Original posted by ctakming at 22/03/2016 17:57 
1. The topic is originally for discussion of the feather loss and the health of the loon. Noone has given a name of those people who hired a boat for following the loon. Who changed the direction of d ...
Some interesting points you make Chief Justice Ming.
1. “The topic WAS originally for the discussion of the feather loss.”
Indeed, and by posting slightly higher resolution photos taken with a slightly longer lens than some of the others here means that I am changing the direction of the topic? Or were you referring to my reply to Kmatthew regarding the boat? If so, it maybe your style to point fingers only without evidence but it is in my interest to clarify my position. If you feel that by replying to someone’s post is incorrect than I am in the wrong.
@Geoff, my apologizes for changing the direction of your thread.
2. “The loon was not afraid of the hundreds of boats in the harbour because those boats were not chasing after it.”
Cannot agree with you more on this point, however, Kmatthew also confirmed that my boat was not the one he was referring to. But that is of course if he is not a liar and a source of information which Justice Ming deems reliable.
3. “… he decided to become one of those “disturber in the subsequent hours of the day and on the following days”
Interesting conspiracy theory but when I was on the beach, as suggested by Guy Miller, a local resident who has been observing the loon since last Monday requested, we stayed well away from the “landing zone” of the loon and in fact, I was assisting Guy Miller to clear the area in order to leave room for the bird to land if it so wished earlier that day (19th March 2016).
As for “…on the following days”, I think you might wish to check with your “reliable sources” because you may find that I was in Long Valley on the Sunday and not on Lamma Island.
4. “why his information is the only reliable source?”
I do not believe that my information is the only reliable source, I believe that the neutrals, someone not labelled as a “photographer” nor one associated with “Hong Kong Wildlife” otherwise known as “Bad Milk” to most maybe also be considered reliable. You may well find that the two accounts may well match, this would normally indicate that this was in fact the truth.
“BTW, it is difficult to have a meaningful discussion with someone who did something wrong but deny it by telling lies to other people not in the scene.”
It is also difficult to have a meaningful discussion about feather lost to a loon when all you seem to be interested is to point fingers and make false accusations.
As for your level of English, I am not an English teacher and hence do not consider myself an expert on the topic therefore will not comment.
Last edited by wilsondring at 22/03/2016 20:59 ]