Collared Crow and a Marsh Sandpiper
19th Nov 2017
Mai Po
D850 + 1.4x + 600/4 + tripod
Beware the following bloody photos which may not suitable for child.
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john yu, 於 Flickr
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john yu, 於 Flickr
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john yu, 於 Flickr
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john yu, 於 Flickr
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john yu, 於 Flickr
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john yu, 於 Flickr
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john yu, 於 Flickr
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john yu, 於 Flickr
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john yu, 於 Flickr
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john yu, 於 Flickr
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john yu, 於 Flickr
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john yu, 於 Flickr
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john yu, 於 Flickr
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john yu, 於 Flickr
_DSC5563abcdef by
john yu, 於 Flickr