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56 205 Information about birdwatching in Macau by parrotkeen - 17/10/2022 19:37

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2 23 徵求觀鳥領隊 Outing leaders wanted by lchunfai - 16/08/2008 13:56

Let's Chirp 百鳥共鳴

    Subject Author Replies/Views Last Post
  a story about Batman 鄭雅麗 12/03/2010 0 / 5458 12/03/2010 07:13 by 鄭雅麗
  my favorite slideshow to share 鄭雅麗 10/03/2010 0 / 5601 10/03/2010 06:56 by 鄭雅麗
  attachments to postings tbob 5/03/2010 0 / 5547 5/03/2010 19:00 by tbob
  精美圖片+悠揚音樂+抒情故事 鄭雅麗 25/02/2010 0 / 6388 25/02/2010 08:16 by 鄭雅麗
  在電力木柱上的雀鳥 lalan 19/02/2010 0 / 6435 19/02/2010 12:35 by lalan
  氣團抵港路線圖 lalan 9/02/2010 0 / 6090 9/02/2010 23:58 by lalan
  新西蘭政府委任瀕危鸚鵡為代言雀 Sze 4/02/2010 2 / 8413 5/02/2010 16:38 by cteddy
  明報周刊 << 人。鳥。城 >> (05Dec2009) Sze 6/12/2009 2 / 7008 2/02/2010 22:37 by Sze
Icon21 特首的網誌 blog of Chief Executive lalan 27/01/2010 4 / 13065 1/02/2010 02:43 by Sze
  Cormorants between Deep Bay and Starling Inlet 到沙頭角海覓食的鸕鶿 wcaptain 25/01/2010 2 / 8108 25/01/2010 20:18 by Sze
  Merry Christmas and Happy New Year 恭祝聖誕及新年快樂! hetta 24/12/2009 6 / 11389 25/12/2009 06:07 by hetta
  Image Quality Darwin 23/12/2009 1 / 6930 23/12/2009 10:59 by dick
  Message from Vietnam HKBWS WY 7/12/2009 2 / 7412 8/12/2009 14:53 by HFCheung
  鳥類辨認遊戲 Bird ID Game HKBWS Bonnie 7/12/2009 1 / 8603 7/12/2009 13:39 by Late
  林超英先生到講東講西講觀鳥兼上志雲飯局 HKBWS WY 25/11/2009 0 / 6158 25/11/2009 12:58 by HKBWS WY
  雲之南觀鳥節觀鳥賽2009 Attachment HKBWS Bonnie 10/11/2009 0 / 5610 10/11/2009 18:08 by HKBWS Bonnie
  Bird-list of HK bird watching sites HFCheung 19/10/2009 2 / 6686 20/10/2009 15:19 by HFCheung
  Startling starlings fly over China's Wuhan city HKBWS WY 19/10/2009 0 / 5964 19/10/2009 10:58 by HKBWS WY
  香港鳥類圖鑑更正啟示 HFCheung 13/10/2009 0 / 5841 13/10/2009 14:37 by HFCheung
  中秋好事連連 HFCheung 6/10/2009 5 / 9187 7/10/2009 17:10 by HKBWS WY
  Out of hospital HFCheung 30/08/2009 2 / 6937 1/09/2009 01:48 by mbill
  Olive-backed Flycatcher photo needed HFCheung 19/08/2009 0 / 5690 19/08/2009 15:21 by HFCheung
  明報觀鳥系列 - 秋季遷徙鳥 Article of autumn migrants in Mingpao HKBWS Bonnie 14/08/2009 2 / 8683 16/08/2009 23:33 by Sze
  下載各類鳥類報告 Downloading different types of bird reports HKBWS Bonnie 2/04/2009 2 / 19963 10/08/2009 11:12 by HKBWS WY
  Proof readers wanted HFCheung 20/07/2009 4 / 7587 21/07/2009 22:44 by mchristine
  “中國鳥類攝影展”作品徵集通知 HKBWS Bonnie 22/06/2009 3 / 10270 27/06/2009 12:48 by cywong
  蓮花山觀鳥+攝影大賽 Bird race and photo competition in Lianhuashan Attachment HKBWS Bonnie 6/04/2009 4 / 12497 24/06/2009 10:31 by HKBWS Bonnie
  Wind farm at Ninepins 果洲群島風電塲環評報告 HFCheung 16/06/2009 7 / 17003 19/06/2009 17:07 by wmartin
  Grey-faced Buzzard - Satellite Tracking wgeoff 13/06/2009 2 / 9595 14/06/2009 13:45 by wgeoff
  大澳的家燕 mbill 21/04/2009 0 / 6425 21/04/2009 23:47 by mbill
  丹東觀鳥節邀請 Invitation from Dandong Bird Festival HKBWS Bonnie 26/03/2009 2 / 7830 27/03/2009 10:58 by HKBWS Bonnie
  建議增設網上或PPS或ATM付款方式 puppymic 17/03/2009 5 / 9587 18/03/2009 00:49 by HKBWS Vicky
  BBC Wild China 《發現新大陸》 HFCheung 29/08/2008 18 / 24027 14/02/2009 18:24 by handrew
  深圳福田记录一只卷羽鹈鹕 A Dalmatian Pelican in Shenzhen HKBWS Bonnie 13/02/2009 0 / 7090 13/02/2009 11:52 by HKBWS Bonnie
  Hong Kong Birds for Kids sticker book HKBWS WY 15/07/2008 1 / 8312 12/02/2009 15:01 by HKBWS WY
Icon24 米埔牛女牛年祝大家~~! Best wishes for the CNY from someone at Mai Po Attachment 深藍-Owen 26/01/2009 2 / 8132 5/02/2009 11:46 by kowinghay
  新年賀卡 New year card Attachment HKBWS Bonnie 23/01/2009 0 / 9258 23/01/2009 15:40 by HKBWS Bonnie
  The proposed geological park HFCheung 21/01/2009 2 / 8773 22/01/2009 10:44 by tbob
  Birding companion HKBWS WY 16/12/2008 0 / 6557 16/12/2008 19:06 by HKBWS WY
  第二届贵州草海观鸟赛 HKBWS Bonnie 8/12/2008 0 / 8350 8/12/2008 17:41 by HKBWS Bonnie
  Mikania in Tai Po Kau Attachment HFCheung 11/11/2008 5 / 9935 22/11/2008 15:41 by HFCheung
  影鷹鴞小感 Disturbance to a Sleepy Brown Hawk Owl twaiyi 22/11/2008 1 / 7604 22/11/2008 14:55 by HFCheung
  「百鳥集」DVD隆重推出!! DVD "A Century of Birds"!! Attachment HKBWS Bonnie 17/07/2008 12 / 19351 17/11/2008 17:26 by HKBWS WY
  The Amazing Lyrebird of Australia - unseen footage John Holmes 6/11/2008 4 / 9460 9/11/2008 06:58 by John Holmes
  Birder Visiting HK HKBWS WY 4/11/2008 0 / 6470 4/11/2008 10:35 by HKBWS WY
  Bird hunting in China Mainland HFCheung 31/10/2008 0 / 7285 31/10/2008 20:15 by HFCheung
  《中國鳥類觀察》 China Bird Watch Attachment HKBWS Bonnie 17/10/2008 0 / 7901 17/10/2008 12:22 by HKBWS Bonnie
  福建省第二届观鸟比赛邀请 HKBWS Bonnie 13/10/2008 0 / 8051 13/10/2008 11:15 by HKBWS Bonnie
  HK bird audio clips? ajosh 8/09/2008 5 / 9312 9/09/2008 22:43 by puppymic
Icon22 「百鳥集」DVD報章報導 (經濟日報) hoyeung 25/08/2008 1 / 6884 25/08/2008 22:56 by hoyeung
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