
Temporarily Closure of Northern Floating Bird Hide

Temporarily Closure of Northern Floating Bird Hide

為配合觀鳥活動關係,北面浮屋將會於以下日子及時間,暫停對外開放。各觀鳥人士,敬請使用其他浮屋。不便之處,敬請見諒。如有任何查詢,請致電 6439 0461與中心職員聯絡。
訪客體驗團隊, 米埔自然保護區

Temporarily Closure of Northern Floating Bird Hide

Due to bird watching activities, Northern Floating Bird Hide will be temporarily closed as below table. To birdwatchers, please kindly use the other floating hide. We are sorry for the inconvenience caused. In case of any further enquires, please feel free to contact us at 6439 0461.
Visitor Experience Team, Mai Po Nature Reserve

Date                          Closed
1-Nov (Sun)             09:30 – 11:00
14-Nov (Sat)            10:30 – 12:00
15-Nov (Sun)           10:45 – 12:15

[ Last edited by WWF Mai Po at 10/10/2020 14:48 ]


Temporarily closure of Northern Floating Hide.pdf (412.05 KB)

10/10/2020 14:45, Downloaded count: 586


Once again WWF are closing off one of the best hides to bird watchers and photographers during the best weekend of migration. This now seems to be a regular practice.
The expect bird watchers and photographers to pay WWF membership, on the basis that this money pays for upkeep of the facilities. Yet they choose to deny access to the best facilities at the best times of year, so that they can promote themselves to non-birders.

In the past the reserve was run for the benefit of birds and bird watchers, but that seems to be less the case now.


No need continue to be a WWF member for me now!

[ 本帖最後由 ((華仔)) 於 12/10/2020 23:17 編輯 ]


WWF 又再次剝奪觀鳥者使用浮橋觀鳥屋的權利.
使用浮橋觀鳥屋的觀鳥者也是WWF會員; 對米埔保護區也算有貢獻
現時;成為WWF 會員的門檻由以往每年最低捐款$500大幅增加至每月最低捐款$150 (即每年$1800). 可是; WWF卻為"收費觀鳥活動" 而多次要犧牲眾多觀鳥者的權利.
鳥季其間; 米埔自然保護區內的每間觀鳥屋對眾多觀鳥者都是重要的.
WWF 是否認為觀鳥者為能可以使用浮橋觀鳥屋就必要成為WWF 會員不可; 所以就可以隨意的忽略, 剝奪觀鳥者的會員權利?
為了小眾而犧牲眾多本地觀鳥者的權利是不公平,不可接受。 請WWF放棄是次安排。 請WWF盡快回應。


Perhaps we should write to Hong Kong Government and ask it to take back the management of Mai Po from WWF


Not to mention the dense mangrove seedlings in front of floating hides.......


I wonder if there is any communication or negotiation between the HKBWS and WWF?

Would it be possible that this subject could be discussed in the coming AGM of the HKBWS?



米埔自然保護區是為保育而設,並非專為觀鳥而設,對像是野生動物,所以甚至可說並非為人類而設;為何有一間觀鳥屋暫時封閉就有鳥攝人對WWF作這類攻擊? 鳥攝祗是個人興趣,一年不到米埔對個人可說毫無損失,但如果管理部門放手一年不管,不難想像會有幾大影響;維持這片保護區所需經費相當巨大,除非有閣下等有證據WWF有不合法/不當行為,請不要因為有個人稍為不方便就對管理方面肆意攻擊或指WWF唯利是圖。

[ Last edited by casualife at 9/12/2020 16:59 ]


casualife, 請你了解清楚 WWF  因何? 什麼時間? 封那間鳥屋? 再指責上面各鳥友吧!
觀察鳥況, 回報新發現鳥種,環誌鳥, 舉報偷入泥灘的花魚佬………, 要集合多人的力量才有理想成績,好多鳥友這麼緊張, 並非單只為影一張 "呃like"的照片咁簡單

