I did go birding with two of my friends in Mui Wo before. The date was 30May09. It was a hot day with highest around 30C but still we regarded it as a satisfactory day with birding record as follows:
Besra x2 (with prey) @ Luk Tei Tong
Crested Serpent Eagle x2
Crested Goshawk
Hair-crested Drongo
Black Drongo
House Swift
Large Hawk Cuckoo (heard, very close)
Indian Cuckoo (heard)
Chinese Francolin (heard)
and other common birds with a total of 32 species.
Hope the above can encourage your move to Mui Wo. Apart from marshes, there are also opened fields, abandoned cultivated farm land and also Feng Shui woodland with some small-scaled streams. I think it has potential to give you surprises.

And lastly good luck if you wanna go!