在米埔自然保護區如遇上上述情況,請致電WWF米埔辦公室24716212 (星期一至日08:30-17:30) 或米埔訪客中心24825237 (星期一至日09:00-17:00) 與WWF職員聯絡。如非辦公時間,請依照上述指引聯絡相關政府部門或機構。
Please kindly contact WWF staff at the Mai Po Office 24716212 (Office hour 08:30-17:30 Mon-Sun) or the Mai Po Visitor Center 24825237 (Office hour 09:00-17:00 Mon-Sun) if visitor has come across any of these cases at Mai Po. If it is out of the office hour, please contact the corresponding government department/organisation as per suggested.