香港觀鳥會反對通過沙螺洞試驗計劃環評報告 HKBWS objects to the approval of the Sha Lo Tung EIA report
HKBWS's Official Submission 以下是本會提交的正式意見:
HKBWS_comment_EIA192_2010.pdf (151.04 KB)
We object to the approval of the Sha Lo Tung PPP EIA report based on the following reasons:
1. The proposed development will cause adverse environmental impact, especially ecological, to Sha Lo Tung;
2. The EIA report conceals that there will be impacts to bird species of conservation interest (including Chinese Grassbird), and a specific conservation programme for birds is absent;
3. The proposed Sha Lo Tung Road expansion would introduce enourmous development pressure;
4. The large number of visitors brought by the proposed development would introduce disturbances to biodiversity in the area;
5. The EIA report conceals that there will be adverse environmental impacts (air, noise and visual) on recreational hikers using Sha Lo Tung Road / nearby trail to Fung Yuen);
6. There will be adverse environmental impact introduced by the proposed development, however the EIA report fails to proof that the mitigation measures are practicable, effective and reliable. No real alternatives, such as moving the columbarium complex to the lower part of Sha Lo Tung Road, were suggested.
7. The EIA report does not fulfill the requirements of the EIAO and its Technical Memorandum, based on the above.
1. 擬議發展會對沙羅洞的環境, 特別是生態價值做成嚴重影響;
2. 報告隱瞞對一些有保育價值雀鳥(包括大草鶯)的影響, 亦未為雀鳥制訂保育計劃;
3. 擴闊沙羅洞路會為沙羅洞帶來巨大發展壓力;
4. 擬議發展會為沙羅洞帶來龐大人流, 對當地生態造成騷擾;
5. 報告隱瞞有關發展會對使用沙羅洞路(或附近往鳳園行山徑)的行山人任造成巨大空氣、嘈音及景觀污染;
6. 擬議發展地點帶來以上各種環境問題,報告亦未能證明各項緩解措施可靠、可行及有效,卻未有提出真正替代方案(如將骨灰龕移往沙羅洞路較低的位置)。
7. 綜合以上各點, 報告並不符合環評條例及技術備忘錄要求。