縱紋角鴞 Otus brucei 的錄影片,是2004年5月19日在中國新疆·塔什庫爾干,用數碼數機接單筒望遠鏡拍攝的。
再翻書查看資料時,曾懷疑鳥種鑑別是否正確。 因一些文獻所記載的海拔高度似乎跟錄得短片地方的高度有頗大的差異。
幸好有圖鑑指出縱紋角鴞Otus brucei 與 紅角鴞 Otus scops 分辨要點。有興趣趣可詳細查看兩種角鴞的資料,比較一下。
縱紋角鴞是體形細小的淺色角鴞。全身淺沙灰色, 沒有赤褐色的色調是與其他角鴞的分別。身上佈滿深褐色幼條紋,胸腹有明顯清晰的黑褐色條紋,沒有如樹皮縱橫交錯的斑紋。臉碟較素淨,虹膜黃色、嘴深色、腳灰色。有文獻描述是惟一羽毛長及腳趾基部的本地角鴞。
縱紋角鴞也會在早上和黃昏活動和捕獵,而紅角鴞 Otus scops 是絕對限於夜間活動的貓頭鷹。
中東至巴基斯坦及中國西部;在印度西北及西部越冬。國內分佈新疆西部的昆倫山脈及喀什地區 。
The videos of the Pallid Scops Owl Otus brucei were taken on May 19, 2004 at Tashi, Kuergan, Xinjiang, China. I was once wondering if the owl was identified correctly while I was reading the guide books and the other references, some of them mentioned the range of the elevations of the species being a lot lower than where we recorded this one.
The note of what differentiate it from the similar species, Eurasian Scops Owl are are useful.
Pallid Scops Owl is a small owl with uniform pale sandy colour, lacking rufous tints. Clear dark fine streaks on the back, and greyer below with clear black streaks rather than bark-like pattern. Much plainer facial disk; yellow Iris; blackish bill; grey feet. It was mentioned as the only local scops owl with slightly feathered to the base of the toes.
Pallid Scops Owl may be also be seen hunting in early morning or later afternoon, where as Eurasian Scops is a truly nocturnal owl.
Middle East to Pakistan and W China, winters NW and W India. Recorded in W Xinjiang in Kunlun Mts and Kashi region.
Birdlife International - Species factsheet: Otus brucei
World owl trust - Pallid (Striated) Scops Owl
Mackinnon, J. and Phillipps, K, (2000) A field guide to the Birds of China UK: Oxford University Press
Rondolphe Meyer de schauensee, (1976) Birds of China USA: Smithsonian Institution Press Washington, D.C.
Konig, C. Weick, F. and Becking JH (1999) A Guide to the Owls of the World UK: Pica Press
Last edited by jemi at 2/08/2008 23:20 ]