In May/June 2016, I had a 25 days sightseeing trip in Tibet, very happy to watch some birds at some sightseeing points.
Here is the route of the trip. ([url]https://zh.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E6%8B%89%E8%90%A8%E5%B8%82#/media/File

28〜300/ 3.5〜5.6(感謝Mon借我此鏡頭)。由於焦距和鏡頭對焦速度的限制, 抱歉照片質量拍得不好 (更可憐的是,七名成員中唯我一位是觀鳥者)。
All the birds photos were taken by Nikon D800 + Nikon
28~300/3.5~5.6 (Thanks Mon lending me the lens) . Limited by focal length and focusing speed of the lens, sorry for the poor photos quality (Pity me, the only birdswatcher out of seven team members).
位置 A Location A : 布達拉宮廣場/公園 Photos taken at Potala Plazza/Park
棕頭鷗 Brown-headed Gull
家鴨 (?) Domestic duck (?)
山斑鳩 Oriental Turtle Dove
赤麻鴨 Ruddy Shelduck
綠頭鴨 Mallard
鳳頭鸊鷉 Great Crested Grebe
Last edited by 9Wi at 1/07/2016 12:43 ]