銀瓶山森林公園位於東莞,距大埔滘(直線)55km。該園分南 (清溪片) 及北 (謝崗片) 兩區,兩區中間為銀瓶山 (890米高) 。本次到訪為北區,樹林為較初階的次生林,有點像大潭/香港仔水塘一帶的次生林。正在開花中的吊鐘王常見於小徑兩旁,可能是人工種植。大樹(>300mm直徑)只在山上600米高地方看到。400米高左右見到荒廢石牆,可能是昔日茶田,證明該區可能很早前樹林已被砍伐。另森林公園有一展示牌說明這區曾有雕鴞、綠皇鳩及白頸長尾雉 (!?)。樹林狀況詳見 ... 09-7791.2013.04.015
華南瀕危動物研究所曾在2010年左右調查此處鳥類,共紀錄105種鳥。見 <东莞市银瓶山自然保护区动物多样性与保护> 一書
觀察時間: 二零一五年二月二十一日上午九時十五分至三時半左右。與另一觀鳥者從羅湖乘火車至樟木頭 (20分鐘;RMB39.5),再轉的士 (15分鐘;RMB70)。森林公園外圍有一檢查站,司機誤會之後路段為封閉路區,我們下車後才知要行3km路才是正式入口 (浪費了半小時)。到達入口可坐穿梭小車至上山小徑起點 (2km左右,RMB8) 。上山取主小徑,下山則將軍小徑(小D人)。起點高度為230米,小徑全長約5km,頭3.5km斜度還可,後1.5至山頂就好斜,兼冇雀,可不去。由於是年初三,遊人超多 (每分鐘有40人在你身邊經過) ,相信影響本次鳥類紀錄頗大。
這次共紀錄34種鳥。常見鳥(全程碰到多過10次)是相思,叉尾太陽鳥,高雞冠,栗翅短腳鵯及紅咀相思,之後(5-9次)為大山雀,山椒鳥,橙腹葉鵯及綠翅短腳鵯。特別鳥為灰背燕尾。奇怪沒有太多柳鶯,噪鶥之類的鳥(除紅咀相思外) 更是欠奉。
The Yin Ping Shan Forest Park is situated in Dongguan. The northern side is called the Xiegang section and the southern side is called the Qingxi Section (named after its nearby towns). The peak (890m high) is in between these two sections. The forest is a young secondary forest, something like those around Tai Tam / Aberdeen Reservoir. Rhodoleia championii were flowering (quite common along the trail, probably planted). Large trees (trunk diameter >300mm) were mostly found on upper part over 600 m. Walled terraces were found around 400 m asl, probably were once terraced tea areas. If so, the deforestation may take place earlier than 1949. According to a signage, the Eagle Owl, Green Imperial Pigeon and Elliot’s Pheasant (!?) were once recorded at this area. Details about the forest can be viewed at ... 09-7791.2013.04.015
The South China Institute of Endangered Animals recorded 105 bird species around 2010. The results were published at this book <东莞市银瓶山自然保护区动物多样性与保护>
We (myself and another birder) visited this Forest Park (about 55 km away fr Tai Po Kau) on 21 Feb 2015. We took train from Lowu to Zangmutou (20 mins, RMB 39.5) and then taxi (15 mins, RMB 70). The main entrance is 3 km after the checkpoint (the taxi driver did not know this and we have to walk this 3 km distance). After entering into the forest park, you could take shuttles (5 mins, RMB 8) to the starting point of the uphill trail. The uphill trail is about 5 km long, the first 3.5 km is ok but the rest one to the top 890m is very steep and birdless. When downhill, we took another trail which is quieter than the main trail.
Ying Ping Shan is a popular hiking spot and thousands of people were with us during our visit (like Ocean Park on the 3rd day of CNY). In general, we found 34 birds (a lot of them are not forest birds). The most frequently encountered birds (seen more than 10 times during the trip) are white-eye, fork-tailed sunbird, red-whiskered bulbuls, Chestnut bulbuls and Red-billed Leiothrix. After that are Great Tit, Minivets, Orange-bellied Leafbird and Mountain Bulbul (seen 5 -9 times). The only highlight is a slaty-backed Forktail. It was found at a gentle stream (not much water, like those on Lantau/Sai Kung). The difference is most such streams in HK are quite steep but this one is gentle.
Last edited by wcaptain at 23/02/2015 16:20 ]