 by Chesey
  [Rails] Water Rail 普通秧雞 cthomas 19/03/2015 1 / 6810 20/03/2015 21:15 by HFCheung
  [Ducks] Smew 斑頭秋沙鴨 cthomas 11/03/2015 2 / 7050 13/03/2015 00:06 by cthomas
  [Rails] Water Rail 普通秧雞 Attachment jsk_ppp 11/03/2015 0 / 5327 11/03/2015 23:16 by jsk_ppp
  [Cormorants] A funny picture-Human like Great Cormorant ((華仔)) 9/03/2015 5 / 8709 10/03/2015 17:50 by John Holmes
  [Ducks] Garganey 白眉鴨 Attachment jsk_ppp 4/03/2015 2 / 6556 6/03/2015 21:53 by jsk_ppp
  [Grebes] Great Crested Grebe lexusjohn 23/02/2015 7 / 8922 27/02/2015 08:56 by lexusjohn
  [Rails] Water Rail tomatofamily 24/02/2015 0 / 5103 24/02/2015 23:49 by tomatofamily
  [Egrets] 大白鷺食早餐 Attachment Chesey 24/02/2015 1 / 5098 24/02/2015 16:28 by Chesey
  [Kingfisher] Pied Kingfisher coconutcat 16/02/2015 0 / 5229 16/02/2015 23:12 by coconutcat
  [Kingfisher] A sensible kingfisher Attachment kscheng 16/02/2015 0 / 4884 16/02/2015 12:58 by kscheng
  [Kingfisher] Common Kingfisher Attachment Chesey 15/02/2015 0 / 4748 15/02/2015 21:21 by Chesey
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