
New codes use on Hong Kong flagged shorebirds 香港水鳥腳旗新編號

New codes use on Hong Kong flagged shorebirds 香港水鳥腳旗新編號

Dear fellow birdwatchers 各位鳥友:

Thank you so much to all the birdwatchers and photographers' continue support to report sightings of our legflags to us. Your contribution is very very important for analysing the survival rate of our shorebirds, as well as understanding their local movement, particularly in the ever-changing Deep Bay Wetlands. These data are now being analysed and we will share results once they are ready.
非常感謝各位長期以來支持我們的水鳥環誌研究,持續記錄、拍攝和回報水鳥的腳旗資料。這些資料對我們了解香港水鳥的存活率, 以及了解牠們利用后海灣濕地的情況都非常重要,加上現時后海灣濕地也在經歷巨大的變化,這些資料更為重要。我們正聯同深圳的研究人員一同分析這些腳旗記錄,有結果時會跟大家分享。

Since Aug-2010, we have already flagged >3,700 shorebirds with a combination of code either with "letter_number (e.g. A3, M4)" or "letter_letter (e.g. AT, ZE)". We have just started to use "3 codes" flags on Common Redshank last Thursday with "letter + number" (e.g. A + 1, B + 7, see photo below). We are adding the "+" symbol in the middle so that we can "recycle" our old codes from the beginning, rather than creating new code system. Common Redshank and Curlew Sandpiper are our most flagged species are therefore will be carrying these 3 codes flags first.
自2010年8月起我們已為超過3700隻水鳥戴上腳旗,香港的腳旗以兩編碼組成,或是"一個英文字母和一個數字 (如A3, M4)" ,或是兩個英文字母 (如AT, ZE). 上星期四我們剛為數隻紅腳鷸戴上三編碼的腳旗,編碼為 "英文字母 +(加號) 數字" (見下圖)。這些三編碼腳旗,中間使用了 "+" 的符號,使我們能由A+0開始重新使用過往的編碼,而無需重新編輯新的序列。每年環誌數量最多的紅腳鷸和彎嘴濱鷸將會率先用上三編碼腳旗。

Thank you very much for your attention and we hope you will continue to support us by reporting your sighting here!

Waterbirds Ringing Group


Great work! Katherine.

Just a matter of curiosity, is there any reason that Common Redshanks and Curlew Sandpipers were the most-flagged species in Hong Kong?


Hi KC,

According to our tracking data, Deep Bay's Common Redshank spend a long winter here, starting as early as late July until mid-May the latest. They are only away from Hong Kong for just 2-3 months. Hence not much of a surprise that we catch lots of them throughout our catching season with more individuals get caught in autumn and a handful caught each month after that.

For Curlew Sandpiper, we usually catch good number (up to 100 in some years) in spring (Apr) as they pass through Deep Bay during spring northward migration.

Therefore they are our TOP 2!



Original posted by lkatherine at 4/03/2025 15:24
Hi KC,

According to our tracking data, Deep Bay's Common Redshank spend a long winter here, starting as early as late July until mid-May the latest. They are only away from Hong Kong for just 2-3 mon ...
Hi, Katherine, thank you for your information.

