
The MP three deck tower hide facility upgrade

The MP three deck tower hide facility upgrade

The MP three deck tower hide facility upgrade

The MP three deck tower hide is due to be undergo routine maintenance starting from 14th Sep and finishing on 31st October.
This work will cover the facilities upgrading of three deck tower hide.
For this reason, the Tower Hide will be closed to visitors for this period.
We apologize for any inconvenience or disruption this may cause. If you require any further information, please telephone the WWF Mai Po Office on 6439-0461.


Tower hide 1_20200911.pdf (327.54 KB)

11/09/2020 14:58, Downloaded count: 646


Is this now an annual event? This is the third successive year that the Tower Hide has been closed in September/October. Why can't the maintenance work be done to last for several years? And why couldn't this work have been done over the summer while the pond was drained and there were fewer birds present, rather than waiting until autumn migration is underway?

WWF have been given a very large donation recently for infrastructure upgrades, wouldn't it be more sensible to do a good job to repair the existing structure for several years rather than building another identical hide next to this one that will also need similar maintenance in a few years? ... &extra=page%3D1 ... &extra=page%3D1

