I would like to suggest that for shots like this that you dial in more exposure compensation so that the whites don't burn up. I noticed that you have -.7 try at least -1.0, as the camera doesn't shoot raw it is virtually impossible to recover the lost detail in the white areas when shooting jpeg.
Thanks. I have been thinking that in the case of this shot, the white in there is beyond the plus-or-minus-two-and-a-half-stop limit that can be tolerated in the grey scale. As a matter of fact, I have tuned brighter the shot a little bit in order to show the details in the brown; in the original, the brown is a bit dead in texture and unrevealing in details.
Perhaps, Nikon's C8400 is a good choice for taking raw images for post treatment in order to compensate limitation imposed by the LCD monitor operating in daylight environment.