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56 205 Information about birdwatching in Macau by parrotkeen - 17/10/2022 19:37

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2 23 徵求觀鳥領隊 Outing leaders wanted by lchunfai - 16/08/2008 13:56

Let's Chirp 百鳥共鳴

    Subject Author Replies/Views Last Post
  Spice up, Galapagos 2013! Attachment HKBWS Vivian 20/02/2013 0 / 4965 20/02/2013 17:02 by HKBWS Vivian
  香港觀鳥會招聘項目主任兩名 Attachment HKBWS Vicky 7/02/2013 0 / 7266 7/02/2013 16:25 by HKBWS Vicky
  誠徵濕地鳥種相片 Requesting Photos of Wetland Bird Species HKBWS Ivan 29/01/2013 0 / 5196 29/01/2013 17:45 by HKBWS Ivan
  Bird Guide in China passerby-b 21/01/2013 3 / 6512 24/01/2013 13:49 by passerby-b
  VOLUNTEER FIELD ASSISTANTS OF SOCIAL BEHAVOIRS OF GROUND TITS Attachment sfoenix 23/01/2013 0 / 4799 23/01/2013 15:07 by sfoenix
  BIG SPENDER:誰趕走了家燕 VRII 12/01/2013 4 / 7737 14/01/2013 02:37 by ying
  BIG SPENDER:天涯海角觀鳥去 (蘋果曰報 訪問鳥友伍昌齡先生) HKBWS Bonnie 5/12/2012 0 / 5933 5/12/2012 10:49 by HKBWS Bonnie
  Recruitment of Conservation Officer Attachment HKBWS WY 14/11/2012 0 / 5952 14/11/2012 12:38 by HKBWS WY
  讣闻:高玮教授逝世 HKBWS Vivian 14/11/2012 0 / 5053 14/11/2012 11:00 by HKBWS Vivian
  長春社『綠活日誌2013』 HKBWS Bonnie 5/11/2012 0 / 5565 5/11/2012 16:37 by HKBWS Bonnie
  商台「有誰共鳴」-燕子訪問 Attachment Sze 2/11/2012 0 / 5941 2/11/2012 22:57 by Sze
  小朋友的"觀鳥行" Paux 14/10/2012 1 / 7032 14/10/2012 21:06 by mchristine
  好書&展覽分享 – 觀鳥大年/所羅門王的指環/秦皇墓展 PCheung 28/09/2012 0 / 5421 28/09/2012 00:48 by PCheung
  關於觀鳥的電影: The Big Year Attachment bin_go 18/09/2012 5 / 8000 19/09/2012 08:15 by 星魚
  誠徵漁塘相片 HKBWS Johnson 30/08/2012 4 / 6144 4/09/2012 12:22 by ((華仔))
  鳥畫傑作 HKBWS Vivian 18/08/2012 0 / 5359 18/08/2012 12:23 by HKBWS Vivian
  Recruitment of Conservation Officer Attachment HKBWS WY 8/08/2012 0 / 5315 8/08/2012 18:13 by HKBWS WY
  香港觀鳥會徵求物資 Office Equipment Request HKBWS WY 24/07/2012 1 / 5749 27/07/2012 16:06 by HKBWS Bonnie
  "美丽也是一种错" Paux 11/07/2012 4 / 8177 17/07/2012 23:22 by Sze
  建議的香港中文鳥名(2) Proposed Chinese Name (2) HFCheung 27/06/2012 2 / 5764 12/07/2012 22:01 by gary
  建議更改的香港中文鳥名 Proposed Chinese Name Changes HFCheung 5/05/2012 5 / 7559 20/06/2012 13:50 by HFCheung
Icon21 How to upload mp3 attachment of bird call? lnk 16/04/2012 6 / 7218 21/05/2012 10:10 by HKBWS Vicky
  新城知訊台 --- 香港觀鳥會的訪問 Sze 29/12/2009 39 / 17933 15/05/2012 23:29 by Sze
  East Asia - Australiasian Flyway Partnership yyattung 15/05/2012 0 / 5330 15/05/2012 14:36 by yyattung
  Birdwatching in Macau MBIVARCUNHA 7/05/2012 0 / 4831 7/05/2012 10:14 by MBIVARCUNHA
  White Stork nest - live camera Eva 10/04/2012 4 / 6023 3/05/2012 01:48 by Eva
  "獨自觀鳥的苦惱和樂趣" Paux 27/04/2012 3 / 8083 28/04/2012 02:49 by Sze
  香港觀鳥會徵求物資 Office Equipment Request HKBWS Johnson 27/02/2012 1 / 5198 28/02/2012 09:41 by HKBWS Johnson
  US migration timing and global warming wmartin 23/02/2012 2 / 7144 24/02/2012 13:12 by yyattung
  香港鳥類名錄的中文名稱 Attachment HFCheung 10/02/2012 13 / 11882 18/02/2012 20:32 by HFCheung
  給觀鳥班同學:一些鳥類環誌研究的資料(Bird Ringing Information) Attachment Sze 22/11/2010 2 / 9654 15/02/2012 23:11 by Sze
  誠徵 - 兼職鳥類調查員 HKBWS Bonnie 13/02/2012 0 / 6006 13/02/2012 17:10 by HKBWS Bonnie
  香港觀鳥會招聘廣告 Attachment HKBWS WY 28/12/2011 1 / 14646 19/01/2012 18:47 by HKBWS WY
  有關校學做鷸科的專題報告 yhoao8212 18/01/2012 1 / 5645 19/01/2012 12:38 by wcaptain
  有關腳環問題 yhoao8212 7/01/2012 14 / 7639 19/01/2012 01:26 by Sze
  世界鳥類手冊攝影比賽 Bird photo contest HKBWS Vivian 28/12/2011 0 / 6352 28/12/2011 10:21 by HKBWS Vivian
  憤怒鳥新遊戲助保育極危鳥類 Angry Birds help Fighting Extinction! HKBWS Vivian 2/12/2011 0 / 5896 2/12/2011 16:20 by HKBWS Vivian
  站在電線上的鳥類會否觸電死亡? Birds on overhead lines HKBWS Chuan 4/11/2011 4 / 8461 4/11/2011 17:50 by HFCheung
  白腰雨燕分種 HFCheung 28/10/2011 1 / 6359 29/10/2011 02:21 by Sze
  訪問:會長的望遠鏡 Sze 24/09/2011 0 / 5717 24/09/2011 00:10 by Sze
  Malaysian Serpent Eagle Attachment artpancho 6/09/2011 3 / 7306 11/09/2011 21:24 by tongmenxiu
  為何lock post??? VRII 22/08/2011 17 / 11935 31/08/2011 01:48 by ying
Icon24 懇請觀鳥會慎重用人 Attachment VRII 15/08/2011 5 / 9339 19/08/2011 10:11 by HKBWS Vicky
  Painting Birds-my own way of watching them Attachment artpancho 16/08/2011 4 / 7844 18/08/2011 21:18 by handrew
  明報副刊杜鵑科雀鳥的專題訪問 Attachment Sze 29/07/2011 1 / 6986 31/07/2011 00:52 by Sze
  HI, anyone interested on working on android bird application? carfield 5/07/2011 0 / 7465 5/07/2011 00:50 by carfield
  Recruitment of Assistant Membership Officer Attachment HKBWS WY 10/06/2011 0 / 6320 10/06/2011 20:40 by HKBWS WY
  RFI: Grassbird and Upland Pipit tmichael 5/06/2011 2 / 6955 5/06/2011 19:09 by bkenneth
  White Stork in Poland - live Attachment   1 2 Eva 29/05/2009 50 / 23780 3/06/2011 02:56 by Eva
  請幫忙留意彩色腳旗 Plz help to record flagged shorebirds Attachment HKBWS Bonnie 1/09/2009 32 / 23682 16/04/2011 23:08 by puppymic
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