經過了上周的全球同步普查後,我們也收到李博士有關我們一直關注人造衛星追蹤黑臉琵鷺的近況!現在仍然有5隻衛星追蹤的黑臉琵鷺於中國大陸沿海地區活動,分別於杭州(S62, S75, S81)及福建(S71, E48)。另外有5隻在台灣活動,分別為(S21, S60, S69, S79及S80。而S73則一直逗留在日本九州的熊本縣。心水清的鳥友應該記得追蹤黑臉琵鷺還有另外數隻,當中E50及S74訊號已停止,生死未卜,而E44及E37發訊器已經損壞,未能繼續進行追蹤,最不幸的是於韓國逗留的S70及S82已經確認死亡,黑臉琵鷺於野外生存真的絕對不容易!
After the International Census last week, we got the most update news of tracking BFS! There are 5 tracking BFS staying in Mainland China coastal area, including Hangzhou((S62, S75, S81) and Fujian (S71, E48). Another 5 birds are staying in Taiwan, including (S21, S60, S69, S79 and S80). S73 keeps staying in Kumamoto, Japan for wintering. But we lost few birds already, they are E70 ans S74 which are no signals and E50 & S74 which are broken antenna. The most sad news is that 2 birds are found dead in Korea - S70 & S82, so they are really hard to live in the wild!