
[Outing] 18/10/2009 蒲台及南面水域觀鳥活動 Po Toi and South Waters outing

18/10/2009 蒲台及南面水域觀鳥活動 Po Toi and South Waters outing

18/10/2009 蒲台及香港南面水域觀鳥活動 Po Toi and HK South Waters outing

Date: 18/10/2009 Sunday
Time: 08:00 - 16:00
Gathering Time & Place: 08:00 Hang Seng Bank inside Sai Wan Ho MTR Station
Fare: HK$160/Member; HK$200/Non-member
Target Species: Seabirds

Limited to 50 participants only - please return the registration form together with the fare to HKBWS Office for registration.

We will confirm the participants about 5 days before the outing whether their reservation application is accepted or not. All the registered participants are required to pay the prescribed fare, no matter they can attend the outing or not. Withdrawal must be raised at least ONE week before the activity, otherwise, no refund will be made. If we cancel the outing due to inclement weather or special reason, the paid fare will be refunded to the participants.

The Activiites Enquiry Hotline / for contacting outing leaders on the event date only: 9457 3196.

The Hong Kong Bird Watching Society shall have no responsibility, financial or otherwise, for expenditure or other liabilities arising from the activities.

集合地點:08:00 西灣河地鐵站恆生銀行

名額只限50位,請把報名表格連同費用寄/交回香港觀鳥會辦公室報名參加 (本會會員有優先參與權利)


活動查詢熱線/當天與領隊聯絡電話:9457 3196



9-12報名表格_outing_registration_form.pdf (129.53 KB)

28/09/2009 13:05, Downloaded count: 613


活動尚有名額, 歡迎報名參加。
There are still vacancies, please feel free to join.


Outing report

Thanks to many birdwatchers who had helped, like Jemi, Bill, Peter, the other Peter, Fai, the other Fai ...
Here is the bird list of that day.

HKBWS outing to Po Toi, 18 Oct 2009, sunny, strong wind on the sea                       
Sp. No.        中文名稱        Common Name        Site
018        小白鷺        Little Egret        Sai Wan Ho
020        岩鷺        Pacific Reef Egret        Tsing Chau
024        夜鷺        Black-crowned Night Heron        Sai Wan Ho
067        黑鳶        Black Kite        Po Toi
069        白腹海雕        White-bellied Sea Eagle        Tsing Chau
078        松雀鷹        Besra        Po Toi
191        原鴿        Rock Dove        Po Toi
192        山斑鳩        Oriental Turtle Dove        Tsing Chau
194        珠頸斑鳩        Spotted Dove        Po Toi
229        普通翠鳥        Common Kingfisher        Po Toi
251        家燕        Barn Swallow        Po Toi
265        暗灰鵑鵙        Black-winged Cuckoo-shrike        Po Toi
270        紅耳鵯        Red-whiskered Bulbul        Po Toi
271        白頭鵯        Chinese Bulbul        Po Toi
297        藍磯鶇        Blue Rock Thrush        Po Toi
312        黑臉噪鶥        Masked Laughingthrush        Po Toi
345        黃腹鷦鶯        Yellow-bellied Prinia        Po Toi
347        長尾縫葉鶯        Common Tailorbird        Po Toi
349        褐柳鶯        Dusky Warbler        Po Toi
354        黃眉柳鶯        Yellow-browed Warbler        Po Toi
356        極北柳鶯        Arctic Warbler        Po Toi
357        暗綠柳鶯        Greenish Warbler        Po Toi ?
367        灰紋鶲        Grey-streaked Flycatcher        Po Toi
368        烏鶲        Dark-sided Flycatcher        Po Toi
369        北灰鶲        Asian Brown Flycatcher        Po Toi
389        大山雀        Great Tit        Po Toi
397        暗綠繡眼鳥        Japanese White-eye        Po Toi
407        栗鵐        Chestnut Bunting        Po Toi
421        斑文鳥        Scaly-breasted Munia        Po Toi
424        樹麻雀        Eurasian Tree Sparrow        Po Toi
436        八哥        Crested Myna        Po Toi
438        黑卷尾        Black Drongo        Po Toi
440        發冠卷尾        Hair-crested Drongo        Po Toi
448        白頸鴉        Collared Crow        Tsing Chau

HF Cheung

