鄉郊地區觀鳥 注意事項
1. 尊重私人產業、風俗及文化:
- 鄉郊地區的土地大都屬私人擁有,請尊重當地居民、其私人產業及財物,切勿破壞任何物件及農作物
- 如當地村民或農友提出要求,鳥友必需盡快離開,以免引起農友和村民不滿
- 祠堂、廟宇及墓地等建築及設置乃鄉郊地區風俗文化重要的元素,請不要隨便進入及注意言行,亦不要踩踏先人的墓地
- 避免進入鄉村村屋之間的小巷,以免打擾村民生活
- 保持地方清潔,切勿吸煙或亂拋垃圾
- 保持鄉郊的寧靜環境,切勿喧嘩
2. 愛惜農作物
- 農田是農友為生地方,請勿走到農地中,請勿踐踏及破壞農作物
- 農田的四周及路旁也會種植農作物,故在田間小路行走時敬請小心以免踐踏路旁農作物
- 不要因為路窄而走到農田中,如遇路窄或有阻礙物,請繞路而行,不要嘗試跨過,以免造成不必要損失
- 亦不應該走到那些已收割的農田上,以免破壞農田結構
- (在塱原)部份稻米田中間可能會有一些很窄的田埂,但這些是農友有特別的用途,不是給人們使用或行走的
- 不要隨便移動農友的物件,亦不應擅自將樹枝、石頭等東西放置在農田中或田壆上,以免影響耕作活動或引起危險
3. 駕車及泊車
- 鄉郊地區行車路多為單線雙程行車,在狹窄的路上請互相禮讓及遷就
- 盡量使用停車場或設有咪表的泊車位,否則盡量停泊於空曠的地方或寬闊的馬路旁
- 留意你泊車的位置會否阻礙其他車輛出入,或甚至不自覺地佔用了村民的泊車位(因這些泊車位不一定很明顯)
- 泊車後,請將聯絡電話張貼於擋風玻璃前或當眼處,以便有需要時可以聯絡車主
Important Note for Birding in Rural Area
In birding season, birders and bird photographers may visit rural area to watch and photograph birds. However, as most rural areas are private properties, please take extra cautions when birding there. A note is developed in addition to our “Code of Conduct for Birdwatching and Bird Photography” for your action:
1. Respect private properties, local custom and culture:
- Most of the lands in rural area are privately owned. Please respect local residents, their private properties and belongings. Do not damage any property and crops in the field.
- If requested by villagers or farmers, birders should leave the area as soon as possible to avoid causing any discontentment.
- Ancestral shrine, temple and cemetery are important elements of local culture and custom. Do not enter these architectures without permission. Do not step on cemetery. Behave decently.
- Do not enter alleyway between houses so as to minimize disturbance to daily life of residents.
- Keep the area clean. Do not smoke or litter.
- Keep quiet and avoid making noise.
2. Protect crops in the field
- Farmers rely on farmlands for their livings. Do not walk into farmlands. Do not step on or damage crops.
- Farmers plant crops around their farmlands (e.g. on bunds); so please be careful when you are walking around. Do not step on the crops.
- Do not walk into the farmlands when the path is blocked. When the path is blocked, please use another one. To avoid causing unnecessary lost, do not try to pass through the barrier.
- Do not walk on those harvested farmlands to avoid disturbance.
- Do not walk on narrow bunds between rice paddies (in Long Valley) since these bunds are made for special purposes and for farmers' use only.
- Do not move or relocate farmer’s tool or belongings. Do not put any stuff, e.g. branch or stone, onto farmlands or bunds because it may hinder cultivation activity and put farmers in danger.
3. Driving & Parking
- Roads in rural area are usually narrow and single two way, please be patient and be considerate to oncoming cars on a narrow road.
- Try to use public car parks or on-street parking with meters if possible; otherwise, try to park your car in open area or at broad roadside.
- After parking the car, pay attention to whether the vehicle has obstructed the traffic or occupied residents’ parking spaces because parking spaces are not always apparent in rural area.
- Place your contact number in front of the windscreen for emergency contact.
Code of Conduct for Birdwatching and Photography》