
黃腰柳鶯Pallas's Leaf Warbler?

黃腰柳鶯Pallas's Leaf Warbler?

請問這是否黃腰柳鶯? Is it a Pallas's Leaf Warbler?

[ Last edited by kkchang168 at 8/03/2013 18:53 ]


another photo


No crown stripe, so it is a Yellow-browed Warbler.


The bird does show a crown stripe, in my view. It is certainly visible in the second photograph.

Besides, it shows a broad supercillium, especially in front of the eye, that looks yellowish as well, bordered by a blackish eye stripe.

All that points more to Pallas's Leaf Warbler than to Yellow-browed Warbler to me.


Thank you very much. I can tell that it has a crown stripe so I suspect that it is a Pallas's Leaf Warbler. But in "The BIRDS of HONG KONG and SOUTH CHINA", it said Yellow-Browed Warbler occasionally has a faint crown stripe, so I am not sure how to identify it. I have other photos show that it has yellow rump and it is very active too. So I think it is a Pallas's Leaf Warbler.


It"s true that Yellow-browed Warbler can sometimes show a faint crown stripe, but I think it tends to be more diffuse than in Pallas's, less prominent.

The supercillium of your bird is very broad and yellow, reaching the forehead. I would expect it to be less prominent in Yellow-browed in comparison. ... llow-browed-warbler This bird shows a diffuse crown stripe. Note the (white) supercillium in front of the eye. Same goes for the supercillium here. Compare it to this Pallas's: and also note the dark eye stripe.

But anyway, if you saw a yellow rump, that would exclude Yellow-browed all together.

