Original posted by HFCheung at 23/07/2009 21:16
Surely a Cormorant, not a Crow.
HF Cheung
but it doesn't look like the other cormorants seen earlier in the same waters. At the first glance, it gave me the feeling that it's a raptor (not a crow then). Since there's a size limit of 100 something for photo upload, I can't let you see the whole photo I took. There're some egrits around, so you can see that it's not as big as a grown cormorant. Of course, I don't know how a smaller one looks like. Do you mean that the one in my pic looks like that case?
Would you let me have a look of another pic of the same case?
... I understand that my pic has a very poor resolution/quality.
I've found a photo here of a great cormorant in the NaturePhoto-CZ.com, it does look similar to the bird in my pic, but they're not the same, say, the bird I saw had feathers covering the whole of its head (no exposed parts)
Last edited by butter at 29/07/2009 19:31 ]