
Flycatcher ID @ Wonderland Villas

Flycatcher ID @ Wonderland Villas

Photo taken today, an either immature or female flycatcher seen at around 3:30pm. My guess is Blue & White, but somehow the structure seems wrong for me. Also, the timing for B & W seems wrong. My other guess is juv. Fujian Niltava, which I think the bill structure fits a bit better? There was also a Verditer around the same area, but it looked slightly larger when compared to the Verditer. Just some wild guessing, so any suggestions and advice are welcome! Thanks!

[ Last edited by kmatthew at 9/12/2010 16:34 ]
As The Crow Flies- a Hong Kong Birding Blog


I have had 4 Blue-and-white Flycatchers on Po Shan Road this November and December and had the last one December 2.  I would say it is likely to be a Blue-and-white Flycatcher.


Thanks a lot Brendank!! Perhaps the pale bill makes the bill look slightly larger then usual? Either way a new species for Wonderland Villas, so 2 new species on 1 day!!
As The Crow Flies- a Hong Kong Birding Blog


I suppose it's not totally possible to rule out either Fujian Niltava or Blue-and-white Flycatchers (or Rufous-bellied) from these photos. It seems adult female Fujian should have a blue half collar but this bird I would guess is a first winter bird so I don't know that it would show that mark.

Behavior should be different.  If it was near the ground most of the time, that should favor Fujian Niltava.


It is true that it stayed near the ground, I even thought it was a Rufous-tailed Robin due to it's "tail flicking" behaviour at first sight(which I have seen with B & W before). It is a tad bit rounder then other B & W I've encountered before.

[ Last edited by kmatthew at 9/12/2010 22:07 ]
As The Crow Flies- a Hong Kong Birding Blog

