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56 205 Information about birdwatching in Macau by parrotkeen - 17/10/2022 19:37

Volunteers Wanted! 義工招募

Recruitment of Volunteers / Say thank you to our volunteers 招募義工 / 感謝各義工的幫助

2 23 徵求觀鳥領隊 Outing leaders wanted by lchunfai - 16/08/2008 13:56

Let's Chirp 百鳥共鳴

    Subject Author Replies/Views Last Post
  Reed and Bush Warblers Attachment HFCheung 25/03/2011 0 / 6629 25/03/2011 19:41 by HFCheung
  Warbler Photo needed for publication HFCheung 17/08/2009 1 / 8706 22/03/2011 17:21 by HKBWS WY
  White bellied sea eagle Attachment manwongkay 9/03/2011 1 / 7123 10/03/2011 12:39 by mbill
  want to visit lamma island, any point/ rount suggest? lalan 5/03/2011 2 / 7145 6/03/2011 21:53 by lalan
  On the tameness of birds tsheunglai 28/02/2011 0 / 5669 28/02/2011 19:37 by tsheunglai
  本會工作人員 HKBWS office staff Attachment hgeorge 16/02/2011 2 / 9417 16/02/2011 23:49 by Sze
  環境教育中心附近有攻擊雀鳥的行為   1 2 ying 11/02/2011 58 / 29047 16/02/2011 10:03 by HKBWS WY
  為保留黑臉琵鷺棲息地的網上簽名活動 Online petition for BFS HKBWS Bonnie 7/08/2009 1 / 8805 8/02/2011 10:38 by anncheung0831
Icon22 招聘項目主任(合約) Attachment HKBWS WY 7/02/2011 0 / 6988 7/02/2011 19:39 by HKBWS WY
  BirdLife-Help us discover spring website Sze 3/02/2011 0 / 6039 3/02/2011 18:47 by Sze
  Photo wanted : Crested Goshawk/ Besra 徵相:鳯頭鷹/松雀鷹 gary 18/01/2011 3 / 7934 24/01/2011 21:20 by gary
  The Birdlines, U and the Society tsheunglai 8/12/2010 2 / 6483 11/01/2011 20:22 by tsheunglai
  H5N1 this year HFCheung 24/12/2010 0 / 5801 24/12/2010 12:01 by HFCheung
  The CBR Checklist of Birds of China V1.2 HKBWS WY 18/12/2010 0 / 6327 18/12/2010 10:03 by HKBWS WY
  中国观鸟年报“中国鸟类名录” 1.2版 HKBWS WY 18/12/2010 0 / 7294 18/12/2010 09:56 by HKBWS WY
  Press release/seminar of “landbirds study” 陸鳥調查發佈/講座 Attachment hgeorge 16/12/2010 1 / 8679 18/12/2010 03:38 by Sze
  Owl Lover 2011 Calendar 2011貓頭鷹年曆 HKBWS Vicky 3/12/2010 2 / 9671 4/12/2010 22:00 by jacwu
  Shenzhen river development project HFCheung 24/11/2010 2 / 7823 25/11/2010 21:22 by Sze
  雀鳥鳴聲參考 birds call lalan 18/02/2010 2 / 9014 25/11/2010 16:55 by lalan
  Koreans at War and BS Spoonbill HFCheung 24/11/2010 2 / 6863 25/11/2010 15:41 by james10
  Earthquake in northern NT HFCheung 19/11/2010 9 / 12446 20/11/2010 10:44 by sdavid
  HKBWS Job Recruitment (China Off) 香港觀鳥會職位招聘 Attachment HKBWS WY 12/11/2010 0 / 6592 12/11/2010 15:36 by HKBWS WY
  HKBWS Job Recruitment (Conservation Off) 香港觀鳥會職位招聘 Attachment HKBWS WY 9/11/2010 0 / 6706 9/11/2010 11:59 by HKBWS WY
  ‎06-Nov-2010 明報:米埔邊緣觀雀自由行 Sze 7/11/2010 0 / 6459 7/11/2010 00:48 by Sze
  濕地公園觀鳥節公眾講座 Attachment Sze 14/10/2010 1 / 7335 1/11/2010 21:24 by Sze
  黄河口首届国际观鸟节观鸟参赛队 Bird Race at Yellow River Delta HKBWS Bonnie 13/10/2010 2 / 7604 18/10/2010 10:13 by HKBWS Bonnie
  Cyprus migratory birds need your help! Eva 13/10/2010 0 / 5853 13/10/2010 23:31 by Eva
  香港濕地公園 觀鳥節 HKWP - Bird Watching Festival Sze 2/10/2010 0 / 7481 2/10/2010 00:33 by Sze
  Save White Storks in Austria !!!!! Eva 29/09/2010 0 / 6494 29/09/2010 05:02 by Eva
  我要回應近日發生的事   1 2 icebing 22/06/2010 70 / 46078 27/09/2010 19:53 by pingapingapinga
  「雀鳥與濕地世界」紙雕畫作品收集活動 HKWP 5/08/2010 0 / 8331 5/08/2010 12:22 by HKWP
  吃白面雞!! tsawong 21/07/2010 2 / 8059 22/07/2010 13:04 by Stonechat
  Weather and Earliest Spring/Autumn Records wgeoff 19/07/2010 0 / 6147 19/07/2010 16:53 by wgeoff
  王岐山教授不幸去世 HKBWS WY 19/07/2010 0 / 6013 19/07/2010 16:31 by HKBWS WY
  反對過激言論 Attachment HFCheung 21/06/2010 42 / 24451 18/07/2010 15:00 by ying
  孫清松老師--玉山音樂會-16種畫眉鳥的錄音遊記 Attachment HKBWS WY 7/07/2010 2 / 7368 8/07/2010 10:37 by HKBWS WY
  Black Kite and Helicopter HFCheung 5/07/2010 1 / 6865 5/07/2010 20:24 by pitarhk
  極度強烈譴責一位外籍人仕   1 2 jumoku 18/06/2010 53 / 41065 20/06/2010 02:04 by fforrest
  徵求錄影/音 Calling for video/sound track lalan 7/05/2010 5 / 9698 17/05/2010 00:45 by lalan
  HKBWS Job Recruitment 香港觀鳥會職位招聘 Attachment HKBWS WY 6/05/2010 1 / 8418 13/05/2010 14:45 by HKBWS WY
  Snake ID Please Attachment ajosh 30/04/2010 0 / 5523 30/04/2010 19:13 by ajosh
  Some problem on the Bulletin Issue Hung 23/04/2010 1 / 6453 24/04/2010 10:04 by HKBWS Vicky
  徵求照片 Calling for Photo HKBWS WY 16/04/2010 1 / 6424 17/04/2010 07:26 by lpaul
  On the HKBWS bird race HFCheung 7/04/2010 2 / 7629 7/04/2010 21:20 by irenewong
  香港觀鳥大賽貼士 Attachment HFCheung 31/03/2010 6 / 8009 2/04/2010 21:29 by lalan
  Mai Po Nature Reserve John Holmes 1/04/2010 1 / 6077 1/04/2010 11:22 by subbuteo
  Nesting Egets and Night Herons on Green Island fneil 22/03/2010 0 / 5588 22/03/2010 21:01 by fneil
  我的觀鳥軼事 Sze 22/03/2010 0 / 6308 22/03/2010 00:50 by Sze
  a chirpy story about seasons 鄭雅麗 18/03/2010 3 / 7833 19/03/2010 12:21 by sdavid
  無辜的鳥兒 Attachment HKBWS WY 18/03/2010 1 / 7550 18/03/2010 23:56 by Sze
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