Original posted by coconutcat at 1/04/2016 14:04 
Mr. Miller,
Would you mind to tell me why you choose this location to wait for birds? Does this location have something special to attract birds? You always come up with nice birds!
Why I ask thes ...
Hi.... if you stay in a hide, it involves a lot of very fruitless hours, but when they arrive, you forget all about the long wait.
As to location...... I look for a place where there is no standing water, usually on the side of a north facing hill (it gets less sun & therefore more bugs under the trees), & preferably in a wooded area if you are looking for woodland migrants.
Then the thing is to put water where there is no water,,, can be as simple as a piece of tarpaulin on the ground or similar to allow you about 1" of water (can be deeper, but most birds are happy with about 1")
I have actually built a pond that is about 12'x12' from a mixture of clay & cement & varies between 1"-3" deep with water circulating through a pump.
But mine is a long term project & is in my garden.
This was the first migration year & I did not complete till 1st October 2015.
The last pond I built got many more birds in the second & subsequent years.
Then you need a hide... can be bought portable one or even just a mosquito net dyed brown/green... then just sit very still & wait with plenty of water & lotsa snacks that don't make a noise when you eat them
I hope this is of help... but if you need any other instruction please feel free to contact me.
Good luck, Guy