Tai Mo Shan - 6th April 2015
A fine morning, with no clouds or mist on the summit. Two individuals were heard calling from both side of the path, one of them showed extremely well for a few minutes and we were very fortunate to have views at such close range! Other birds sharing the same area were: Richard's Pipit, Blue Rock Thrush, Vinous-throated Parrotbill, Chinese Francolin, Hwamei, Yellow-bellied Prinia and a lot of Brownish-flanked Bush Warblers.
The english name change from Large Grass Warbler to Chinese Grassbird is all very well, but it seems only appropriate to change the current Chinese name of 大草鶯 to something more suitable? Since it's now known that this is not a warbler anymore...I personally like "中華草眉", which describe it's preference to tall grass, however the term "草眉" might get confused with Chinese Babax 茅紋草眉. Anyone with a suggestion?