
ID please - Black-faced bunting 灰頭鵐

ID please - Black-faced bunting 灰頭鵐

Po Toi 2011-03-26

[ 本帖最後由 madcat 於 28/03/2011 00:53 編輯 ]


20110326-DSC_6168.JPG (132.54 KB)

27/03/2011 15:55


Mad Cat The Bon
走過東南, 越過西北;  快樂短暫, 路卻漫長...


Black-faced bunting

but not sure whether it is sordida or not

[ Last edited by lchunfai at 27/03/2011 16:25 ]
I am just an inexperienced birder/ birdwatcher/ twitcher/ photographer with no long lens.


Saw this bunting today at Po Toi during the outing. Possibly a Chestnut bunting, but by looking at the book, I am more inclined towards Yellow-Breasted Bunting and it's more in season for YBB...
It seems very similar to the one found by madcat the day before...


bunting.jpg (75.7 KB)

27/03/2011 17:34



This is the same species as Madcat's bird - Black-faced Bunting as lchunfai noted. Female/immature Black-faced Buntings tend to be rather dull buntings. The most conspicuous feature (as shown in both photographs) is the whitish submoustachal stripe. This seems to  be the only bunting species on Po Toi right now.

It's still a little early for Yellow-breasted and Chestnut Bunting and I believe that Yellow-breasted Bunting is pretty rare on Po Toi, especially in spring.



Thanks David... BTW, we saw also Little buntings in Po Toi today.


Dave is exactly right.

Black-faced Buntings are the regular buntings on Po Toi in the last week of March. Little Buntings are just arriving and are regular throughout April. Chestnut Buntings are from the third week in April, as are Yellow-breasted but they are rare on Po Toi.

The attached Excel File shows the non-resident species I have seen on Po Toi for each week of the year, added together from 2006 to 2010 and colour coded. Red means seen in 4 or 5 of the years, orange for 2 or 3 of the years, yellow for 1 year and no colour for not seen in that week in any year.

Resident species are currently Pacific Reef Egret, Black Kite, Spotted Dove, Greater and Lesser Coucal, Red-whiskered and Chinese Bulbul, Long-tailed Shrike, Oriental Magpie Robin, Blue Whistling Thrush, Masked Laughingthrush, Yellow-bellied Prinia, Common Tailorbird, Crested Myna and Large-billed Crow.

Interesting to compare this with today's sightings.

[ Last edited by wgeoff at 27/03/2011 21:03 ]


Thanks all for your detailed comments.   I personally struggled between Black-faced & Yellow-breasted as Ronaldo did but now the answer is clear.

[ 本帖最後由 madcat 於 28/03/2011 10:10 編輯 ]
Mad Cat The Bon
走過東南, 越過西北;  快樂短暫, 路卻漫長...

