本港稀有的Glossy Ibis 已逗留一段時間,期間鳥友定必拍下不少照片,其中可能有牠們的獵物的相片。希望鳥友能撥冗番看並post 此類相片,以便了解牠們的食性,供本港濕地管理人員參考
The locally rare Glossy Ibises have stayed hk for a while. A lot of photos should be taken. In order to understand their food habit, and then provide useful info for local wetland management, we would be most grateful if photos containing their prey items can be posted for sharing.
By Henry Lui - Snail Type 1
20190410_123951 by
Captain, on Flickr
20190410_123951 a by
Captain, on Flickr
BY Henry Lui - insect larvae?
20190410_123941 - b by
Captain, on Flickr
20190410_123941 a by
Captain, on Flickr
By Captain Wong - annelid worm?
160A4692a by
Captain, on Flickr
160A4692 by
Captain, on Flickr