如活動當天早上7:00天文台仍然懸掛三號或以上「熱帶氣旋警告訊號」、紅色或黑色「暴雨警告訊號」,當日活動將會取消。如活動進行中天文台發出「雷暴警告」,領隊會視乎情況決定是否繼續或取消其餘行程。如活動當日遇上有關天氣問題,可致電 9457 3196 向當天領隊查詢。
Adverse weather arrangement:
When Tropical Cyclone Warning Signal No.3 or above or Rainstorm Warnings Red or Black are hoisted by the Hong Kong Observatory at 7:00 am on the event day, the activity will be cancelled. If Thunderstorm Warning is announced during the activity, Team Leader will decide if the activity should be continued or cancelled. You can call the team leader at 9457 3196 during the event day if you have any query about the weather.