On Saturday 9th April, one floating hide overlooking the Bay will be closed off to the public in order to facilitate a WWF tour. The hide is marked in red on the map below.
If you visit the Reserve on that day, please use the other 3 hides which are marked in green.
Thank you for your cooperation.
Mai Po Office 2471-6212
在4月9日 (星期六)當天,本會其中一間在泥灘的觀鳥浮屋 (紅色標記示) 將會暫時關閉,以供本會導賞團使用。
若閣下剛巧親臨保護區,請使用其餘3間的觀鳥浮屋 (綠色標記示)。
米埔辦公室 2471-6212
Last edited by WWF Mai Po at 31/03/2011 19:10 ]