Original posted by ajohn at 12/05/2015 23:33 
It's true that the do have a dark line on the lores (between the eye and bill). But this can fade slightly over the winter, and may not be as obvious at certain angles (especially it seems when seen f ...
Thank you for your further elaborations, ajohn. I am still not convinced that this is non breeding Greater Sand Plover, as there is literature saying that Greater (and Lesser) Sand Plover does not have the white band extending to the back neck, which is seen on this bird.
As for the leg colour of White-Faced Plover, the pinkish colour could only be seen under strong direct sunlight, which is absent in the photo. In fact, many photos of White-Faced Plover in Oriental Bird Club Image Database do not show pinkish legs.
Last edited by irsychan at 13/05/2015 09:01 ]