
提交2024年觀鳥記錄 Submission of 2024 bird records

This topic has been sticky by HKBWS Tung at 31/01/2025 19:27.

提交2024年觀鳥記錄 Submission of 2024 bird records

香港觀鳥會每年都會在《香港鳥類報告》中彙編和發佈全面的鳥類記錄。為了簡化記錄保存過程,本會鼓勵觀鳥者通過填寫標準化記錄表來提交鳥類記錄。此記錄表「2024_Records.xls」可在此處下載。完成後,請通過電子郵件將其提交給香港觀鳥會記錄委員會 (recorder @中間沒有空格)。此外,如果會員們使用 eBird 來整理你的觀鳥記錄,我們鼓勵你把數據設定為公開。這些公開的 eBird 數據也將收集起來,以納入《香港鳥類報告》。你的貢獻將為協會在鳥類保護和研究方面的持續努力做出重大貢獻。

The Hong Kong Bird Watching Society annually compiles and publishes comprehensive bird records in the “Hong Kong Bird Report.” To streamline the record-keeping process, the society encourages birdwatchers to submit bird records by completing a standardized record form. This record form, “2024_Records.xls,” can be downloaded here. Once completed, kindly submit this in an email to the HKBWS Record Committee (recorder @ (no space between). Additionally, if you are using eBird for maintaining your birdwatching records, you are encouraged to make your data publicly accessible. This open eBird data will also be collected for inclusion in the Hong Kong Bird Report. Your contribution will significantly contribute to the Society’s ongoing efforts in bird conservation and research.


2024_Records.xlsx (277 KB)

31/01/2025 19:26, Downloaded count: 81


How about 'iNaturalist'? Will you consider the records of it?

