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New Portal/Forum 新會員網頁/討論區

Please write down your comments, bugs or wish-list, etc here 請寫下你的意見、建議及發現到的臭蟲

56 205 Information about birdwatching in Macau by parrotkeen - 17/10/2022 19:37

Volunteers Wanted! 義工招募

Recruitment of Volunteers / Say thank you to our volunteers 招募義工 / 感謝各義工的幫助

2 23 徵求觀鳥領隊 Outing leaders wanted by lchunfai - 16/08/2008 13:56
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Let's Chirp 百鳥共鳴

    Subject Author Replies/Views Last Post
Icon22 「百鳥集」DVD報章報導 (經濟日報) hoyeung 25/08/2008 1 / 6917 25/08/2008 22:56 by hoyeung
  傳媒報導 / 訪問香港觀鳥會有關的事 Media Report / Interview HFCheung 15/08/2008 4 / 10147 18/08/2008 11:56 by HKBWS Bonnie
  HK bird photo 本港鳥類照片 HFCheung 4/08/2008 0 / 12203 4/08/2008 22:17 by HFCheung
  The Birds of Beas River Country Club 上水雙魚河鄉村俱樂部鳥類名錄 Attachment HKBWS WY 31/07/2008 0 / 13692 31/07/2008 17:14 by HKBWS WY
  百鳥集記者會 mbill 24/07/2008 2 / 9708 24/07/2008 13:14 by lchunfai
  小行星以我們的榮譽會長命名 A minor planet - our Honorary President HKBWS Bonnie 15/07/2008 5 / 12317 17/07/2008 21:45 by BWA
  荔枝角公園隨想 - a story in Lai Chi Kok Park gary 27/11/2007 24 / 25796 27/11/2007 21:05 by gary
  Visitor from France Looking for Birdwatching Companion on 7/10/07 BWA 8/09/2007 1 / 7165 8/09/2007 00:11 by BWA
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